Best Emergency Game-Changers


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I have a soft spot for being able to have an emergency killer move to use when things really go to heck. Now it is easy enough to gather little utility abilities. Cheap wondrous items, scrolls if you have UMD or are a caster, etc. Finding a good emergency nuke is much harder.

Oh, it's easy enough to find a ridiculous combo like Dazing Spell + Ball Lightning. Problem is, whether that's using a Metamagic Feat or Metamagic Rod..that's now something you can do AT LEST once per day. While I like being effective, I try to avoid building combos that truly wreck combat balance like that day after day. Something that you can only use once in a rare while, on the other hand, is more to my liking.

It is hard to find things like this. Part of the problem is most abilities are at least daily (which is barely acceptable). Magic items that can be really good are also the sort of thing you can easily out-level. Something like a Spell-storing thrown weapon that you then cast Named Bullet on would work (if it were legal), as you can set it up in advance and hold onto it until needed.

Despite some of the text above, these don't need to be damage or even attack spells. Buffs, massive healing, and the like can qualify. Anything that dramatically turns an encounter around.

Basically, I'm asking for the best ideas that fit the following criteria:
1. It's a game-changer. Dramatically alters the combat.

2. It is not something you can do multiple times per day with ease. Setup costs or some other factor make this impracticable.

3. It either doesn't depend on DCs, Caster Level, and other factors that future monsters out-level, or it is relatively easily updated to accommodate them.

Bonus points if it is something a Wizard can do, since that's the character I made for a campaign that begins soon. We also have a Magus, Cleric, Ninja, and Ranger.

Edit: I'm aware of some of course, but let's particularly avoid talking about teleports to run away.

scroll of disintegrate soonest a cast can make it is 10th lvl it does 2d6 per caster lvl so 20d6 at that point and if they hit 0 hps from it they turn to dust. oh hey thats a pesy giant/troll/ annoying adversary bye bye

here a link for the spell

edit: the scroll costs 1800 gold if made by a sorcerer, 1650 gold if made by a cleric/druid/wizard, and 2400 gold if made by a bard, as for the base class's the book doesn't say.

I like setting up the contigency-spell with a trigger that I control. Something like yelling a command phrase (since that's a free action) or similar. In that way, I have full control of when the contigency triggers, and are not dependant on enemies actions.

For the spell chosen, I'll let others advice. I haven't read all published spells. :)

Then there's feather tokens, specially tree feather token. Deepending on creativity and GM's approval, spawning a "5-foot-diameter trunk, 60-foot height, 40-foot top diameter"-tree on a battlefield can have interesting effects. At the very least, it's a quick way to create a good archery/spellcasting-position.

I know you didn't want teleport, but consider using two teleports: 1 to run away, 1 to return to the same spot 1 minute later. You'll be fully healed and buffed, the opponents might have lost their buffs.

There's also the Bag of holding-portable Hole nuke. Have a bag of holding placed wherever you want, then use mage hand or similar to put a portable hole into it: BOOM, 10 foot radius plane shift to the Astral Plane, pr. RAW no save allowed. That'll get rid of most opponents.

Shrink Item. Ravingdork equips quite of few interesting things on his character sheets using this.

Delcindgrunt, I am familiar with most of the spells and rules in Pathfinder. I have a lot of experience with 3.5 The problem with a scroll of a spell you can cast every day is that you can cast that spell every day -- even multiple times. Also, scrolls set the DC at the minimum ability score to cast a spell, so Disintegrate isn't very useful in scroll form (low save DC).

Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees.

BzAli, Contingency is always good, of course. One could set it up to fire off when you cast another spell even. Though the limitation that it must be one that affects your person can be difficult. Depending on one's reading, you could have one active on a familiar and one active on yourself.

I am familiar with the feather tolken for trees. It can be pretty cool. Nice, but not a total gamechanger, imho.

The only reason I'm not all that interested in teleports is because the uses seem rather obvious. I'm trying to find novel things.

Bag + Portable Hole is good. Crazy expensive, but good. Considering I had my Jedi in a Star Wars game use a Destiny point just to jump into a fleeing ship so I could blow up the reactor with my lightsaber (had mechanics as a skill)...that's the sort of thing I'd seriously consider under the right circumstances.

