Thundercaller Errata?

Pathfinder Player Companion

Hey...well, more or less, Patrick. But I'll say all. So, Hey all.

Are there any plans to errata through the Golarion FAQ the thundercaller archetype from Varisia, Birthplace of Legends? Sean seemed to think it could use a quick whack, but I'm curious if that'll ever turn into errata on the FAQ page, since I know those books don't get a second printing.


I just made a post that's kinda asking Paizo Developers for attention. I

I am in full agreement with Cheapy. It'd be great if there was a "once per round" requirement on the signature ability.

while we're on the subject of errata for books whose covers you can bend

a) snowball?
b) white-haired witch?
c) oh yeah, and thundercaller

anything obvious I'm missing?

Liberty's Edge

Ohh good grief u give up bardic knowledge and quite a few other abilities as a thunder caller

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