Epic Story Time

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I haven't seen any threads like this here, but I think it's cool hearing about some of the games other had played. So I'll start this here


I played a solo game of Brigadoom! last night using Seelah. The game ended on a knifes edge.

I started at the Waterfront and wasn't really rolling well. Faced the Bandit and lost. But after encountering the Shadow twice I decided to move to the Woods and would leave that for later. And hope to get an item with the Magic trait.

I encountered the other Bandit at the Woods, defeated him, but I failed to closed the location and had to totally explore it to close it. Then I returned to the Waterfront, knowing that the Villain was at the Farmhouse.

So, I faced the Bandit again, and beat him using Seelahs power to add an extra d6 by discarding the top card. And then I beat him again to close the location.

By the time I got to the farmhouse, I had in my hand 2 Blessings of the Gods, a Longsword and Chainmail. My deck was empty, so any more damage would mean game over when I had to reset my hand.

After a few turns of encountering boons and failing to get them, I turned over the Siren. I ended up failing the fortitude check by one, but I did defeat it. I thought it was over, but I realised that I could continue with the two blessings if I discarded my chainmail. But it meant I HAD to face the Villian before the turn ended.

On my final exploration I turned over an Ambush. I realised that if I made the check I could pull out the Villain and face him. I didn't, however I did have the face the next monster in the deck (I assumed I just turned over cards until I hit a Monster).

The Villan appeared. I discarded the Longsword to get the extra d8 & d6 (I wanted to be sure) and ended up rolling enough to defeat him.

It was one of the the closest game I've had.

Sounds like a great game. I haven't tried the solo play yet myself, I've been playing with my wife in a 2 character and a 6 character game. I love to hear the stories of others as well. Thanks for the story.

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