NPC Dave |
Nothing is really specified for how Forol is suspended from the chain. My PCs have just cleared out the rest of the shrine and found the second ape paw. It is possible one or more PCs will fly up to Forol to release him.
How have others of you handled it? Was Forol padlocked to the chain so an Open Locks roll was required? Or just tied by rope so a move-equivalent action was enough to get him free?
Or do most parties just jam the winch quickly so they can save him after the fight is done?

Kain Darkwind |

I would never count on a party to do anything, especially one I didn't know.
Do your players like skill challenges? Turn the trap into one. If they don't, I think him just wrapped in chain and locked is simple enough, my conjurer used her dimensional steps to take him out of it without messing around with locks and such.
(Warning: there is some R rated language, and possible triggers for those sensitive to such here. The demons were not painted as anything less than absolutely vile.) If you are curious about the cast of characters, head over here, a simple search for any of the names, including Olangru, will turn up their page.
<DM> Dark Creatures of the Isle Theme
This huge chamber is watched over by five hideous statues. To the east and west stand four towering demonic ape statues in alcoves, facing a roaring fire pit in the room's center. On the opposite side of the room is an even larger stone statue. Possessing the stout, stylized body of an ape, this twelve foot tall statue has two stone tentacles where each of its arms should be. Sprouting from its shoulders are two fanged baboon heads. The statue lords over the room atop a great dais, staring out in frozen rage.
Urol dangles 40 feet above the floor of the room, above a giant fire pit, suspended by chains that connect to a winch on the east wall of the room, ten feet above the floor. He whimpers and cries for help. "You came, yes...yes? Not a trick, no...no?" His voice is painful and he has been stripped of his clothing and a great deal of his flesh as well.
<Heinrick> "We're here, Urol."
<Katrina> "Keep away from the pit, if you get close it'll scorch you." Katrina whispers to the others.
<DM> Within the room stands a massive ape, hefting a huge bone club, flanked by two smaller apes. Near the dais, Olangru stands, hefting Tnuc by her throat.
<Olangru> "You have failed me for the last time, B+%!@. Did my lesson to Oonta go unheeded?" He looks up casually as the heroes enter the room. "Redeem yourself, Oonta. Kill them. Or die trying."
<Tnuc> "I'm Tnuc!" she screams in rage.
<Tainthorn> Taint advances on the closest ape with his magically enhanced speed, bringing his blade down on it.
<Olangru> "B!@!#, you are who I say you are," he says, cuffing her across the face.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn's blade practically disembowels the ape he cuts into.
<Heinrick> Heinrick pulls a bottle from his backpack and drinks it as he steps forward.
<Olangru> Olangru grins and vanishes from sight.
<Heldin> The dwarf steps forward, and casts his final spell, imbuing Heinrick with Moradin's resilience.
<Katrina> Katrina calls on her celestial apes, burning one of her most potent spells to do so. They attack the closest demon apes.
<DM> The fiendish apes scream in fury but are torn apart by their celestial counterparts. Both fall in a spray of black unholy blood. Which splashes on Heinrick. Missing Tainthorn, even.
<Tnuc> Tnuc springs towards the fray screaming in an unholy tongue. Another bar-lgura tears its way through a hole in reality, leaping upon Tainthorn.
<New Bar-lgura> "Die at the six fingered hands of the bar-lgura, mortals!"
<Heinrick> "No."
<Bar-lgura> Its claws tear through Tainthorn's armor, drawing dark blood to the wound. (11 damage)
<Korak> "Korak kill." The massive ape demon shuffles towards one of Kat's apes, and swings its massive club against its skull. (38 damage) The ape vanishes from this plane.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn unleashes a flurry of attacks at the new Bar-lgura
<DM> His flurry is largely useless, although he does catch the new arrival in the chest with his horns, seemingly by accident. Blood flies from her wound.
<Heinrick> Heinrick tucks and rolls under the guard of the new bar-lgura, slashing it as he comes up.
<DM> He skips past her by the skin of his teeth. His blade slows as it passes through her body, once again catching on the supernatural resistance of the demon without Heldin's spell to bolster it. Still, ichor and gore do splatter his body with the blow.
<Urol> Urol screams as he begins to lower slowly towards the flames, the winch suddenly coming free.
<Heinrick> Displaying courage if not prudence, Heldin rushes the summoned demon, bashing it with his hammer.
