Trouble in Fergietown!

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The Exchange

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Paul Watson wrote:
So, FH, when is the right time to use a taser? Apparently it's not when being attacked by unarmed peple if they're too big. It's obviously not for confronting armed people. So when should a taser be used, in your expert opinion? What body mass index is it acceptable to use it on and how should the police evaluate this at the time?

A taser is an undependable item for use in law-enforcement, not only from the POV that they are not as effective as people think but also in that they can cause fatalities which lead to "he shocked the poor unarmed boy to death!" riots. They shouldn't be used by law enforcement IMO and in the opinions of a good number of law-enforcement agents.

Fake Healer wrote:

A huge unarmed man....why does the officer need to put his life in jeopardy?

Because the risk to life is in all honestly minimal. To actually kill someone with your bare hands you need some severe advantages in some combination of size strength and training. The human body is pretty resilient and fists wielded in anger are hardly the best weapon. The police are supposed to have enough unarmed training (and more importantly, a partner.) to deal with this sort of thing.

I've had someone knock me down from behind, pound my head, get up before me and literally punt my head with a running start, still got up, handed him his hat and got to school the next day. (last time i tried walking away from a fight, went for my pocket knife and decided.. nah. Doesn't hurt that much. Went a little loopy a few minutes latter though)

They really should put patrolman together in pairs for this sort of thing.

thejeff wrote:
GreyWolfLord wrote:

Interestly enough Racism IS allowed in the US. It is still socially acceptable.

Think about editorials you have seen. When looking at them, the number that have been focused on mocking those from the Middle East over the past decade is almost innumerable.

The stereotype against those from the Middle shocking.

These are Asians in continent...not African Americans...and because...

Yeah. Let's not go down this derail again. Everybody has it worse than blacks. Racism is so much worse against all the other minorities. Which of course means that any problems black people have are their own fault. Blacks aren't getting harassed and shot by police because of racism, since you think other races face worse racism and yet they're not getting by police as much.

there are many different ways to be a bigot. A fist in the face is but one.

Apparently, the cop who pointed a rifle at protestors, told them to go f+#@ themselves, and threatened to kill them has been suspended indefinitely.

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Cop decides they want to be a "real man" and not resort to p***y moves like using a weapon, only be knocked unconscious, have their weapon taken, it used on them and/or future people the person comes into contact.

Sorry, if a cop is realistically worried that someone might be able to physically overpower them, they shouldn't try to "keep it real". That would be irresponsible to themselves and the public at large.

So yes, there can be very legitimate reasons to use a weapon on an unarmed individual. Unarmed does not mean not dangerous, ask Rihanna or Mrs. Rice if someone without a weapon can be dangerous if you don't want to take my word for it.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Has any evidence surfaced on the cop being injured? Pro-choice sources say he had anything from a black eye to a missing eye to a cracked orbital brim the fight that broke out in or near the car.

Some sources seem to say that the officer suffered an "orbital blowout."

I don't see anything from CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS about an orbital blow out, but "Opposing Views" and "New York Post" and those types are reporting it; make of that what you will.

abc news re: facial injury

also, regarding a bystander caught on cell phone video....

Supporters of Wilson, however, point to a videotape taken by a Ferguson resident showing Brown's body lying in the street. In the background of the video a man's voice can be heard saying, "Police got out and ran after him. The next thing I know he's coming back towards the officer. The police had his gun drawn on him."

That would conflict with witnesses who said Brown was standing still with his hands raised when Wilson shot him.

thanks for the info.

I do wonder what happened in the car and what happened with the officer getting out of the car and actively chasing him- he had to have had the gun in his hand at some time. There is a hole in the story somewhere.

I am waiting for the what I consider to be inevitable video of the incident. I think there's at least a 40% chance that somebody got it on video.

Combining that with the maxim "snitches get stitches," though, and feel free to draw your own conclusions.

I want to couch what may seem to look like "beating around the bush" on my part here though......I've done some personal reflection, and I believe that if my actual skin color was black, I would have a criminal record by now, again draw your own conclusions from that i.e. I think that after being questioned/frisked/what-have-you an average of once a month for however many years (I just read that Eric Holder got pulled over and said to himself "WTF! I'm a prosecuting attorney for f's sake") I would at least be to the point where I would see a cop and immediately get pissed off. Adrenaline kicks in. Adrenaline is its own master, and 18 year olds aren't usually wise enough to know how to deal with it in the best way.

