Cyberpunk is coming to Pathfinder!

Product Discussion

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jemstone wrote:

As someone with a vested interest and long-running involvement with Cyberpunk genre games (my contributions to the RTG line not-withstanding), I wish to throw my money at this product.

Later this year, you say? Please equip your money-catching mitt.

Thank you sir!

We've been having some internal discussion on damage, and ways we might speed combat up. I proposed a way of doing fixed damage by weapons, and this is what one of the developers came up with.

Personally, I like it, but I want to know what ya'll think.

Sorry for formatting, I'm not sure how to make tables on here.

Weapons in IZ2.0:P compute damage differently than in the standard Pathfinder ruleset. Base damage is measured in dice (or multiple) dice as normal, but the actual computation and application of damage is done differently. On a hit that strikes the target with the exactly number needed, damage is 1 point per die of base damage. A hit higher than an exact hit, but that is not a confirmed critical hit, does the average of the dice. A confirmed critical does the maximum number possible on the dice. Firing modes such as Burst Fire and Double Shot that grant extra dice of damage have those dice added to the base damage before computation. Weapons not listed by type below will have their damage and any special rules regarding them in the individual weapon tables and descriptions.

Weapon Class Base Damage Exact Normal Critical
Light Pistol 2d4 2 5 8
Pistol 2d6 2 7 12
Heavy Pistol 2d8 2 9 16
Light Machine Pistol 2d4 2 5 8
Machine Pistol 2d6 2 7 12
SMG 2d6 2 7 12
Shotgun 2d8 2 9 16
Rifle 2d10 2 11 20
Heavy rifle 2d12 2 13 24
Assault rifle 2d8 2 9 16
Heavy assault rifle 2d10 2 11 20
Machinegun 2d8 2 9 16
Heavy Machinegun 2d12 2 13 24

Die Type Average Result
D4 2.5
D6 3.5
D8 4.5
D10 5.6
D12 6.5
D20 10.5

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Actually a slightly different formatting is easier to read in the forums:

Weapon Class / Base Damage / Exact / Normal / Critical
Light Pistol / 2d4 / 2 / 5 / 8
Pistol / 2d6 / 2 / 7 / 12
Heavy Pistol / 2d8 / 2 / 9 / 16
Light Machine Pistol / 2d4 / 2 / 5 / 8
Machine Pistol / 2d6 / 2 / 7 / 12
SMG / 2d6 / 2 / 7 / 12
Shotgun / 2d8 / 2 / 9 / 16
Rifle / 2d10 / 2 / 11 / 20
Heavy rifle / 2d12 / 2 / 13 / 24
Assault rifle / 2d8 / 2 / 9 / 16
Heavy assault rifle / 2d10 / 2 / 11 / 20
Machinegun / 2d8 / 2 / 9 / 16
Heavy Machinegun / 2d12 / 2 / 13 / 24

Die Type / Average Result
D4 / 2.5
D6 / 3.5
D8 / 4.5
D10 / 5.6
D12 / 6.5
D20 / 10.5

I personally like rolling a big handful of dice for damage. But I can also understand the desire to reduce die rolling. But rolling dice is fun.

Even .22 bullets can be dangerous. Bullets are mean because not only do they have the entrance wound, but they bounce around inside the target. I would want to roll damage to have this chance, but in a larger fight I might do the quick-math method. A part of me likes the idea of the maximum die on a damage die can "ace" like in Savage Worlds and lets you roll another damage die. This would make it so that combat could be more dangerous.


David Jarvis 182 wrote:
I expect it'll be on sale in November of this year, actually.

Is this going to be sold as an add-on to the current Savage World version book, or will it be stand alone? Meaning: will the Pathfinder version include the 200+ pages of setting description?

jemstone wrote:

As someone with a vested interest and long-running involvement with Cyberpunk genre games (my contributions to the RTG line not-withstanding), I wish to throw my money at this product.

Later this year, you say? Please equip your money-catching mitt.

Hi sir, and thanks for your interest!

The work is coming along nicely. We're making sure everything works well with the Tech Guide, right now. I've seen the bare bones hacking system, and it's very smooth.

Mutant and Bio-horror generation tables have been created, as have most of the classes, many of which are based off some existing classes, as we don't feel the need to completely re-invent the wheel here.

Races are done, and cyberware is very nearly completed, as are ranged combat rules, and a new flat damage system that is going to help speed combat up greatly.

I have to say, I'm really excited by what I've seen so far. All of the developers have done an outstanding job.