<DM> His blow is dodged by the demon.
<Katrina> Katrina dimension steps above Urol, trying to catch herself on the chains holding him.
<DM> She deftly catches herself on them.
<Katrina> The apes move in to pound the summoned demon.
<DM> The first ape, its hands full of holy power, tears out the heart of the summoned bar-lgura. The demon's skeleton tears itself free of its flesh, takes three steps and then crumbles to dust.
<Katrina> The second ape moves to stand beside Heinrick, watching his right against the invisible demon still lurking.
<Tnuc> Tnuc leaps across the fiery pit, lashing at Heinrick and the apes flanking him. Her claws scrape without effect against Heinrick's armor, but she catches one ape (ape 2 - 12 damage) in the throat and bites at the other, sinking her teeth into its shoulder. (5 damage)
<Korak> Korak looks up at Kat and Urol on the chain as if measuring whether he can hit them. Thinking the better of it, he moves to bring his bone weapon down against one of the celestial apes, roaring his rage. (33 damage)
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn steps over the fallen demon ape and attacks the giant before him.
<DM> His sword tears into the gigantic beast, cutting it from its stomach to its collar bone, yet it remains defiant and roars furiously at the hollow.
<Tainthorn> He smiles at it, "I've seen worse at the breakfast table." He cocks his head at Heinrick, "Course they were eating souls."
<Heinrick> "Little too much information, pal," Heinrick says with surprising casualness, as he steps up and joins the other in carving the giant ape. His massive sword strikes out with impossible speed...
<Korak> Korak has no time to even scream before Heinrick's blade cleaves him from this world. His ruined corpse crumples to the ground, heaving up gouts of blood. All over Heinrick.
<Heinrick> "Gods, I'm going to need a bath after this trip."
<Urol> Urol's chain continues moving closer to the fire, and he screams as his feet begin to burn. (3 fire damage, plus he has caught on fire)
<Heinrick> "Kat, get him out of there!"
<Bar-lgura> A summoned bar lgura appears behind Heldin, tearing into the dwarven cleric. Her claws send blood spraying. (19 damage)
<Heldin> "Aagh, ya bastard!" He replies in traditional dwarven fashion; a hammer to the face.
<DM> The hammer barely fazes the creature, as it bats aside one blow and laughs at the impact of another. It s+$@s where it stands, scratching its arse and sniffing its fingers.
<Katrina> Katrina grabs ahold of Urol and dimensional steps them both out from above the flames in a single motion, setting him down in the corner and drawing her blade to advance on the Bar-lgura fighting Heldin. "Hey ugly." The calls to it as she approaches. The last remaining celestial ape lays into Tnuc, channeling holy power.
<DM> The ape's first blow crosses Tnuc's eyes, but she catches its other fist in her claw, crushing its hand, forcing it slowly to its knees. (21 damage) Its fangs snap futilely at its tormentor.
<Tainthorn> Taint turns on the demon attacking Heldin
<DM> Turns on and flays, his blade sticking similarly to Heinrick's in the demonic body. Her skin peels away and she screams, flinging the defication on her hand at Taint's face. He ducks, the s%&+ splattering on Heinrick's head instead.
<Heinrick> "You and me have some unfinished business, shaggy-b$%$$. This is for yanking me out of the fight," *slash* "this is for dropping me in the hole," *slash* "and this is just for being ugly." *slash*
<DM> Tnuc screams in pain as the blade cuts her left arm off, then her right. She lunges at his face with her fanged maw, before melting into a pool of black tarlike ichor.
<Heinrick> He watches her expire, then shouts, "Hey, Olangru! I was supposed to pass on a message to you."
<DM> Silence greets his challenge...clearly Olangru isn't as willing to compromise his invisibility as Heinrick was.
<Heinrick> "Oonta wanted you to know... she sold you out. She helped us get here by telling us how to get around your dumbass traps. And she's waiting for you back where you pieces of s%*& came from."
"Aw, did I touch a nerve there, big fella?" Heinrick says, in the direction of the eastern side of the chamber. "Don't worry, you'll have a chance to talk it over with her, real soon."
<Bar lgura> The summoned bar lgura leaps at Heldin and Tainthorn, slashing and snapping. Its claws are futile, but its teeth close over Heldin's flank, tearing flesh free. (6 damage)
<DM> A globe of darkness drops over everyone's head.
