[PbP / Google Drawings] AP #69 - RoW3- Maiden, Mother, Crone - 1 Nov 2014

Online Play

Grand Lodge 2/5

This game will be run as a sanctioned module for PFS PBP Game Day 3. As a result, only PFS characters from level 8 to level 10 can apply.

The game will begin on 1 November 2014.


Following a daring raid by a team of Pathfinders on the city of Whitethrone in the midst of a political upheaval, the Pathfinder society now finds itself in possession of the fabled Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. However, there is no time for study, not only because the hut itself is alive and has a mind of its own. Queen Elvanna of Irrisen has set in motion a series of events that threaten to cover all of Golarion in an eternal winter, and the Pathfinder Society has taken it upon itself to find Baba Yaga so she can deal with her errant descendant!

Master of Spells Aram Zey has divined that the keys retrieved by the previous team of pathfinders will bring the hut, and the Pathfinders within, to the distant land of Iobaria, to the entrance of one of three immense and mystically linked dungeons constructed by Baba Yaga herself. He is confident that the Queen of Witches has hidden the next clues to her whereabouts within those dungeons, as well as the means to get there.

Zey now scrutinises the list of available Pathfinder agents, hoping he can find enough available agents with enough skill and ability to perform the task...and survive.


Sign up here.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Current roster:
Subject 42 - Magus 9
Alden Helpinghand - Cavalier5/Fighter2/Golden Legionnaire 1
Exiel - Sorcerer/Oracle/Paladin 9

Since this is effectively a Tier 8-10 module, we can't supplement the party with a pregen, so we will need 1 more sign up for a legal table.

More sign ups than that will also be welcome.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Room for one more.

Gameplay thread has been opened for introductions and preliminary briefing only. Gameplay proper will not start till 1 November 2014.

Current roster:
Subject 42 - Magus 9
Alden Helpinghand[/b[ - Cavalier5/Fighter2/Golden Legionnaire 1
- Sorcerer/Oracle/Paladin 9
Ka Jinsa - Sacred Fist 8
Constantin Vladescu - Oracle 8

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