SeeleyOne wrote:

Even .22 bullets can be dangerous. Bullets are mean because not only do they have the entrance wound, but they bounce around inside the target. I would want to roll damage to have this chance, but in a larger fight I might do the quick-math method. A part of me likes the idea of the maximum die on a damage die can "ace" like in Savage Worlds and lets you roll another damage die. This would make it so that combat could be more dangerous.

Wow, that "acing" mechanic is a great idea. I'll talk with the group about it.

Sounds interesting.

I hate to be the 'Negative Nancy' but I just wanted to express an opinion.

I lost interest without magic. I play other stuff if I want to play no magic cyberpunk. Pathfinder without magic and putting it into the future sounds masochistic. I'm more interested in playing "Shadowrun" without having to buy Shadowrun books because Cyberpunk and magic are not mutually exclusive. (people forget the 'punk' part more than anything else.)

Well, if you wanted to create a Shadowrun style world, since this is all PF compatible, you could add in the fantasy races you want from the PF books, as well as the magical classes with little trouble.

Shadowborn wrote:
Well, if you wanted to create a Shadowrun style world, since this is all PF compatible, you could add in the fantasy races you want from the PF books, as well as the magical classes with little trouble.

Okay so it's not one of those supplements that rewrites half the mechanics to fit the setting. That I can get into.

The alternate damage system we're instituting is a mechanical change, yes, but it could apply to spell damage just as it does to weapon damage. You can also use the regular Pathfinder system damage rules for a less brutal option. The classes are all done in typical, 20 level progression, Pathfinder style, and most are riffs off of existing classes, with changes made where necessary. The only class pretty much built from the ground up was the hacker, and even there we've borrowed some mechanics from the sorcerer and wizard, since what the hacker does is the closest thing to magic in Interface Zero (well, except maybe for the cybermonk.)

At the risk of speaking for Dave and the rest of the team, this isn't about excluding magic. It's about taking the Interface Zero world and making it accessible to Pathfinder fans without making them learn a new system to play it. I can see turning it into a PF version of Pathfinder with very little trouble. In fact, I have an old D&D urban campaign that I was thinking of converting to a futuristic setting (with magic) when d20 Modern came out, but never got around to it because although it was d20, Modern was too far removed from D&D. With Interface Zero, it would be really easy.

Great, now I've just given myself another personal project to interfere with my work. Here comes Sahl Senara 2090...

Malwing wrote:

I hate to be the 'Negative Nancy' but I just wanted to express an opinion.

I lost interest without magic. I play other stuff if I want to play no magic cyberpunk. Pathfinder without magic and putting it into the future sounds masochistic. I'm more interested in playing "Shadowrun" without having to buy Shadowrun books because Cyberpunk and magic are not mutually exclusive. (people forget the 'punk' part more than anything else.)

Interface Zero has Psionics. Now, I don't consider psionics to be the same as magic, but there's room in the setting for you to play someone who uses magic.

I wrote them into the setting with movies like "Push" "Scanners" and Stephen King's "Fire starter" in mind. As another poster has could do Shadowrun if you like. That really isn't an issue. You'll have to put in a little extra effort, though.

Fayries wrote:
David Jarvis 182 wrote:
I expect it'll be on sale in November of this year, actually.
Is this going to be sold as an add-on to the current Savage Worlds version book, or will it be stand alone? Meaning: will the Pathfinder version include the 200+ pages of setting description?

It will include all of the setting content. I'm not going to require anyone to get the Savage Worlds version to understand this setting.

I'll actually do a little extra writing to include a comprehensive timeline...something I didn't do with 2.0 (but should have).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How have I not heard about this before today!?

I've been looking for an 'in-between' setting to fill the gap between my steampunk (Pure Steam) and sci-fi pathfinder material. Granted, Age of Electrotech fills in for the early to mid 1900's and can easily be converted to a dieselpunk setting (a la Crimson Skies, which I really wish they'd release another PC-based game), but that still left a gap between dieselpunk and sci-fi.

Now I can do a Bubblegum Crisis/Ghost in the Shell/Johnny Mnemonic/Cowboy Bebop (more cyberpunk than sci-fi in my opinion, maybe VERY low-tech sci-fi at the most) style game. I'd add Bladerunner to the list, but I honestly didn't like that movie very much.

Just an update on the progress. Things are coming along very nicely. in the next week or so, I'm going to be creating a PDF document with the new races, and some of the equipment so you can see where things are going. This will be a free download. I'll provide the link to get it on my website.

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