Question from Faiths and Philosophies

Pathfinder Player Companion

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hi all,
So, Faiths and Philosophies is out, and I noticed that Paizo re-printed the Juju Oracle mystery. At least, I thought they had done so, and then I read it. Turns out, it's a completely new mystery with the exact same name as the one found in Adventure Path #39. Is this new version meant to replace that older one completely?

I had the same question. Dotting.

Looks like it is, the new one is available for PFS play. They removed the undead focus of the mystery (sadly) and went more towards an enchanter type caster gaining charm, dominate and confusion abilities, with a splash of other utility abilities with 'spirit flavor text.'


That's probably for the best, considering that Bones was already a heavily undead-focused Mystery. Not to mention that calling a juju zombie an undead isn't technically correct, both in Pathfinder and in real-world case studies.

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