Player LFG for an AP but not


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I am an experienced Pathfinder player now, and want to step up and join another game, but I see here that most "online campaigns" listed in this site are play-by-post. I currently play Monday nights in a Carrion Crown AP, and I love the play-by-skype on Roll20. (Voice is important in RPing).

However, I am having a hard time finding another game to join, and was wondering if there were any other sites similar to Roll20, or a recruitment section on this here Paizo site I am missing? I love the way roll20 has a ton of visual stuff, and would be interested in joining an AP on Friday nights (to keep me off the streets).

I would love to join a Council of Thieves, Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, Iron Godsor really ANY AP aside from Runelords (I read some of it).

Is there any other sites similar to roll20 that allow for this sort of play?

Is this the right spot for that sort of question?

Hey laz,

I'm in a group that runs the type of games your looking for, online but with scheduled sessions just like an in person around the table type of game. We've used roll20 on occasion but mostly we use a program called maptools instead with skype used for voice. We don't have anything going on fridays atm but if your free and interested I'm running Reign of winter on sundays at 6pm mountain standard time, session length is around 4 hours give or take.

If your interested in the current game or just wanna be on the list next time we start a campaign hit me with a private message with your skype name and we can hammer out some details.


Hey psy i dropped you a private message. not trying to snipe OP's spot but if he cant play sunday nights would work great for me. :)

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