Little Red Goblin Games |

I'm echoing our homebrewed free content we developed to bring awareness to our charity sale happening on January 1st! All proceeds from our “One Day” sale will go to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital!
Anyway, we took a look at what a human-centric prestige class could be like.
Thoughts? Kudos? Feedback?
If you missed last week: The Nation of Joe

Gulian |
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I thoroughly like the flavor you are going for with this!
I don't have a lot of experience with Prestiege classes, but I can see this class is intended to be taken by a fighter rather than any other class.
I think the class has too many immunities, though. It makes the class feel a bit clunky to me, especially because you have to spend points for it. If I may suggest, a more interesting mechanic may be increasing the triumph points required for these immunities to an amount that would essentially exhaust an Imperial Warrior's triumph pointlresource entirely, so that the player has a choice between rerolls and a superb list of immunities.
The fact that the prereqs are quite steep are made up for with the stat bonuses, which are gorgeous, though. since it's clearly directed at a fighter, perhaps you could include Weapon Training (bastard sword) into the list of prereqs either as an addition and/or weapon focus.

Aku-Arkaine |
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Something I've noticed about Pathfinder classes is that they usually have some kind of capstone ability acquired when completing their progression. Not a hard rule by any measure, but it does seem like your class could benefit from changing when abilities are gained so it can have that capstone.
I love the flavor of the class, it's so fluffy.

Little Red Goblin Games |

Glad you guys liked the fluff!
So those immunities are no more than you can get out of paladin and/or monk (probably with a lower level). You start with the ability to re-roll saves but later on gain the ability to diminish your ability to re-roll for immunity to certain things.
And regarding the capstone, yeah we normally add one. However, with your training culminating at 10th, your 3rd “perfection” at 9th, and your 3rd immunity at 8th we were hesitant to give them something as a capstone. There was talk of adding a auto-confirmation with bastard swords. Thoughts?

Gulian |

I think you should leave auto-confirming to fighters and their capstone. That seems to be their shtick.
Indeed you may get such immunities from a monk or a paladin, but you can't quite get rerolls from them along with full bab. So, I still Hope that you consider the "trade off" mechanic with the immunities. Perhaps bumping up the triumph cost to at least 2 or 3 points.
Also, purely from a flavor perspective, perhaps good fortitude saves could be considered in tandem with the cost increase of immunities?