<Heldin> Heldin, knowing his weapon is useless in this fight, stumbles in the darkness away from his attacker.
<DM> Heldin trips and falls on his face as he tries to manuever in the darkness.
<Katrina> Katrina calls on the celestial realms again to bring forth the least of the Archons. She calls out in celestial and a moment later the darkness is gone.
<Urol> Urol huffs and puffs on his feet, but is unable to put out the flames. He screams in agony.
<Katrina> The ape advances on the last demon visable.
<DM> The ape batters away at the bar-lgura, but to little avail, although it continues defecating with every blow landed, solid or not.
<Heinrick> "Heldin, help Urol!"
<Tainthorn> Taint moves past the remaining demon and tries to help Urol beat out the flames
<DM> He catches a lucky claw in the shoulder as he moves. (7 damage)
<Heinrick> "What, are you scared to come out, Olangru? I guess I should have told Oonta she didn't have anything to worry about, wanting revenge on such a big wuss. Come on, what do you got left to lose? Show me what you're made of!" Heinrick taunts the leader, as he steps over the downed Heldin, and lays into the last of the summoned demons.
<DM> The demon claps her six fingered hands together, catching his blade between them.
<Bar lgura> The bar lagura lashes out at all of those surrounding her. Heinrick's armor holds, but Heldin does not get his shield up in time. (9 damage). The ape has its throat torn out with a savage bite. The demon backs slowly away from those surounding her, snarling.
<Olangru> Then with a flurry of claws Olangru comes into view. Heinrick barely manages to duck the first claw, but catches the second right across his jaw. (34 damage). Heldin likewise takes a mouth full of fangs to the face. (20 damage) "So you like Oonta, do you? I'll rape you like her, see how you like that, big man! I will have my sacrfice!"
<Heinrick> The dwarf cries out in pain, but Heinrick merely grunts as he accepts the blow. "You won't have the chance. I'll send you back to whatever hell you crawled out of, just like I did her."
<Katrina> The archon casts aid on Urol. Katrina moves forward and casts slow on the remaining demons.
<DM> The spell fails against the monsters' resistance to arcana.
<Urol> Urol manages to put out the flames consuming his flesh with Tainthorn's help.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn darts past Katrina and the demon ape then swings turns and swings at it.
<DM> Both the ape and Tainthorn miss with their attacks.
<Heinrick> Heinrick's crown taken from the gargoyle king begins to glow, as his skin seemingly turns to stone. His arms and blade are surrounded by an aura of destruction as he attacks Olangru.
<Olangru> The demon ape appears to use his forward momentum from having charged Heinrick to roll out of the way of the warrior's attacks, but he catches one firmly across the midsection, causing him to grunt in pain. "A thousand torments await you before the twin maws of my master, Meat!" Olangru leaps up and over Heinrick, kicking off his head to lash a claw at Katrina. "You stole my sacrifice!" (24 damage) He leaps away from the fray, easily dodging any attempt to hit him.
<Katrina> "What are you going to do about it coward? You won't even fight us, you hide behind your mates and invisibility!"
<DM> The cornered bar-lgura tries a similar escape. Her claw cuts into Tainthorn (9 damage) and she leaps away, evading Kat and Tainthorn.
<Heldin> The dwarf priest stands up, and gets his wounded self out of the fray.
<Katrina> Katrina mutters a quick spell and points, bathing both apes in golden dust, "Oops. No more invisibility to hide behind." The archon flys up and fires a beam at the summoned ape.
<DM> The summoned ape screams and claws at her eyes as the dust sparkles in them. Olangru merely snorts, brushing the irritance away.
<Tainthorn> Taint darts around the flame and under the floating archon, crossing the room to swing at the blinded ape
<DM> The archon's beam strikes the ape at the same time as Taint's blade cleaves the air next to its head.
<Heinrick> Heinrick runs around the flames, following the boss demon, and attacks him.
<DM> Once again, the demon ape uses its momentum to roll out of Heinrick's path, although he hardly needs it given Heinrick's poor footing and form with the blow.
<Olangru> "Keep running, Meat. Run, run, run!" Making a rude gesture at Heinrick, Olangru rushes to pounce on Tainthorn. His claws swipe into the fighter, tearing past his armor and shield. (18 damage, 25 damage)
<DM> Again, he easily evades any attempt of Heinrick's to attack him as he flees.
