Grayn |
I've decided to take the leap and start GM-ing, but I have some questions.
1) If I start a PbP game, would it be legal to run the same scenario at a tabletop game while the PbP is still playing? I understand I wouldn't be able to get creditx2, but is it going to screw anything up for my players?
2) I would like to work up to running APs. I see some APs are sanctioned. Does anyone know what the chances of Wrath of the Righteous getting the go for PFS chronicles, like the other 3-4 APs? And if it is going to get sanctioned, how long does Paizo usually wait to make the change once the AP is released?
Thanks for the help!
GM Lamplighter |
Awesome, welcome to GM-land.
1. It's legal to run the scenario both via PbP and in person, but in both cases those PCs can't play in other games at the same time. There is a common misconception that PbP characters can play several games at once, but they can't. As long as you are running the PbP with one group and face-to-face with another group, you are fine.
2. Wrath uses the Mythic rules, so it is different than other APs. I wouldn't count on this happening quickly because of that.
Grayn |
Thanks, Scott.
If WotR does get eventually sanctioned, does anyone know if the chronicles will be retro-active? I am planning on starting the first book in October and most my players will probably be from PFS. So, I just wonder if this is something that would entice PFS players to give up a night from their regular PFS schedule.
Katie Sommer |
The Chronicles will probably not be retroactive (they weren't for any of the other adventure paths when they were sanctioned).
With that said, the previous adventure path, Reign of Winter, was sanctioned pretty much as it came out. If Wrath of the Rigteous is going to be sanctioned, I would guess that it would be by October. Scott makes a good point about that being questionable due to the mythic rules, but we'll see.
Note there's a lot of guessing in there. It's cause they haven't said anything definitive about it that I have seen. But in any case I suspect you will know one way or the other by October.