So, I think that it might be within the realm of possibility that the officer in question had a legitimate concern for his continued living and breathing, he AND Michael were trapped in a world that they never made, and regardless of whether or not this act was justified, we do have legitimate problems that need addressing.

I am somewhat leery of Eric Holder's ability to be impartial and unbiased, but somebody outside of Missouri's system needs to investigate it (this is based on my previous post regarding the case from Wisconsin and the history there of absolutely ZERO unjustified shootings in the last 125 years), but somebody has to do it, and I'm hoping that Eric Holder impresses me and proves my concern wrong.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

A huge unarmed man....why does the officer need to put his life in jeopardy?

Because the risk to life is in all honestly minimal. To actually kill someone with your bare hands you need some severe advantages in some combination of size strength and training. The human body is pretty resilient and fists wielded in anger are hardly the best weapon. The police are supposed to have enough unarmed training (and more importantly, a partner.) to deal with this sort of thing.

I've had someone knock me down from behind, pound my head, get up before me and literally punt my head with a running start, still got up, handed him his hat and got to school the next day. (last time i tried walking away from a fight, went for my pocket knife and decided.. nah. Doesn't hurt that much. Went a little loopy a few minutes latter though)

They really should put patrolman together in pairs for this sort of thing.

I have a friend who, in our younger days, could routinely and easily knock people senseless with his fists. One punch, they're staggered and pretty much incapable of fighting back. Some people have this knack, others don't. He was/is pretty strong, but nowhere near the size of the person involved in the unfortunate incident.

The whole Dungeons and Dragons "subdual damage" thing doesn't apply to everybody on earth just because they're not a "monk."

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I also knew an individual who picked up a police officer and bodyslammed him on the hood of his vehicle. After 1/2 hour of practicing with him I learned more about actual fighting than from 5 years of karate.

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Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

It's not a real problem until it affects you personally.

I'm pretty sure that's written in the Republican party charter somewhere.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I also knew an individual who picked up a police officer and bodyslammed him on the hood of his vehicle. After 1/2 hour of practicing with him I learned more about actual fighting than from 5 years of karate.

And the cop was dead after that incident?

The Exchange

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meatrace wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

It's not a real problem until it affects you personally.
I'm pretty sure that's written in the Republican party charter somewhere.

Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, etc.....just different corporate shills. Voting is just pick-you-own-flavor of evil. That is a revolt for another time.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I also knew an individual who picked up a police officer and bodyslammed him on the hood of his vehicle. After 1/2 hour of practicing with him I learned more about actual fighting than from 5 years of karate.
And the cop was dead after that incident?

Even so, I'm not sure we should really expect police to take the risk of being beaten, incapacitated and possibly killed or crippled rather than shoot someone attacking them.

Nor do I think it's politically feasible to get there. We're still trying to get past the "Maybe we shouldn't gun them down while they're running away" stage. Baby steps.

Now it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a higher standard for "attacked" than "Cop says so and the attacker is dead so there's no contradiction. Who cares what the other witnesses say."

Vest cameras and vehicle cameras and a baseline assumption that if they're off they're off because the officer wants to lie.

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I also knew an individual who picked up a police officer and bodyslammed him on the hood of his vehicle. After 1/2 hour of practicing with him I learned more about actual fighting than from 5 years of karate.
And the cop was dead after that incident?

Have you not heard of the Knock-out game? Walk up punch a dude and knock him out. A handful of people have died from that recently. The idea that a 6'4" 290 lb dude would "take a while" to beat someone to death is ridiculous. Supposedly this incident was the officer getting ready to exit his vehicle to talk to the dude when the dude shoved him back into his seat and punched him repeatedly through his window. Officer was supposedly knocked silly and dude went walking away. Officer regained his senses and supposedly exited the vehicle with gun drawn and yelled for the dude to freeze. Dude supposedly raised his hands and turned around saying "Whatcha gonna do? Shoot me?" then charged at the officer thinking to surprise and overwhelm him. Officer fires upon the dude.

IF that is what happened then there is justification for the cop's actions. Witnesses back up this version.
But witnesses back up the other version(s) also....

TheJeff wrote:
Even so, I'm not sure we should really expect police to take the risk of being beaten, incapacitated and possibly killed or crippled rather than shoot someone attacking them.

I've taken worse risks to save geese and small fuzzy woodland creatures. Not taking the same risks to save your fellow human beings says a lot about how people see each other.

