The Harrowing - Undead? (spoilers)


I'm going to be running The Harrowing, and one of my players has just gotten into animating the dead, and I'm conflicted. My first thought would be to argue that a dead storykin doesn't leave behind a body so much as a lump of plaster, so it can't be zombified. But the eclipse leads to a number of skeletons rising from the ground, so maybe that's not fair. On the other hand, those skeletons might just be storykin in the shape of skeletons, rather than skeletons of storykin, so ... I'm not sure how to handle it. Thoughts?

I assume the skeletons are storykin as well. What I would suggest is allow them to animate them, but once Marzalee is finished resculpting them the animated one just collapses into a puddle of wax. I would suggest making the time it takes her to resculpt one day per hit die.

Cool, that could work. Thanks. :)

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