<Katrina> Katrina moves closer to the others and renews their haste while her archon fires two beams.
<DM> The archon catches the demon flat in the side of the head with its light blast, causing the ape to snarl and bat wildly at its attacker.
<Ape> The summoned ape sniffs at Tainthorn and swings wildly, missing the man. She takes a stumbling step backwards.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn slides closer to the fire and attacks the demon ape leader.
<DM> His initial attack is successful, stabbing Olangru in his stomach, but the ape manages to bat aside all other blows, using his momentum to avoid any solid hits. As usual, the blade is less than optimum against the demon's hide.
<Heinrick> Heinrick follows the fleeing demon-ape, closing the distance and catching him between himself and Tainthorn.
<DM> His weight behind the blow, he misses badly, bringing his face within an inch of Olangru's puckering a&~$*@%&.
<Olangru> Olangru's summoned demon rushes behind Heinrick, similarly flanking the warrior, clawing the thick thewed half elf in the back. (9 damage) Olangru laughs and ducks between both Heinrick and Tainthorn, headed for Katrina. His claws and teeth shred the young wizardess apart, sending flesh and blood into the air. (65 damage) "Olangru will eat your pretty mate, Meat!"
<Heldin> "Get goin, boy. Wait fer us when ye see the big dead snake." Heldin pulls a potion from his pouch and starts cautiously edging towards the fray.
<Urol> The gnome looks towards the dark chambers beyond and stays right where he is, huddling in fear.
<Katrina> The summoned archon floats around Katrina's head pitifully. Under the archon's light Katrina comes to long enough to see the demon in front of her and vanishes, reappearing behind Heldin before falling unconscious again.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn all but flies across the room to swing at the demon monkey.
<DM> Olangru laughs and ducks under his blade.
<Heinrick> "Kat! You're not eating anybody, you ugly piece of crap!" Heinrick runs around the other side of the pit, slashing Olangru again.
<DM> The heat scalds him as he goes. (2 fire damage) Ignoring the flames, he smashes into Olangru with all of the force of a runaway thunder beast, drawing a grunt of pain from the ape king for the first time in the fight.
<Olangru> "You stupid b~**!! Get in there and fight!" Olangru screams at his summoned lackey, gesturing towards her even as he runs at her to slap her across the face. Her eyes clear and she charges towards Heinrick, ducking between his knees and springing at Heinrick. She grabs the dwarf, concentrates...and nothing happens.
<Heldin> "What the 'ell?" The surprised dwarf takes a step back away from the demon, and pours his healing potion into Katrina's mouth.
<Katrina> Katrina fires a handful of magic missiles at the demon before her even as she backs up against the wall. The archon floats around Heinrick and fires two beams of light at the demon before its summoner.
<DM> The beams miss. The missiles fade against the demon's spell resistance.
<Tainthorn> Taint charges past the demon to put himself between it and the two most wounded members of the party, swinging at the demon after he comes to a stop.
<Bar-lgura> The summoned demon lashes out as Tainthorn passes, catching him across the flank. (29 damage)
<DM> Tainthorn's blade is as ineffective on the demon's hide as her claws are on his.
<Heinrick> Heinrick continues to harry the chief demon-ape, following and striking again. "Never, ever again."
<DM> Despite his words, the flames burn Heinrick again. (3 fire damage) Heinrick's sword hangs in the air, crawling forward.
<Bar-lgura> Olangru's summoned demon grabs Heldin, this time disappearing and reappearing with the wounded dwarf on the north end of the room.
<DM> Heinrick's sword falls, slowly towards Olangru.
<Olangru> Olangru watches the blade descend, his lifetime of iniquity before him.
<DM> The blade falls....
<Olangru> Olangru remembers nursing at his foul mother's tit, being torn away for service to the master.
<DM> The blade falls.....
<Olangru> His service to the Two Headed One, falling out of favor, fleeing to this cursed jungle.
<DM> The blade falls....
<Olangru> His countless sacrifices under the blood moon, hundreds of hunters taken on the alter.
<DM> The blade falls.....
<Olangru> And this! The sacrifice that would have completed it all! So close!
<DM> The blade falls....
<Olangru> It isn't fair! Not fair!
<DM> The blade falls....
<Olangru> ...and as it strikes the six fingered ape demon, Olangru steps aside and holds forth his ring, sending a blast of force into his foe's face. (9 force damage, bullrushed) Ha! His victory will realized yet!