If we're not hiring cops to take risks to save people from dying then what are we hiring them for? You get a bullet proof vest, a night stick, a tazer, a gun, a police car and a dog (with his own bullet proof vest). At what point does it kick in that this job MIGHT entail some risk to your personal well being?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
TheJeff wrote:
Even so, I'm not sure we should really expect police to take the risk of being beaten, incapacitated and possibly killed or crippled rather than shoot someone attacking them.

I've taken worse risks to save geese and small fuzzy woodland creatures. Not taking the same risks to save your fellow human beings says a lot about how people see each other.

If we're not hiring cops to take risks to save people from dying then what are we hiring them for? You get a bullet proof vest, a night stick, a tazer, a gun, a police car and a dog (with his own bullet proof vest). At what point does it kick in that this job MIGHT entail some risk to your personal well being?

Dead cop doesn't protect anyone. Trying to "keep it real" and be a "real man" is irresponsible.

Freehold DM wrote:
thejeff wrote:
GreyWolfLord wrote:

Interestly enough Racism IS allowed in the US. It is still socially acceptable.

Think about editorials you have seen. When looking at them, the number that have been focused on mocking those from the Middle East over the past decade is almost innumerable.

The stereotype against those from the Middle shocking.

These are Asians in continent...not African Americans...and because...

Yeah. Let's not go down this derail again. Everybody has it worse than blacks. Racism is so much worse against all the other minorities. Which of course means that any problems black people have are their own fault. Blacks aren't getting harassed and shot by police because of racism, since you think other races face worse racism and yet they're not getting by police as much.
there are many different ways to be a bigot. A fist in the face is but one.

That sounds like the lyrics to a Disney song!

The Exchange

thejeff wrote:

Now it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a higher standard for "attacked" than "Cop says so and the attacker is dead so there's no contradiction. Who cares what the other witnesses say."

Vest cameras and vehicle cameras and a baseline assumption that if they're off they're off because the officer wants to lie.

As I said, there are witnesses backing up both versions of the story.

That police department recently got in vest cameras and vehicle cameras and supposedly haven't had them installed yet but it was happening soon. Supposedly. I don't know how true that is or if the department is trying to shine us with "yeah we got them (a year ago!), just haven't gotten them installed yet (and don't plan to!) it's on our to-do list".
I watched a tape of cellphone video from just after the shooting where the area was just taped off and people were walking around just saying whatever they felt like may be the story, from the cop shot him while he was laying on the ground and gave-up to he was running away when the cop shot him, to the cop just rolled up and shot him in the back. And everyone of the people saying this stuff near the cellphone holder swore that he saw it or his buddy saw it and told him that.

Real eyewitnesses? I know there are some but we don't know who is one right now.

Fake Healer wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

It's not a real problem until it affects you personally.
I'm pretty sure that's written in the Republican party charter somewhere.

Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, etc.....just different corporate shills. Voting is just pick-you-own-flavor of evil. That is a revolt for another time.

That is certainly what some people want you to think.

The Exchange

meatrace wrote:


That sounds like the lyrics to a Disney song!

Or any of Rage Against the Machine's stuff.....suddenly I want RAtM to do a disney song!

Fake Healer wrote:
The idea that a 6'4" 290 lb dude would "take a while" to beat someone to death is ridiculous.

As a 6'5" 290 lb dude who hits like a pussycat I can tell you it's not ridiculous.

The Exchange

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

It's not a real problem until it affects you personally.
I'm pretty sure that's written in the Republican party charter somewhere.

Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, etc.....just different corporate shills. Voting is just pick-you-own-flavor of evil. That is a revolt for another time.

That is certainly what some people want you to think.

Or maybe THAT'S what people want you to think.....see I can do that too.

pres man wrote:

Dead cop doesn't protect anyone.

Protect people from WHAT? Stolen cigars? The man is dead. That is the exact opposite of protection.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Live cop doesn't protect anyone either.
Live cop eats donuts, gets paid 2-3 times the median American income, and shoots to kill if they feel "threatened".

F!$# the police.

The Exchange

meatrace wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
The idea that a 6'4" 290 lb dude would "take a while" to beat someone to death is ridiculous.
As a 6'5" 290 lb dude who hits like a pussycat I can tell you it's not ridiculous.

Yeah, sorry Exception to the Rule. I should have said "most" instead of making a general statement that is only mostly true.

thejeff wrote:
GreyWolfLord wrote:

Interestly enough Racism IS allowed in the US. It is still socially acceptable.

