Shaman: Extra Hex and non-spirit-specific hexes?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

33 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

In the Advanced Class Guide, the Extra Hex feat has been updated to have the following wording (emphasis mine):

Extra Hex wrote:
You gain one additional hex. You must meet the prerequisites for this hex. If you are a shaman, it must be a hex granted by your spirit rather than one from a wandering spirit.

By RAW, that would rule out taking one of the non-spirit-specific hexes available to all shamans, but it reads like it's only meant to rule out hexes from wandering spirits. FAQ?

Yeah I saw that it seemed to exclude normal shaman hexes as well the only justification for being able to pick them by raw is that the way hexes for shamans read is they are all in one pool of available hexes, eg read how the spirits add to your available hexes.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The issue is compounded by the various archetypes that grant shaman hexes. Some require that the hex be taken from those granted by your chosen spirit or equivalent, while others also mention the generally available shaman hexes. So the question then becomes, if generally available hexes are not mentioned, does the archetype or feat in question let you select one of them?

This is a separate issue, but would the Extra Hex feat allow the standard Shaman to take a hex at level 1 even though you normally get your first hex at level 2?

foreman_domai wrote:
This is a separate issue, but would the Extra Hex feat allow the standard Shaman to take a hex at level 1 even though you normally get your first hex at level 2?

No, because it has a prerequisite of a hex, which you don't meet until level 2.

Dark Archive

Anybody else have thoughts or the desire to click the FAQ link?

Grand Lodge

I read it as all of the generic hexes being available to all spirits.

Otherwise, you have the same issue with Wandering Hex, which says:

For the purposes of this ability, she can select any hex possessed by her spirit or wandering spirit.

I'm pretty confident you're supposed to be able to choose a generic hex with Wandering Hex.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
it must be a hex granted by your spirit

If you removed the Spirit class feature the shaman would still have access to all of the normal hexes via the Hex class feature. However, access to all of the spirit Hexes would be gone. Doesn't that seem to indicate that the only Hexes "Granted by your spirit" are the ones granted by the Spirit class feature?

Still seems overly obscure for my tastes either way. FAQed.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

I read it as all of the generic hexes being available to all spirits.

Otherwise, you have the same issue with Wandering Hex, which says:

For the purposes of this ability, she can select any hex possessed by her spirit or wandering spirit.
I'm pretty confident you're supposed to be able to choose a generic hex with Wandering Hex.

I would actually disagree with you on Wandering Hex. From Wandering Hex: "gain the use of one of the hexes possessed by either one of her spirits"

The only Hexes possessed by the spirits would be the ones in the spirit's description. All of the normal Hexes seem to be possessed by the shaman herself, not the spirit. Since you can remove the Spirit Class Feature completely and still have access to the normal Hexes.

Is this the intention of the class? At this point i'm honestly not sure. The wording of both the Spirit and Hex class features could use some additional clarity.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Also the question comes up how to deal with Unsworn Shaman's Minor Spirit Hexes, they qualify for this Feat but don't have Spirit ability.

can unsworn shaman take spirit hex on 1 level, or minor spirit hex work only on generic hexes on first level?

So unsworn shaman cant take spirit hexes with Extra hex feat, can he? I am a little bit lost here

Sovereign Court

Has the FAQ on Extra Hex affecting the Shaman's List of Hexes available for selection being answered yet or is it still on the ambigious side.

Currently it seems to me that the Extra Hex turns out to be quite limiting as it is.

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