Emerald Spire EXP


Silver Crusade

So I'm running the emerald spire and I'm not used to giving out EXP so does the EXP from enemy's go to everyone or is it divided by how many player's there are?
For example if a creature was worth 500 EXP and I had 5 players would each player recieve 500 EXP or 100 EXP since it be divided 5 ways?

If anyone can let me know that would be great I'm still new to the whole EXP thing since I'm used to running modules or books that tell me when they level up.

The XP per defeated creature or mission completion is for the party hence your 500 XP would be divided by the number of players to give the individual XP reward (125 if you had 4 players, 100 if you had 5, etc)...

An alternative may be to look at the linked post...Here, for approximate level advancement per level of the Spire....

Silver Crusade

Zesdead wrote:

The XP per defeated creature or mission completion is for the party hence your 500 XP would be divided by the number of players to give the individual XP reward (125 if you had 4 players, 100 if you had 5, etc)...

An alternative may be to look at the linked post...Here, for approximate level advancement per level of the Spire....

Thanks for the help!

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