Think about editorials you have seen. When looking at them, the number that have been focused on mocking those from the Middle East over the past decade is almost innumerable.

The stereotype against those from the Middle shocking.

These are Asians in continent...not African Americans...and because...

Yeah. Let's not go down this derail again. Everybody has it worse than blacks. Racism is so much worse against all the other minorities. Which of course means that any problems black people have are their own fault. Blacks aren't getting harassed and shot by police because of racism, since you think other races face worse racism and yet they're not getting by police as much.

I forget what context it was that this came up with Citizen Lord the last time, but, a couple days later, I received an issue of my favorite commie newspaper. I didn't link it at the time, because I thought it would be self-indulgent, but this time I cut-and-paste it for the thread's delectation:

More on Affirmative Action



13 May 2014

Dear WV,

The article “Supreme Court Knifes Affirmative Action” (Workers Vanguard No. 1045) shows once again that it takes communists to defend even the smallest advances in the civil rights of black Americans.

One aspect of the recent attacks on Affirmative Action and related programs has been the attempts by the ruling class to pit Asian Americans against blacks and Latinos. In California, a mobilization of Chinese voters joined right-wing politicians to kill Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 5, which was aimed at reviving the state’s Affirmative Action programs at public universities and colleges. Republicans and Democrats alike were able to convince Asian American parents that their children would lose opportunities to attend college if the amendment were to pass. The truth is that it’s the capitalists’ wholesale attacks on public education that deny all working people—black, Latino, Asian, and white—any real chance at a quality education.

As Professor Ellen Wu has pointed out, the myth of the Asian ‘model minority’ has been used as an ideological weapon in both the Cold War machinations of US imperialism as well as the divide-and-conquer strategy of suppressing the American working class. In the midst of the Civil Rights movement, Democratic Senator Patrick Moynihan published an infamous report for the Labor Department blaming black oppression on a lack of family values and contrasted this with the “singularly stable, cohesive and enlightened family life” of Chinese and Japanese Americans. Fast forward 50 years and Donald Sterling, the racist owner of the LA Clippers basketball franchise used his patronizing “affection” for Koreans as a smokescreen for discriminating against the black and Latino would-be tenants of his Los Angeles apartment buildings.

Appeals to the ‘model minority’—these days often in reference to relatively educated and well-to-do Chinese and Indian immigrants—also provide cover for the oppression of other sectors of Asian America. While “respectful” Asian students are praised by school administrators for their supposed achievements, Hmong and Khmer students, for example, have some of the lowest college attendance rates in the country.

As your article rightly pointed out, only open university admissions and free tuition will resolve the struggle over limited educational resources. And even such a modest achievement will take the overthrow of a capitalist system founded on racial oppression.

Brad D.

Best of all, for me, is that I used to live with Comrade D. (assuming it's the same dude). He quit a couple years after I did. Guess he got back into the commie game during Occupy, too.

Come on guys, try to keep it on the fergison (or at least one degree of seperation from it. We don't need to wind through every related issue until we hit kevin bacon)

thejeff wrote:
GreyWolfLord wrote:

Interestly enough Racism IS allowed in the US. It is still socially acceptable.

Think about editorials you have seen. When looking at them, the number that have been focused on mocking those from the Middle East over the past decade is almost innumerable.

The stereotype against those from the Middle shocking.

These are Asians in continent...not African Americans...and because...

Yeah. Let's not go down this derail again. Everybody has it worse than blacks. Racism is so much worse against all the other minorities. Which of course means that any problems black people have are their own fault. Blacks aren't getting harassed and shot by police because of racism, since you think other races face worse racism and yet they're not getting by police as much.

Please don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I stated.

Racism IS worse against the other minorities statistically speaking right now in occurances in media and recordable.

If you are Hispanic or South West Asian, your ability to get a job is much lower than anyone else just about.

Do you have problems with the studies and science?

I already stated I don't know WHY the crime statistics are so bad for African Americans (which could be ONE area where African Americans ARE more persecuted due to race

To say something is totally because of Race may be a cop out. (get it...okay...bad pun).

The situation is probably inherently MORE complex, especially when looking at something like what is occurring in Fergietown.

Right now the focus seems to be on African Americans, but do you think they are the ONLY ones there?

I've seen a few others, even in the protest videos. I'd say there's a more deepseated unrest there and this incident was simply something that lit the fuse on that barrel.

