Promo Cards Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a couple questions about promo cards.

1. How/when should these be used? Since the cards have their own 'set' instead of B for Base and 1 for Burnt Offerings are they basically supposed to be 'in the box' cards for any set to pull from?

2. Should we expect there to be promo cards released frequently for those with the subscription? Are there any oher plans for how or when they might be released?


One of the developers suggested not adding the promo cards until you start Burnt Offerings. here

Where does one get the promos? I thought I had read somewhere that subscribers were supposed to get some/all of them as part of their subscription? Is that true or still true, and if so, when should we start to see them in our shipments?

I got two in my Adventure Card Game base set pre-order. I saw some posts about GenCon.

They came in my box this month. They were in a small white plastic bag type thing in the main box with everything else. Make sure you search your box if you did not see one. I had two cards for the month of Aug.

Inside the sealed card game box or in the shipping box? I don't see any other cards anywhere. I got the Base set (sealed box), the character add-on (sealed) and this months adventure path in a sealed white mailing envelope, but no other cards?

Maybe in my excitement I already included the without realizing :) can anyone tell me what they were supposed to be so I can check if I got them?


Some reports on boardgame geek that their promo cards arrived seperately.

Mine were inside the sealed Base Set box which was inside a shipping box which also contained my AP.

@Ratticus - thanks I had been watching BGG but I must have missed that. So I guess I will wait a couple of days, like some others have, and hope they arrive separately.

@Wruin - inside the sealed card box? Wow, so maybe they had some printed up to be in the boxes but got too many orders so had to ship some separately.

Anyway, I'll post again if they come in in a couple of days of not :)

Mine was inside the shipping box and not the game box. I had a lot of items this month and the cards were in a little plastic bag that looked like the same bag the novel came in. It was different from the white cardboard items that help my AP and Campaign stuff.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Wruin wrote:
Mine were inside the sealed Base Set box which was inside a shipping box which also contained my AP.

That should not be possible.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

To answer the original question, subscribers should receive the first two promo cards with their shipment: Fire Sneeze and Poog of Zarongel. If you didn't get both, let customer service know. (Please be patient with them, though, as they're very busy this week!)

I probably don't recall correctly. I was so excited to open it.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
To answer the original question, subscribers should receive the first two promo cards with their shipment: Fire Sneeze and Poog of Zarongel. If you didn't get both, let customer service know. (Please be patient with them, though, as they're very busy this week!)

I appreciate the feedback, but I was actually more curious about future releases? Will there be more promo cards released with the other packs? Will there be other ways of getting these promo cards aside from having a subscription?

Liberty's Edge

I think they said that they will have the promo's at events. But other than that, I think the subscription is the only way to guarantee you get all the promo cards.

Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the thread with my questions too :)

My understanding is that they should be mixed into the regular set but only if you are playing the adventure path, do not include them with the basic adventure. I believe this was from Mike on some thread I cannot recall at this point.

As TClifford mentioned, I believe subscribers are supposed to get them as part of their subscription (one in each pack I think). Again I remember reading on a thread here somewhere but don't recall exactly.

Kevin Fernandes wrote:
As TClifford mentioned, I believe subscribers are supposed to get them as part of their subscription (one in each pack I think). Again I remember reading on a thread here somewhere but don't recall exactly.

It was the Paizo Blog that mentioned how and where you can obtain the promo cards, see Dont Need Be No Sissy Bard Get You Promo Goblin Card.

Have a read of the discussion thread as well for comments such as...

Vic Wertz wrote:
Each of the 8 promo cards are a different type: there's one each of the 6 types of boon other than loot, and there's a monster and a barrier. Poog is an ally.
Vic Wertz wrote:
bubsc132 wrote:
I don't quite understand the Dance with Squealy Nord card. It has an acquire option, what do you do with it if you successfully acquire it? I see what you do with it if you defeat it.
Well, shoot. That should say Check to Defeat, not Check to Acquire.

Grand Lodge

Fantastic, thanks!

I received my initial subscription box a couple days ago. It did not have any promo cards. I imagine that is because the promo window for the august cards is closed.

Paizo Employee Paizo Customer Service Algorithm

NariusV wrote:
I received my initial subscription box a couple days ago. It did not have any promo cards. I imagine that is because the promo window for the august cards is closed.

I just reviewed the order and I see what might have happened. I've set a replacement copy of both cards to be shipped to you with your currently pending copy of The Skinsaw Murders.

I know that our warehouse staff was tucking the cards into the Character Add-On Deck with some shipments to ensure the cards arrived in pristine condition. If you want to check inside the the Character Add-On Deck's box you may find the two missing promotional cards that should have been included in your shipment.

I just re-checked the shipping box and inside the character add-on box. I did not see the promo's in either. Thank you, much appreciated. I did not know there were any still available.

I really want to get my hands on all promotion cards, bought the game from a Swedish retailer, with the character add-on and got one of the promotion cards could I subscribe to Sweden? Would have been fantastic to get the fire sneeze any retailers who got it in Sweden?

Fire Sneeze didn't go to retailers. You can only get it if you subscribe via the Paizo website and back-date your subscription to the character add-on deck. Oh, and this offer is only available until the end of October!

See here for more info:

Grand Lodge

h4ppy wrote:
Fire Sneeze didn't go to retailers. You can only get it if you subscribe via the Paizo website and back-date your subscription to the character add-on deck.

Or at a convention which is supported by Paizo.

You might check with a Pathfinder Society co-ordinator to see if there are any coming up near you. I believe the closest Society organizer to Sweden is in Denmark.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Hey folks, I've posted a thread up in Customer Service Forums: on.

I'd really like to keep questions and answers in one spot to help consolidate information, so I am going to go ahead and close this thread up. Please visit the above thread. If you have questions about how they work mechanically, see if the ACG FAQ answers them and if not, go ahead and post in this forum for the Adventure Card Game.

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