<DM> Heinrick tumbles backwards into the pit of fire. (15 fire damage)
<Olangru> Olangru lets out a laugh that cuts off, as his upper torso slowly slides off of his lower. A hole opens up in the fabric of the universe, and Olangru barely has time to scream before a pair of six fingered claws reach forth and drag him in. The tear closes with a squishy 'pop', which sounds nothing so much like a body being pressed like a grape. Olangru's ring and bracers clatter to the ground.
<DM> With a scream, Olangru's summoned demon vanishes as well.
<Heinrick> With a grunt of pain at the heat, Heinrick clambers out and away from the pit.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn carefully helps Katrina to her feet.
<Katrina> She limps into the sacrifical chamber "Is it over?"
<Heinrick> "Everybody still with us?" Heinrick calls to the others.
<DM> Suddenly, a terrible noise fills the chamber....The main statue grinds into angry life. Its tentacles, despite being made of stone, sway and writhe, and its two fanged maws snap and gnash before unleashing a bone-shaking howl. It lurches towards the party with a speed that its stony bulk belies.
Temple of the Two Faced One Image
<Heinrick> "Okay... I'm not usually the one to suggest this, but I think we should run. It can't get out of the naga room, everybody else run. I'll hold it, and be right behind you."
<Heldin> "Bloody 'ell... this thing be the wellspring o' the evil fillin' the valley!"
<Katrina> Katrina inches forward and encases the dwarf, even as he speaks, in a globe of force. The archon bobs around Tainthorn's head before vanishing.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn moves closer, ignoring the fire, but unwilling to charge into the glitterdust.
<Lemorian Golem> The two headed statue screams again, a blood curddling howl as it moves purposefully towards Heinrick. It makes a single tentacle attack against Heldin, its massive stone limb bouncing off of the sphere.
<Heinrick> "Or not... Guess we do it the hard way after all, then. Let's make this quick, ugly. I've had a long day already." Heinrick steps towards the stone titan, over Olangru's fallen adornments, and strikes at its legs and torso with his adamant blade.
<DM> His blade cuts into the stone creature, drawing a shower of sparks as it leaves a massive score across the creature's thigh.
<Lemorian Golem> Turning its full fury on Heinrick, the creature lashes into the warrior with all four tentacles. The tentacles wrap him up tightly, crushing him. (49 damage, grappled) He can feel their putrid touch trying to eat away at his body.
<Katrina> Katrina enlarges Heinrick to help him fight off the grappling golem.
<Tainthorn> Tainthorn, seeing his friend held in the monster's grasp, charges around the fire towards it.
<DM> His attack clangs nearly uselessly off the golem's thick stone body.
<Lemorian Golem> A tentacle lashes out at Tainthorn, wrapping him up like Heinrick. (16 damage) He feels the terrible rotting in his bones as well, but his enhanced constitution fights through it. However, the tentacles wrap him up as well in their grasp. The demon statue thunders ponderously into the flames towards the room's entrance. (22 fire damage, Taint, 11 fire damage Heinrick)
<Heinrick> Heinrick's magically increased size makes it easy to see that he is grievously wounded.
<DM> The flames lick at the golem as well, the creature is not immune to their heat.
<Heldin> "By Moradin's forge, lads! Save yerselves! Forget about me, go!"
<Heinrick> Heinrick struggles to escape the thing's stony grasp...
<DM> and barely manages to do so!
<Heinrick> He bobs and weaves backwards away from it.
<Heldin> The dwarf can be seen uncorcking a potion, preparing to fight to the death when released.
<Lemorian Golem> The golem lumbers around the flame, holding Tainthorn firmly in its tentacles, always in the fire.
<Heinrick> "Damnit, damnit, damnit! Urol, if you know any way to help, now's the time. If not, run for your life."
<DM> Katrina is overcome by fear as the creature looms in front of her, and screams in her face. The others shudder as the unholy howl comes forth, but their hearts stand firm.
<Katrina> <Katrina> Katrina steps between space and appears away from the golem, visibly shaken, "We're all going to die here..."
<Tainthorn> <Katrina> Tainthorn struggles in the golem's grip.
<DM> Struggles in vain.
<Tainthorn> he struggles some more
<DM> And finally pops free, only to fall into the fire pit.