The claims of racism could be part, but I think a more broad brush would be applicable towards a separation of the views of the public and that which are enforced and ruled on by their government.

ON the topic of guns, OTHER nations have control over the crime in their nations but do not have their police regularly carry firearms. If they are able to protect themselves and control crime without firearms...which is that such a hard thing in the US?

It didn't work when Comrade Freehold tried it and it won't work now, Comrade BeeNee.

Goblins have short attention spans!

BigNorseWolf wrote:
TheJeff wrote:
Even so, I'm not sure we should really expect police to take the risk of being beaten, incapacitated and possibly killed or crippled rather than shoot someone attacking them.

I've taken worse risks to save geese and small fuzzy woodland creatures. Not taking the same risks to save your fellow human beings says a lot about how people see each other.

If we're not hiring cops to take risks to save people from dying then what are we hiring them for? You get a bullet proof vest, a night stick, a tazer, a gun, a police car and a dog (with his own bullet proof vest). At what point does it kick in that this job MIGHT entail some risk to your personal well being?

Good luck with that because we're not changing the rules that drastically anytime soon. It's a nonstarter.

Can we concentrate more on things that might happen? Can we agree that they shouldn't be able to shoot the fleeing suspect? At least if he isn't already known to be really dangerous (fleeing murder scene, escaped murderer, that kind of thing.)

And mandate the cameras.

The Exchange

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
pres man wrote:

Dead cop doesn't protect anyone.

Protect people from WHAT? Stolen cigars? The man is dead. That is the exact opposite of protection.

If the dude attacked an officer he was a danger. If he then tried to re-attack the officer why does he need protection? I would feel good knowing that a dude who robbed a store and attempted to overpower a cop in my neighborhood was no longer around. That would be me feeling protected by the police. If he really did those things is still yet to be determined but that isn't determined by a riot or discussions on how much damage an unarmed man can do. Hopefully it is determined by a fair court.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I also knew an individual who picked up a police officer and bodyslammed him on the hood of his vehicle. After 1/2 hour of practicing with him I learned more about actual fighting than from 5 years of karate.
And the cop was dead after that incident?

No. I talked to the officer a few years after the incident. He told me to "come over here," to his car, which I did, and then answered some questions for him regarding a certain individual who was habitually truant from school. After the incident the officer in question was extremely reticent to leave his vehicle.

However, the state of the officer in question's continuing existence was completely out of his hands and in the hands of the other gentleman, who decided that cold blooded murder wasn't on the table that day. That's kinda an iffy position to be in.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Come on guys, try to keep it on the fergison (or at least one degree of seperation from it. We don't need to wind through every related issue until we hit kevin bacon)

OH THAT'S JUST GREAT. NOW PEOPLE ARE HITTING KEVIN BACON???? WTF RACISTS!!! (read first three words and last three words and reply!)

meatrace wrote:

Live cop doesn't protect anyone either.

Live cop eats donuts, gets paid 2-3 times the median American income, and shoots to kill if they feel "threatened".

F$!~ the police.

and sometimes they save your grandma from choking to death.

Fake Healer wrote:

If the dude attacked an officer he was a danger. If he then tried to re-attack the officer why does he need protection? I would feel good knowing that a dude who robbed a store and attempted to overpower a cop in my neighborhood was no longer around.

Many of the people in that neighborhood feel differently, in no small part because the cops tend to treat everyone like they've robbed a store. They get harrased if they're in the "wrong" neighborhood. They get stopped if they're out past a certain hour.

That would be me feeling protected by the police.

The locals are more afraid they'll next than of each other.

If he really did those things is still yet to be determined but that isn't determined by a riot or discussions on how much damage an unarmed man can do. Hopefully it is determined by a fair court.

What are the chances that this would be in court without the demonstrations?

What are the chances that IF this made it to court, it would get a fair hearing and not swept under the rug from the District attorney who's cop father was killed by a black criminal?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GreyWolfLord wrote:
ON the topic of guns, OTHER nations have control over the crime in their nations but do not have their police regularly carry firearms. If they are able to protect themselves and control crime without firearms...which is that such a hard thing in the US?

Second Amendment. Other nations control their guns and while that isn't 100% effective at keeping them out of the public's hands it cuts down the number of illegal guns down by a huge degree. The US has millions of guns in private citizens hands. Criminals can get them easily here, whether they are stolen by some other criminal, obtained legally by a person who hasn't gotten a Felony charge but either wants to make money selling them to others illegally or start doing worse crimes himself....there are tons of ways that criminals get them.

