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Hey all!
With Eric Clingenpeel recently being promoted to VC for central Michigan, I wanted to reach out to the community and share the fact that PFS is alive and kicking here in the middle of the mitten!
I had been running regular games at Game Links in Fowlerville (east of Lansing), and once I hit my 4th star I decided to take a couple months off. Now that that's done, we're screaming to go once more. We're looking to re-up our PFS GMs and keep the dice rolling.
There are a couple gameshops in Lansing that are also looking to expand their player and GM bases. While I can't speak for them directly, I do casually keep in touch with a couple of other organizers via Facebook and would be happy to get new, newly-returned, or curious gamers in touch with people that can make things happen here in our area.
Our events aren't always posted in this board, but if you check out the Michigan PFS site you should see what we have going across the state:
I'm no VC, VL, or anything else (though I have other random letters that I can put on a business card, heh)... I'm just a guy with some books, some dice, and a desire to help people have a good time with other like-minded nerds.
Take care, and I hope to see more new faces at our gamedays. I'm open to scenario and module requests - keep in touch!

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Can our state of Michigan make touch attacks on Canada?
Does Michigan flank the Mackinac Bridge?
Do we get a bonus for higher ground against Ohio?
Is the upper peninsula the lower peninsula's eidolon?
Is the Toledo Strip our familiar or animal companion?
Can Michigan use Lay on Hands?
Is Michigan the karate chop of America if America was a monk?
Do the great lakes give us a caster level bonus for water spells?

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Can our state of Michigan make touch attacks on Canada?
--> Yes, Michigan can make touch attacks on Canada. However, Canada can - and almost always will - respond with an opportunity action to chuck a member of Nickelback at us.
Does Michigan flank the Mackinac Bridge?
--> This is correct.
Do we get a bonus for higher ground against Ohio?
--> In spirit, yes. To be fair, everyone gets a bonus against Ohio. The reason really doesn't matter.
Is the upper peninsula the lower peninsula's eidolon?
--> Actually, no. Eidolons can improve over time by adding new abilities, features, and even spells (or spell-like abilities). As the upper peninsula is already maxed out on snowmobile trails, wolves, and drunken Michigan Tech students, there can be no further improvements to the peninsula. Maybe when Mythic Landmasses releases at some point in the future, though?
Is the Toledo Strip our familiar or animal companion?
--> The Toledo Strip is neither familiar nor natural. It is, in fact, a soulless aberration that even Ohio does not want back.
Can Michigan use Lay on Hands?
--> ... Michigan only has one hand, but it can high five Canada. In the face!
Is Michigan the karate chop of America if America was a monk?
--> It's more of an open-hand slap. Nonlethal damage, of course, but it has some severe stopping power if we invoke our Autoworker's Union Strike.
Do the great lakes give us a caster level bonus for water spells?
--> Even better: our water spells ignore SR, DR, and even common sense. Plus, they deal +1d20 zebra mussels per casting.