I don't wanna always be a healbot

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 2/5 *

I'll say this once on this thread and drop it: every complaint that can be leveled at a summoner can also be leveled at a druid. In fact, the druid is demonstrably worse because they can summon more creatures while their animal companion is active.

Also, to stay on topic a bit more, I rarely see any druids prepare heal spells. This drops the classes that actively heal down to cleric and oracle.

David Bowles wrote:
Summoners don't break action economy because the summoner itself is not that strong of a PC. They have a few tricks and buffs, but nothing major. They can not summon more creatures while the eidolon is out. Don't feel guilty for playing a summoner. They are good, but not even in the realm of broken.

Thanks, I hadn't even thought about that (or the Druid point you made later). Overall I think I'm gonna have more fun on my Summoner. His theme amuses me a lot more than the cleric did.

Silver Crusade

So I deliberately made a heal bot. Seems to me that there are worse things to have or be. I get to role play how I like and generaly be confident that everyone else is going to look after me.

Silver Crusade 5/5

If you want to help your party with healing, make a Cleric, Oracle or Druid, and you'll have a fairly effective healer with just that. You should find that if you don't optimize everything toward healing, you'll still have room to do other things with that character.

The healing classes are all quite versatile. Put some points in Str and a feat into Power Attack, and you'll get a fairly effective melee character as well as a healer. Pick some interesting domains for a Cleric or the right mystery for an Oracle, and you can make a ranged attack build. And there's my Oracle of Life, who is one of the more efficient healers around here and yet his first-level feats were Spell Focus (Conjuration) and Augment Summoning (since then, I've taken Selective Channeling to heal better).

Dark Archive

Remember once y our cleric is level 3, she is going to have a world of new abilities open up to her in ways of combat spells and buffs. One of my personal favorites is spiritual weapon. With this spell you can still attack every round AND heal as well. Plus, once you're at a level with multiple level 2 spell slots, and can have multiple spiritual weapons out, your damage per round will increase dramatically.

Dark Archive

Also if your fighting a stealthy character, spiritual weapon will help keep track of them if you target them when they are visible.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Clerics are a lot more fun with the channeling thing in the game now. They can actually, you know, cast stuff that might interesting. And spiritual weapon is pretty nice.


Aura wrote:

So I played my Summoner, I am happy to say we survived but only -barely- and only because my Eidelon pretty much pwned almost everything we fought...

Thanks for the comments/support. The community aspect really gives me a lot of hope for continuing with Pathfinder Society and learning enough to maybe start running as well as playing. You guys rule.

Woo Hoo Aura wins!

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