Disarming cops would make it open-season on the police in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened and within days there were entire cities that no longer had a police force due to officers getting slaughtered in the streets and the rest quitting in fear for their lives.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
pres man wrote:

Dead cop doesn't protect anyone.

Protect people from WHAT? Stolen cigars? The man is dead. That is the exact opposite of protection.

Huh. You are probably right, cops should stop responding to high African-American population areas. Evidently they never offer anything of value, that keeping a cop alive would be worthwhile for.

The Exchange

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You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?
I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

If the dude attacked an officer he was a danger. If he then tried to re-attack the officer why does he need protection? I would feel good knowing that a dude who robbed a store and attempted to overpower a cop in my neighborhood was no longer around.

Many of the people in that neighborhood feel differently, in no small part because the cops tend to treat everyone like they've robbed a store. They get harrased if they're in the "wrong" neighborhood. They get stopped if they're out past a certain hour.

That would be me feeling protected by the police.

The locals are more afraid they'll next than of each other.

If he really did those things is still yet to be determined but that isn't determined by a riot or discussions on how much damage an unarmed man can do. Hopefully it is determined by a fair court.

What are the chances that this would be in court without the demonstrations?

What are the chances that IF this made it to court, it would get a fair hearing and not swept under the rug from the District attorney who's cop father was killed by a black criminal?

And that's the real issue here. Even whether this particular cop was justified in shooting this particular black man isn't as important as the fact the cops have failed to build any trust with this community. And that's on them, not the community, because that's their job.

Not just the cops of course. As you suggest, the DA and the courts and the entire system.

On a larger scale, that's echoed across much of black America. That has historical roots, because the system officially was against black Americans for centuries and it continues to this day because the reality and the outcomes haven't changed nearly as much as the official theory.


I'm going to make some controversial comments here and they are in no way meant to offend anyone, but they are rather bold and just speaking frankly.

Do you want non-white Americans to take the racism problem seriously? Clean up part of white culture. There need to be strong, concise white leaders coupled with people willing to back it up with dollars and force country singers and white comedians from using the "R" word in every single song and comedy stand up gig. Ok, maybe I shouldn't lay a blanket statement and say every song and I'm not advocating censorship of any kind, but I believe there is a tremendous amount of usage of that word in every facet of white society that leaves a lot of people scratching their heads. To me, that's like someone saying b!$%h or skank all the time to describe women, and then lecture me about the fair treatment of females. I have a hard time believing JFK and LBJ, Dwight Eisenhower, etc, would stand for that crap.

It's not a panacea, but I think it's an important, relevant step. And I'm not one of those blame the victims guy, but this is just never talked about.

I believe that Sundown Towns have been discussed already. I'm fairly certain that the nature of how elections work in MO (off years, no party disclosure, substantial hoops to jump that have long dissuaded) have been addressed. I am not as sure that discussions of Tongs, Triads, and the Model Minority fallacy have been examined in depth, especially since that role has shifted to those of Indian descent and people still default to East Asian. Add in the comparative quickness with which different ethnic relationships changed (the Chinese were indentured rather than enslaved, for one, the Irish were deemed White Enough and the Papist Scare faded for two, and let's look in depth at the relationship we have with people from South of the border, shall we?), the way that others were co-opted into tiered levels of acceptance, and the hierarchy of prejudice that resulted, and my bit of semi-playful snark may seem less silly.

Instead of rioting against the system, we ARE attempting to take ownership of the system.

I'm sure there's more to this part of it, but I hate typing extremely long parodies.

Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.

You know, while I'm not a fan of it normally, there's a rather apt hash tag I have been getting used to seeing every time this particular defense is brought up in Yet Another Abuse of Power.


It always makes me smile. Or is that grimace?

TheAntiElite wrote:
I believe that Sundown Towns have been discussed already. I'm fairly certain that the nature of how elections work in MO (off years, no party disclosure, substantial hoops to jump that have long dissuaded) have been addressed. I am not as sure that discussions of Tongs, Triads, and the Model Minority fallacy have been examined in depth,

Oddly enough, I just posted a letter to a commie newspaper from an ex-roommate of mine (I think) about the model minority fallacy...but I don't remember any discussion of sundown towns. Although, great chunks of the thread do disappear occasionally.

Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.

I have to question whether or not that is entirely at the crux of the matter.

