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Hey y'all!
I'm doing final preps for the groups first foray into RotRL's this Thursday. I've got the speeches, got some games and NPC's lined up.
But.. I keep thinking that maybe I need to email the opening speeches first instead of RPing them.
How did you handle the Swallotail festival opening commencements?

Kayland |

My game hasn't started yet...but I'm going to RP the speeches out. I figure it's a good way for the characters that have no background in Sandpoint (all but one) to be able to gauge certain people, pick up on things in the crowd, reactions etc.
It honestly doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes to go through any speeches that have either been posted in the forums, or that you create yourself...so as long as you're willing to do them, I don't see why you wouldn't put in the roleplay effort for them. I've played in many a different group and pretty much all have seemed to prefer moments like that to passing around and reading a script.
For me when I run this in the weeks/months to come I'll open up with several of the players entering Sandpoint and quickly going into the opening speeches. From there I'll be opening up the town, letting them explore and see all of the games etc. as well as let them slowly work in perhaps where they'll be staying, interacting with NPCs etc. Then several hours later I'll be doing a commencement ceremony for the cathedral and at that point I'll set up the initial goblin attacks.

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Did somebody actually write up speeches here on the forums? There's so much stuff around here, I have no idea where to find everything.
My group will probably start next week, though we may spend some time finishing character creation and back story writing first, so the actual playing time may be short. I was just going to read them the summary of the speeches from the anniversary edition instead of going through all of them.

Kayland |

Fromper - if you do a search within the Rise of the Runelords messageboard page you can find all kind of stuff. As an example I've posted in links to various Swallowtail festival games and speeches people have come up with here on the forums.
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2hkay?Help-Writing-the-Welcoming-Speeches-for-t he
There's also a general community created "stuff" thread for RoTRL as well. It's quite long, but if you search through you can find the occasional gem.
hmm...sorry not sure how to make them show as links...but a simple copy/paste will bring you there.