Tomb of the Iron Medusa


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I am prepping this module and am almost done doing so but I stumbled across a little oddity:

I cannot, for the life of me, find anything in the module about the secret door leading to M6 (you know, the BBEG room). I would assume a DC 30 Perception check because that's what most of the other secret doors ask for but I am wondering if I missed something.

Also, if I read this correctly, there is a chance that the PCs might bypass almost the entire adventure and go straight to the final confrontation if they just notice one little thing.

Is that the intention?

Hi @Nullpunkt, I know its been years since you posted the question but how did it go when you ran it ? (Im just about to) I'm presuming you were talking about the fact they could just straight to the lower levels M

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