From an earlier post, in Wisconsin in 129 years, there was a grand total of ONE unjustified shooting. Either the police there are very well vetted and very very lucky, or the buddy system is firmly in place. In a hypothetical "post racial" world that I hope we actually see one day, this statistic still flies in the face of reality for me. In a world where racist police officers are extreme statistical outliers, which I have no opinion based in readily available evidence one way or the other at the moment, you still have a buddy system that threatens the existence of a good and just law, which is (I'm hoping I can speak for everyone, but every time one does that one runs a risk) what we all ultimately want.

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Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.

Prick cop on a power trip accounts for every cop I have ever interacted with.

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Caineach wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.
Prick cop on a power trip accounts for every cop I have ever interacted with.

I'd say that there are a good number of those; I've met some really good people who wear a badge as well.

I think that, all and all, pretty much 60 to 70% of people are just a*%@*%&s in general.

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Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.

So we judge ALL the protesters by the worse of the bunch but the racist cops, that you admit to existing, are outliers to be ignored?

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

You all do know that Evil Racist Cop isn't the majority of cops, right? And Evil, Racist DA? And Evil, Racist Jury and Judge?

I get it that there are some. But you do get that it isn't most of them, right?
Or are we to the point that all cops are Evil Racist Cop? Because that's what is being implied.
So we judge ALL the protesters by the worse of the bunch but the racist cops, that you admit to existing, are outliers to be ignored?

Not only are they to be ignored, but when they are identified 9 times in 10 they will face no repercussions.

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GreyWolfLord wrote:
thejeff wrote:
GreyWolfLord wrote:

Interestly enough Racism IS allowed in the US. It is still socially acceptable.

Think about editorials you have seen. When looking at them, the number that have been focused on mocking those from the Middle East over the past decade is almost innumerable.

The stereotype against those from the Middle shocking.

These are Asians in continent...not African Americans...and because...

Yeah. Let's not go down this derail again. Everybody has it worse than blacks. Racism is so much worse against all the other minorities. Which of course means that any problems black people have are their own fault. Blacks aren't getting harassed and shot by police because of racism, since you think other races face worse racism and yet they're not getting by police as much.

Please don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I stated.

Racism IS worse against the other minorities statistically speaking right now in occurances in media and recordable.

If you are Hispanic or South West Asian, your ability to get a job is much lower than anyone else just about.

Do you have problems with the studies and science?

I already stated I don't know WHY the crime statistics are so bad for African Americans (which could be ONE area where African Americans ARE more persecuted due to race

To say something is totally because of Race may be a cop out. (get it...okay...bad pun).

The situation is probably inherently MORE complex, especially when looking at something like what is occurring in Fergietown.

Right now the focus seems to be on African Americans, but do you think they are the ONLY ones there?

I've seen a few others, even in the protest videos. I'd say there's a more deepseated unrest there and this incident was simply something that lit the fuse on that barrel.

The claims of racism could be part, but I think a more broad brush would be applicable towards a separation of the views of the public and that which are enforced and ruled on...

You need to stop using the word science.

BigDTBone wrote:
You need to stop using the word science.

Sorry, self editing this as there IS discrimination on these boards and I don't really want to give them any more fuel to practice it against me and/or others.

Am about finished with the thread, but wanted to reply.


I know there are those who don't like the studies done by sociologists, economists and political scientists, but these studies are in many instances USED to promote the further equalization of minorities. They are also used as evidence for reasons to promote programs that promote education equality, job opportunity, and betterment of housing and community for minorities.

Is it that you don't consider economics, political science, or sociology as science?

Actually, I don't want to know that answer, as there are others who have far darker reasons for not wanting to consider the studies as actually...don't answer. Ignorance can be bliss.

Plus, I'm leaving the thread as there are some hot topics, and having been discriminated against many times in my life (as I am part of one of the many minorities out there with race, religion, gender, orientation...etc) may hit far to close to home to keep a level head.

I would like to go back on topic though and say, there may be racism, and there may be profiling involved with whats happening in Fergie...

But I also think even if it's going back towards racism in the government and elsewhere...that's rooted in something that's deeper and far more divisive between what the public wants and needs and what their local government is actually doing. I think it's a divide that's been growing for a looong time, and has been brewing for all that time.


Also agreed, with a key caveat.

I know the plural of anecdote is not data; this discussion, alone, demonstrates that there is a substantial gulf in experience with authority.

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