Citizens of Aragon Meeting October 31. 8:00 PM EST

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Citizens Meeting is called to convene on October 31, 2014 @ 8:00 PM EST and conclude whenever the participants feel it is over.

Location: The UnNamed Company's TS3 Server

All members of Charter and Sponsored Companies should attend. All individuals who intend to play PFO and will be interested in joining Aragon as an independent citizen, should likewise attend.

If you can not attend, please provide a list of questions or concerns ahead of time, and they will be addressed during the meeting.

The results of the meeting and the recording will be presented to the Aragonian community.

Primary Agenda Items:

1. Aragon: Settlement description (focus) and role in the River Kingdoms

2. Settlement Structures (game mechanic) through various stages:

A. Early Enrollment

B. War of Towers

C. Post Cataclysm Plans

3. Company Structure Post Cataclysm

4. Aragon Governance

5. Aragon Foreign Relations (Present relations and Future relations)

A. Nation of Kathalphas (Aragon + Freevale)

B. Northern Coalition

C. Future Relations

Goblin Squad Member

TS I assume?

Goblin Squad Member

Schedim wrote:
TS I assume?

Yes, in our TS

Goblin Squad Member

I must have been blind that didn't see that when I read it the first time, anyway, the time really suits me bad as I probably have to work on friday, and it will be after midnight here... So I have to pass ...

Goblin Squad Member

sent you a pm bludd.

Goblin Squad Member

The meeting is still on, contact us if you wish to attend.

Goblin Squad Member

We have also had several people ask to attend, that are not formally citizens of Aragon or members of companies looking to join a settlement.

I will look into setting a temporary password or public access meeting hall so that those select few may attend. Space is limited to 50, and if all of just the UNC turns out, we will fill the room. Fortunately I believe most of our TT groups take place on Thursdays and Saturdays.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll try to pop by, but if I begin to snore you are free to kick me :-)

Goblin Squad Member

Schedim wrote:
I'll try to pop by, but if I begin to snore you are free to kick me :-)

We will record the meeting for you EU citizens.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Meeting is still on schedule. Recording for our Aussie, and EU friends will be made available.

Goblin Squad Member

bludd will be back on active duty on monday if i could also get that recording also to catch up to speed.

Goblin Squad Member

talonfox wrote:
bludd will be back on active duty on monday if i could also get that recording also to catch up to speed.

Great to hear Talonfox.

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