<Lemorian Golem> The golem's tentacles are quick to lash out to retrieve its prey. Four tentacles pound away on Tainthorn, as the fire rages. (16 fire damage, 14, 13, 10, 12 damage) The demon statue's fithy rot does not manage to take root in his body however.
<DM> His body wilts under the assault, and he slumps to the ground in the firepit.
<Heinrick> "Urol! Get up, and go!"
<Urol> The gnome's eyes fly wide and he bolts as fast as his little legs can carry him.
<Heinrick> Heinrick pulls his last healing potion from his belt and drinks it as he watches the gnome flee.
<Heldin> The dwarf gulps down another healing shot, as well. Then, calling on Moradin for aid, he summons a connection between him and Heinrick, that protects the warrior. "Ay, give 'im whatfor, lad, this ol' dwarf's goin' home!"
<Heinrick> "Heldin... I'm sorry." Heinrick plants himself in the hall, vowing not to waste the dwarf's final gift.
<Lemorian Golem> The golem lashes out at the massive Heinrick as it approaches him, smashing him across the chest with his tentacle. (15 damage)
<Katrina> Katrina fights her fear and pulls out a scroll, quickly working it's magic on Heinrick.
<Heinrick> "Don't worry about me! Get out of here!"
<DM> The half elf vanishes from view. Tainthorn roasts in the fire pit. (21 fire damage)
<Lemorian Golem> The golem moves forward, lashing out at Kat, as its original target has vanished. (16 damage and grappled.) Bumping into Heinrick's invisible form, it lashes out trying to find the warrior as well, one of its tentacles finally driving home. (15 damage)
<Heinrick> Grunting in pain, and refusing to leave without Katrina and Urol gone before him, Heinrick lays into the stone monstrosity with all his might.
<DM> With one last ditch effort, Heinrick sets his massive blade in motion a final time. His friend's body burns in the pit to the north. His companion Kat lies dying in the creature's grasp. Urol is running like the useless frack that he is. Heldin awaits Moradin's welcome into Dwarfhome. The blade flies, enlarged, enhanced and sped by Katrina's magic, guided by Heinrick's fierce spirit and lands across the unholy golem like a divine judgement. The statue comes apart in a blast, crumbling into blocks of granite. An oppressive feeling that no one realized was bearing on their shoulders is lifted, and the foul taste in the air fades.
Victory over the Shrine of the Two Faced One
<Heinrick> "Ho... leeee... s+**. That was a close one."
<Katrina> Katrina lays on the ground bleeding to punctuate the point.
<Heinrick> He sees Kat not responding, and kneels beside her, trying to staunch the flow.
<DM> His ministrations are successful. She seems safe, for now. Tainthorn's body continues to burn, the flames consuming it entirely.
<Heinrick> He sighs in relief. "Urol! You can stop running, I got it!"
<Urol> The gnome turns around, still naked, bloody and burnt. "H..h...Hero Heinrick? I...is this another trick, no no?"
<Heinrick> After a moment of leaning against the wall, he hoists himself to his feet, and gently carries Katrina back into the room. "Heldin, Taint, we're okay! ...T? Where are you?"
<DM> The smell of burnt flesh reveals Taint's fate.
<Heinrick> "It's not a trick, Urol, I promise. I've got your things here..." He sets down Katrina, and digs the gnome's clothes from his haversack, as he looks around for the husk. He closes his eyes in a grimace as his fate dawns.
<Urol> "L..l..ll..lady Katrina? Will she be ok, yes yes?" Urol pokes her still body, sending a flow of natural energy into her. (9 heal)
<Heinrick> "...you can heal people?"
<Katrina> Katrina stirs slowly, "Urol.... Heinrick?"
<Urol> "Oh me oh my!" Urol seems oblivious to his miracle. "L...lady Kat, you are awake, yes yes!" He exclaims, his naked gnome balls waving in her face.
<Heinrick> "Uh, Urol... here's your clothes back. You should probably put them on. Like, now."
<Katrina> "I take it you got it Heinrick." Katrina fishes with one hand for a hand up.
<Urol> Looking at the blood soaked rags, Urol makes his best attempt to cover himself with them, wincing painfully as the cloth catches in his sores.
<Heinrick> "Yeah, I got it. You okay in there, Heldin?"
<Heldin> The dwarf looks grimly at Heinrick and past him to the firepit. "It shoulda bin me, lad, not 'im."
