Forum Lurkers - How many are there?

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Goblin Squad Member

First0f0ne wrote:
Just lurking it up the only way I know how.

Am I the only one that silently added and that's just a little bit more than the law will allow?

Goblin Squad Member

I mostly lurk now. I haven't seen much of interest lately. Same arguments and same impediments. Little thought.

Liberty's Edge

I lurk for the most part.

also I take periodic breaks from the forums to avoid giving myself hype burnout.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the posts and to each their own. Lurk if you don't see anything worth talking about but always feel free to make something worth talking about!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sort of a lurker too. I started following PFO quite early and even took part in some discussions here. I also was one of the people who sent in a video statement for their publisher pitch (and therefore I was an inaugural member of the Goblin Squad, for whatever that's worth). But many of the updates were much too theoretical and abstract for me to really talk about it. Not to mention that many of the updates were kind of long and I follow a lot of other games (also for professional reasons) so there's a lot to keep up with. With the second Kickstarter Goblinworks lost a bit of my sympathy towards the project. So, yeah, here we are. I frequent the forums now and then, but I haven't been able to really keep up with it, and as long as there's not a good tl;dr version, I probably won't be able to. Even though I really want to, because, with all its faults campaign-wise and marketing-wise, I still think PFO could manage to become one of the best MMORPGs out there.

Goblin Squad Member

Although I've posted once or so, I mostly lurk. But I haven't had time for that for half a year or so due to life being a busy affair as usual. Really looking forward to the game though!

Silver Crusade

I was a lurker for a long time before I started posting or replying to threads.

I would say that I still lurk more than I post with movement towards becoming a solid lurker again.

The forums in general are a giant group think, single minded, narrow focused, circle jerk so I have learned that arguing against the think tank is pointless and have decreased how often I respond by a lot.

Goblin Squad Member

@ Caedryan

I get that and have similar hopes for PFO.


Thanks for checking in.


I totally understand where you're coming from. A forum like this is a place for those interested in PFO to congregate and the most vocal tend to set the tone and argue with those that differ in viewpoint. In my mind it is just giving us something to do with our thoughts until the game is out. Then things will really start to unfold.

Goblin Squad Member

I Tend to lurk a lot simply because the guild I signed up for hasn't done much (hoping they are still going to be there for EE) and because most of what I would say on a topic has already been said or I don't know how to word what I want to say...

Goblin Squad Member


Thanks for the post. I often do the same or just don't want to argue one way or the other as we can't know for certain until we play it. If your guild doesn't pan out feel free to take a look at the other options available but hopefully it does.

Goblin Squad Member

Hello! I am mostly a lurker, but if there is something I feel strongly about I will definitely post! Will probably become more active when crowd-forging really picks up.

Goblin Squad Member

How many Lurkers?


I wonder if I count?

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, I hope very many and that as we get closer to EE and into it that they de-lurk

Goblin Squad Member

Been lurking for awhile now...have posted a few times...but mostly observe (& take notes, hehehe).

Goblin Squad Member

A scholar? Well, always feel free to share the knowledge you have gleaned!

Goblin Squad Member

I consider myself a lurker in the PFO forums but I have posted a few times. I tend to post more in the other paizo forums.

Goblin Squad Member

Ruick wrote:
I consider myself a lurker in the PFO forums but I have posted a few times. I tend to post more in the other paizo forums.

It always makes me happy to see folks from the other Paizo forums dropping by. I hope PFO gets more of y'all to take an interest :)

Goblin Squad Member

Like many of the others up-thread I lurk in the PFO forums from time to time, but spend more of my time on the other Paizo forums.


I am a lurker too... but thinking about posting...

Goblin Squad Member

Thecrazyjester wrote:

I'm a long time Lurker.

I just feel like I've got nothing meaningful to contribute to discussions so I just lurk.

This is another trait I share.

Silver Crusade Goblinworks Executive Founder

I guess I'm classified as a lurker as well. I really don't have as much time as I use to.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, glad to have lurkers and posters alike. Hopefully we will spark more talk as the game goes live!

Goblin Squad Member

Been lurking for a while.

Goblin Squad Member

I am pretty good at lurking around :). Though I come out of hiding every so often to post a few things if something catches my interest. That kind of applies to all of the paizo boards really.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome lurkers!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm also mostly lurking around.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometime lurker from the other parts of the forums here. At first glance, PFO isn't my kind of game at all, but that is because I am only familiar with the 'modern' variant of pvp (read: all griefing/exploiting all the time). I'm open to fresh perspectives on things though, and everyone associated with Paizo has shown the ability to bring fresh perspective to things that I might have once considered 'settled'. With that in mind, I watch, trying to divine the signs to see if maybe I shouldn't take a chance with this one.

But I guess for a 'is anyone out there?'-type thread, that's close enough to count. =)

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