Star Trek 3: There is a Cancer in Starfleet...


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The Exchange

QXL99 wrote:
No more time travel!

You mean NO to the Enterprize burning in the Sky during a starfall over the American Revolution or the Arrival of BORG Janeway?

Sovereign Court

yellowdingo wrote:
Hama wrote:
Well, they went on the 5 year exploration mission. So, I'm hopeful. I just hope we don't have to wait for 4 years for another star trek.
One every year?

Nah, two years. Three tops.

The Exchange

Hama wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Hama wrote:
Well, they went on the 5 year exploration mission. So, I'm hopeful. I just hope we don't have to wait for 4 years for another star trek.
One every year?
Nah, two years. Three tops.

Keep your Opinion to yourself. I'll take one a year for the Five Year Mission.

Mudd's Women.

Mirror, Mirror

V-GER!! lol

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