Looking for: Fat Minis


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I'm looking for mini representing a character that enjoys the feast! We're tired of all these muscle bound heroes! Where's the mini with a little bit more to love?

Specifically, I'm trying to make a "Strong Belwas" type barbarian character - and am seeking a mini that would fit.

Well, you could always buy the Strong Belwas mini and do a little bit of conversion if he's not entirely to your liking. :-)

GAH! That literally exists! How did I not know this?

Thank you good sir.

There's this guy too

and for the ladies:
this one

PhineasGage wrote:

GAH! That literally exists! How did I not know this?

Thank you good sir.

My pleasure. :-)

Just did an image search for Strong Belwas and it was one of the first images.

GentleGiant wrote:
Well, you could always buy the Strong Belwas mini

I could never buy that mini. Once I tried to paint him I would become so frustrated I would end up giving up on him. I do like many of the figures from that line though.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Strong Belwas looks awesome and probably the search needs go no further.

But just for discussion's sake...

For females, you could always sculpt clothes onto this zaftig succubus as well -- NSFW, note my comment about "sculpt clothes" and "succubus" and do the math.

Also, there are NO naked man figurines at Reaper and I call MAJOR shenanigans there. All who like pretty men should boycott at once until this egregious error is fixed.*

This guy could pass for a bit portly:
http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/human%20male%20barbarian/latest/14329# detail/14329_thug_f

This guy's got a bit of a pot belly, but he wouldn't work for a typical barbarian: http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/large%20human%20male/latest/02375

*DeathQuaker would like to note for the facetious-impaired, that she is not actually calling for a boycott of Reaper miniatures because they have no naked male miniatures. Yet.

Oh, there are definitely other larger/portly minis out there. Halflings and dwarven minis are often portrayed with a bit of a belly.
Among human minis they exist too. Here are some from Red Box Games:
Big Bernard
Fat Fergus the Wandering Friar
Hefty Hamish
Bruiser Gus

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