I'm looking for articles on Iron Age Britain.

Off-Topic Discussions

I am specifically interested in archaeology related articles. This is for a term paper in my archaeology class, and I am writing about what we can learn about life in Britain between about 800 BC to 42 AD from the archaeological record. No Roman writings are to be used at all, because this is an archaeology paper, not a history paper. Not like I trust them, anyway.

I am interested in National Geographic articles, and I have a subscription to the database that has all the issues from 1888 to 2013, but I could only find one article on Iron Age Britain. I'm sure there are more and the search engine just sucks, and I would very much appreciate it if anyone knew any years or months where related articles came out in the magazine.

The Exchange

national geographic news

Are you looking for stuff like this, or for other kinds of articles (broader? only National Geographic?)?


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