<Katrina> Katrina finallys finds her feet and enters the demon shrine again.
<Heinrick> "You should have known him before that happened to him... I hope he's found some kind of peace, at least."
<Heldin> "Can a demon find peace, Lad?"
<Katrina> She dismisses the barrier around the dwarf with a weary wave of her hand.
<Heldin> "Th' evil's gone though...ye kilt it wi' th' statue."
<Heinrick> "He wasn't a demon... I don't rightly know what he was, or if there was anything like a soul in him. But a demon wouldn't have helped us, saved you and Skald and Quintal like he did."
<Heldin> "Maybe a demon can change, lad. 'E saved our lives, but...somethin was in him, eatin' 'im up. I hope 'e's found 'is peace, I do."
<Katrina> "At least he found death on his own terms, fighting for what he beleived in."
<Heldin> "No doubt, lass, no doubt. I just hope there's a place for one like 'im that ain't terrible t' go t'."
<Katrina> Katrina eyes the bracers and ring, "We should get out of here, back to the others. I don't want to linger in this place longer then we have to."
<Heinrick> Heinrick carefully skirts the firepit to retrieve the demon's jewelry. "Sounds good to me. Let's get going."
<Katrina> Katrina heads out, stopping only to collect the coins from the chest behind the throne.
<DM> Aside from Olangru's gear, a small crucible stands on the dais.
<Katrina> Katrina heads up to look at the crucible.
<Heinrick> "Heldin, can you tell if it's... evil?"
<Heldin> The dwarf shakes his head. "Looks like it was fer offerings o' some sort, lad."
<Katrina> "I'd rather not leave anything for the prince of demons and his temple." Katrina examines the crucible carefully.
<DM> It contains ashes and charred bits of pulverized bone. In the bottom lies a ring that seems to have been overlooked before the hand wearing it was tossed into the fire.
<Katrina> Katrina fishes out the ring.
<Heinrick> Heinrick looks faintly disgusted, then shrugs, deciding it's no worse than anything else he's seen here.
<Heinrick> "I'll go load up on those coins."
<Katrina> "I'll check it out when we get out of this hell hole." She follows him out, shepherding Urol.
<Heldin> Heldin brings up the rear.
<Urol> The gnome moves slower than normal, the familiar spring missing from his step.
<Katrina> Katrina makes no move to hurry him along, wincing herself as she walks.
<DM> The mirror portal has closed by the time the party gets back there, but a simple touch of the pane of glass reopens the portal from this side. The party makes their way out of the terrible shrine.
Upon exiting the shrine, you see that the fog is vanishing, almost completely burned off. The sound of birds, noticeably absent before, comes from within the jungle.
Avner and Amella are waiting near the entrance to greet them. The carved baboon heads that once formed the entrance seem to be slightly ruined.
<Heinrick> Heinrick leads the way, a pained expression on his face as he carries the heavy chest of gold and silver.
<Amella> "Y' found im!" Amella exclaims
<Katrina> "Yes, we found him."
<Heinrick> Heinrick grunts, and nods.
<Avner> Looking at the wounded state of the group, Avner exclaims, "Put that down, man, take it easy."
<Heinrick> He does, spilling some from the broken front. "Good idea."
<Katrina> "They're dead. The demons. The one's that attacked us earlier and more."
<Heinrick> "We found him. Killed the demons, and a big moving statue. Lost Taint."
<Avner> "Are you sure? What about the apes?"
<Heinrick> "Dead." Heinrick says between exhausted pants.
<Katrina> "All four demon apes from before, two more they summoned up, the giant one they had, dozens of little ones, and the half dozen lesser demonic apes, the Naga..." Katrina rattles them off.
<Avner> Avner nods at Heinrick's confirmation. "Ah...eh...good work, man."
<Amella> Amella shushes Kat. "Time enough fer tha' later, Nav, y' done good n' we know it. Let's get y' back t' camp."
<Katrina> Katrina follows Amella quietly.
<Heinrick> Heinrick picks up the chest again and follows.
<DM> Back at the camp, Skald and Quintal listen silently as they hear the news of Tainthorn's death. Tavey is absolutely wide eyed with wonder at the events, as is Blumpkin. Damri cooks up a meal to celebrate the victory. Only Urol is silent, staring off into the distance and shuddering every so often.