Obsidian Pathfinder Computer RPG game My Dream game

Licensed Products General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Yeah, that was an interesting moment. Just like with Kaidan and Ashley, there was no way to make the perfect choice. No matter how many subquests you completed before getting to that point, no matter how "perfectly" you had played the game up until that point, you reached a point where you were forced to lose, but you got to decide how.

Those are the choices in ME that I have agonized over the most. Whenever there was the option of the "perfect" choice that allowed you to save everyone, I always did that, no matter how much groundwork that required. And that required making no choice at all, you got to have your cake and eat it. It's much tougher when you have to choose to have your cake *or* eat it.

Bump. Have we learned anything new about this deal? This would be my dream game as well and isometric RPGs are certainly trending right now.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

One theory (and mine as well) is that one of James Jacobs secret projects could be writing for an Obsidian PF cRPG.

Sixteenbiticon wrote:
Bump. Have we learned anything new about this deal?

Not yet. Obsidian is nearing the release of its first Pathfinder licensed product (the mobile app version of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game) next month, and just released the second (and likely final) expansion to Pillars of Eternity last week. I would be surprised if they hadn't already been in the early stages of development of a more traditional Pathfinder CRPG, and I expect that they are now transitioning (or have recently transitioned) to full development. My guess? We'll hear a product announcement sometime in the next six months.

Wild predictions are fun!

Are they doing any of the other card game series like the pirate one digitally?

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