A freelancer's request

PaizoCon General Discussion


I don't know how other freelancers and contributors feel, so I'm just speaking for myself here, but...

If you like my writing,
If you've commented on it,
If we've interacted here on the forums,

please introduce yourself and say hello if you see me at PaizoCon (or other conventions)! I like putting faces with names, and my Intimidate is zero.

You can count on it Gabrielle!

And don't worry - PaizoCon is cozy enough that even the shy ones of us tend to reach out.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber
Majuba wrote:
... PaizoCon is cozy enough...

Wait... aren't you the guy who on another thread said that there are going to be 15 million people there? :)

(Though, I must admit: 15 million people in that hotel would be very cozy.)

Silver Crusade

rknop wrote:
Majuba wrote:
... PaizoCon is cozy enough...

Wait... aren't you the guy who on another thread said that there are going to be 15 million people there? :)

(Though, I must admit: 15 million people in that hotel would be very cozy.)

and smelly....

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