The Chort |

Str 8
Dex 16 (14+2)
Con 14
Int 21 (18+2+1)
Wis 10
Cha 8 (10-2)
...if even that generous amount of points in charisma isn't enough... (0 points is too many)
Str 9
Dex 14 (12+2)
Con 14
Int 21 (18+2+1)
Wis 10
Cha 10 (12-2)
(or you could go 16 Dex, 12 Con; I just tend to like at least 14 Con)
As for a build... Do you get Scribe Scroll or Spell Focus as a free feat at level 1? PFS doesn't let you take Scribe Scroll, but since you're allowed to use Inscribe tattoo, I presume this isn't PFS. Does that also mean you HAVE to take Scribe Scroll? Not that I'm complaining; Scribe Scroll is a good feat. I'm just curios on how much you can/want to optimize in Evocation
Anyway, here's a sample:
Admixture Evoker (For switching out the elements of your spells to whatever their weakness/lack of immunity is)
Traits -
Magical Lineage (Fireball) - Reduce metamagic adjustment by 1
Lore Seeker (If available) or Reactionary - Lore Seeker is nice, because +1 to DC and CL for 3 spells is fantastic for a trait; the knowledge (arcana) bonus is gravy. Otherwise, you can't go wrong with a +2 to initiative.
I'd go for a Compsognathus or other +initiative Familiar for your arcane bond.
Wiz 1 - Spell Focus (Evocation) [OR Scribe Scroll and drop GSF]
1 Spell Specialization (Fireball)
3 Mage's Tattoo (Evocation)
5 Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
Wiz 5 Inscribe Magical Tattoo
7 Rime Spell
9 Greater Spell Specialization
Wiz 10 Dazing Spell
I'm partial to this kind of strategy, but you can easily swap out the last 3 feats as you wish. Rime Spell can only work with Fireball if you use admixture AND spontaneously cast it with Greater Spell Specialization, so it won't be particularly useful until level 9. It's nice with Magical Lineage since it'll still be a 3rd level spell. Also, at level 10, you can cast a Dazing Fireball as a 5th level spell.
Intensify Spell, Selective Spell, and eventually Quicken are some other good metamagic to consider if you want to specialize in Fireball.

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I agree with chort on most points. Pick your stats max out int and dex.
Admixture is the only way to go IMO
Traits magical lineage and metamagic master= -2 to Metamagic feat, Fleet footed and warrior of old= +4 to initiative
Familiar: greensting scorpion small and easy to protect with a +4 initiative bonus
1. Spell Focus(EVO) switch out for scribe scroll if you can and Spell Specialization
3. Varasian/Mage Tattoo
4. Switch Spell Specialization to fireball
5. Empowered Spell and Greater Spell Focus
7. Intensified Spell
9. Spell Penetration
10. Greater Spell Penetration
11. Maximize Spell
13. Quicken Spell
15. Spell Perfecto and Dazing Spell
17. Greater Spell Specialization

The Chort |

Fleet-footed is an alternate racial trait for elves; he's a tiefling.
If you're suggesting taking two traits to boost initiative, remember that trait bonuses don't stack.
As to Magical Lineage and Metamagic Master... Technically they're not trait bonuses so they might stack, but this is VERY cheesy, so make sure to check with your GM if he's okay with you taking both and choosing the same spell.

master_marshmallow |

If cheese is allowed, then drop your SLA and select option 46, another +2 to INT. If extra cheese is allowed, do it twice. Take the Prehensile Tail for an extra "hand" to hold your metamagic rods, and the Vestigial Wings give a +4 on a skill that you actually care about.
Traits should focus on Magical Lineage/ Wayang Spell Hunter/ Metamagic Master for fireball manipulation, and Reactionary/ Paragon of Speed for improved Initiative modifiers.
Going up through level 7, you gotta understand what your characters plan is. Without a plan, your basically an archer with a very finite number of arrows.
1) Improved Initiative
3) Spell Focus Evocation
5) Spell Specialization Fireball; Focused Spell
7) Varisian Tattoo
I recommend against level dipping, if you are gonna level dip into sorcerer, then just make a sorcerer because you are better off that way.

Sirlink |
I like the way you are thinking Marshmallow. one question, is focus spell really worth the feat?
increasing DC is always good however with a blaster type build its seems counter productive to make sure you can hit on guy when you could desamate all of them even if they save using Intensify or empower. If you are trying to beat the fighter on damage output on a BBEG then yeah. so using a feat for once maybe twice an adventure...
Here is my train of thought. 1 Crossblood(orc,dragon) rest in Admix wizard. you are getting Preception as a class skill and giving yourself +2 damage per die on one damage type and +1 on everything else. To ice that those are affected by Empower and Intensify.

master_marshmallow |

I like the way you are thinking Marshmallow. one question, is focus spell really worth the feat?
increasing DC is always good however with a blaster type build its seems counter productive to make sure you can hit on guy when you could desamate all of them even if they save using Intensify or empower. If you are trying to beat the fighter on damage output on a BBEG then yeah. so using a feat for once maybe twice an adventure...Here is my train of thought. 1 Crossblood(orc,dragon) rest in Admix wizard. you are getting Preception as a class skill and giving yourself +2 damage per die on one damage type and +1 on everything else. To ice that those are affected by Empower and Intensify.
Focused Spell is great against the BBEG, and it's actually a usable +1 level metamagic feat at your level. Intensified Spell would of course be better at later levels, but I'm thinking short term for playability.