Vampires and liches.

Rules Questions

How does being a vampire interact with the "lichification" process?
What about being a Dhampir?

A vampire, being an undead creature already, cannot become a lich. A Dhampir, being a living creature, can, like any other living creature can.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
A vampire, being an undead creature already, cannot become a lich. A Dhampir, being a living creature, can, like any other living creature can.

Kinda thought a Dhampir could.

Sorry for asking, but any sources on the vampire not being able to?

Dark Archive

Because they are both templates that need to be applied to living creatures and require deaths in very different ways. You can't die twice. Now you as the gm can handwave this or create a new vampiric lich template.

divineshadow wrote:
Because they are both templates that need to be applied to living creatures and require deaths in very different ways. You can't die twice. Now you as the gm can handwave this or create a new vampiric lich template.

specifically this part

bestiary wrote:

Creating a Lich

“Lich” is an acquired template that can be added to any living
creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided
it can create the required phylactery.

divineshadow wrote:
Because they are both templates that need to be applied to living creatures and require deaths in very different ways. You can't die twice. Now you as the gm can handwave this or create a new vampiric lich template.

I'm just saying, surprising the fighter as the "caster" lich grapples him and sucks his blood would be hilarious. "He does WHAT?!"

I understand why it's not possible. Thanks guys.

Vampire figures out lichdom. Before he can undertake it he gets resurrected.

Vampire > resurrect > LIving now> Lichdom

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Vampire figures out lichdom. Before he can undertake it he gets resurrected.

Vampire > resurrect > LIving now> Lichdom

Doing that would take away his vampire template and powers.

Not what I'm looking for.
Gives him plenty of time to figure out lichdom, though.

bigrig107 wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Vampire figures out lichdom. Before he can undertake it he gets resurrected.

Vampire > resurrect > LIving now> Lichdom

Doing that would take away his vampire template and powers.

Not what I'm looking for.
Gives him plenty of time to figure out lichdom, though.

Well, there is that. Vampirism is easy, but lichdom is far better. If nothing else they get to see the sun again. vampirism would be just buying time.

Sovereign Court Contributor

There's a Vampiric Lich in a Necromancer Games book for 3.5

in Gygax's Necropolis

Dark Archive

Yeah pretty much lich is way better. Not to say the lich couldn't give himself blood draining powers somehow but by RaW it can't be done. He could possibly possess a vamp and get both though....

Welcome to DM fiat territory. Back in 3.5, outsiders couldn't become liches either, but Paizo made at least one in their Adventure Paths. A half-fiend human cleric lich, if I recall, but hey, it was a direct violation of the RRRRRUUUULES, but they specifically addressed that.

It went something like this: "Hey guys, this monster is technically a violation of the rules, but its really cool, so we think it has a place here. Also, in-game justifications."

IF you want a vampilich, go for it. A vampire in carrion crown MADE herself via alchemical means, not being bitten by another. There are always exceptions to rules. Assuming the character (be it PC or NPC) has the means, motive, and opportunity to do the work required, and it isn't something the DM flat out bans, it should be able to be eventually accomplished.

It may be a massive coincidence, a cosmic accident, or a scheme of grand scope, but it could happen. Maybe a vampire slipped into a wizards sanctum as he lay on the floor twitching, just having imbibed his lich death/transformation potion. The vampire, a relative newborn with no understanding of complex magics, sees an opportunity. Maybe the vampire gets the lich powers. Maybe the phylactery drains the vampire, giving the abilities to the lich. Maybe something is gained, like granting the children of the night ability the same paralyzing touch as the lich. Maybe something is lost, and the lich can not prepare spells unless he has fed on blood. And the big question is: what happened to the one who "lost" their powers? There are a few options for the drained lich, like demilich, sundered lich, or lich shade. For the vampire, there is the bestial vrykolakas, or even reducing the vampire to a ghoul or such.

Make it interesting, make it something the players can learn about before, during, and after the encounter, and make it somewhat balanced (the monster creation rules will help) and your players shouldn't have a problem with it unless they are taking the bar exam for rules lawyers.

On a rules level, I wouldn't add the full ability modifiers together. I would have physicals partially stack, adding half the lesser bonus, and I wouldn't have the mentals stack at all (unless you wanted to make a unique ability, like only getting the lich mentals, but if he's fed on blood, he gets the vampire mentals for a certain period of time).

In the end, your game, your call. Good on you for getting clarification of the rules. Now remember you can bend or break them if it makes the game more fun. This might be one of those times.

What about other types of undead-combining?
Would this "mixture process" work on most types, barring a few exceptions?

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say yes to vampilich, lichpyre, or doubly dead mcawesometon...paralyzing touch plus level drain does sounds nasty though.

Oh, just thought about it.
What if a lich and a vampire were hanging out, doing evil ritual-stuff (cause that's what undead best friends do) and during a complicated ritual (undefined), the two were physically and mentally combined, splitting half the benefits of each type? The lich would keep his spells and stuff, the vampire would keep his stuff (probably like fighter levels, for lich-protection) and split the two creature abilities?

Interesting roleplay to be had.

If you want the mechanical effects, give a lich items that let him use vampiric touch, alter self, summon monster N ince a day, and dominate person, range 30 feet.

If you want the flavor, the flavor is entirely up to you. He can look like anything you want.

If both, do both.

If Gygax had one, that's canon enough for me =)

I'm sorry, but the idea of a vampire and lich merging? Maybe even on purpose?!
Crazy. You have to destroy him with his vampire weaknesses, only to have him respawn at his phylactery!
I'm definitely doing this.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A character absolutely can have both templates. He gets one, is destroyed, resurrected, and then gets the other.


Ravingdork wrote:

A character absolutely can have both templates. He gets one, is destroyed, resurrected, and then gets the other.


Sorry, But Ressurecting Them Would Remove The Undead Template They Died With.

*Almost Forgot The Reason I Rezed This Thread! What's The Ruling On Touch Attacks Like The Lich And Vampire Templates Give, Can They Touch Others Without Causing Damage? Is It An "Always On" Ability Or Can They Switch It Off?

I would figure a lich would have enough time/resources to develop spells and/or magical items to replicate the bulk of a vampire's abilities.

So while not a true Lichpire or Vampich, or whatever you might call it, you'd probably be able to have the best of both worlds.

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