Jubal Breakbottle, I think I saw one of RD's threads where he talked about this years ago during 3.5 I'll have to look for it. The most obvious use, perhaps is to drop stuff on people. Heck, PF even has rules for dropping things on people (oddly, falling objects obey completely different rules, it seems -- at first glance anyway).

Emergency Force Sphere. Immediate action, will block basically any attack or spell. It's Pathfinder's Wings of Cover, except more casters can use it, which means it's probably even more broken.

For offense, I rather like the alchemist-only combo of touch injection + (infused) Skin Send to instantly flay a person alive. They're still alive and if you don't have allies attack right after, the skin and body could re-merge before you take full advantage, but still a pretty awesome game-changer.

At high levels, Polar Midnight + some means to keep enemies from moving for a round is really cool. Ideally, the method of holding them still involves a much lower level spell or an ally, and not say... Mass Hold Monster, as using a 9th level spell to make another 9th level spell work is kind of lame... In my last high level game, 3E stuff was allowed, so another party member had the Crushing Vise maneuver from tome of battle. You hit an enemy with it, do normal melee damage, and their speed drops to 0 ft for all movement modes for 1 round and they cannot move from that space (except with teleportation, but I had quickened dim. anchor for that), with no save or anything else to resist this effect. It's always more satisfying when you can turn your surekill attack/combo into a dual tech with another PC.

I like emergency contingency plans, too. I'm a fan of custom magic staves for this function. Since a staff holds 10 charges and takes a full day to replace each charge, a big-spell option that uses 5-10 charges is like a weekly ability.

A staff with CL9 and three spells each costing 5 charges, one each of spell levels 3, 4, 5, costs only 6,840 gold. Upgrading it to CL11 and adding a 6th level spell costs 8,340 gold, and you can keep doing that as you level up. (You can halve those costs by requiring 10 charges instead of 5.)

One pattern I think would be fun is to put over-leveled Summon Monster spells in a staff. Imagine a wizard who can summon a monster two spell levels higher than expected, but only once per adventure.

I've always found having a rouge in the party is good for emergencies. Pissed dragon? Toss him the pile of useless gar... I mean the rouge.

Drachasor wrote:
... Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees. ...

Just curious, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Seems to me it's either a creature or an object, is there another category in PF?

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Emergency Force Sphere. Immediate action, will block basically any attack or spell. . .

Oh, I didn't know that spell! Combining Emergency Force Sphere with my staff of summoning idea, you could make a pretty sweet 911 button. Summon help, then duck under the force dome and watch it go to work!

Staff of #*@#%!
Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th; Slot none; Price 13,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Crafted from ironwood with adamant caps, this staff allows use of the following spells:

  • Summon Monster VI (4 charges)
  • Emergency Force Sphere (2 charges)

Craft Staff, summon monster VI, emergency force sphere; Cost 6,600 gp.

Drachasor wrote:

Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees.

Why not?

Kayerloth wrote:
Drachasor wrote:
... Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees. ...

Just curious, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Seems to me it's either a creature or an object, is there another category in PF?

It is not a creature, so that makes it an object. I don't see why it would not work either.

Kayerloth wrote:
Drachasor wrote:
... Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees. ...

Just curious, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Seems to me it's either a creature or an object, is there another category in PF?

Oh, trees are objects as the game defines them....

When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter.

It's the second-to-last word that's key.

Declindgrunt wrote:

scroll of disintegrate soonest a cast can make it is 10th lvl it does 2d6 per caster lvl so 20d6 at that point and if they hit 0 hps from it they turn to dust. oh hey thats a pesy giant/troll/ annoying adversary bye bye

here a link for the spell

edit: the scroll costs 1800 gold if made by a sorcerer, 1650 gold if made by a cleric/druid/wizard, and 2400 gold if made by a bard, as for the base class's the book doesn't say.

The problem is that its a really easy fort save and any giant or troll is going to make it.

Drachasor wrote:
Kayerloth wrote:
Drachasor wrote:
... Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees. ...

Just curious, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Seems to me it's either a creature or an object, is there another category in PF?

Oh, trees are objects as the game defines them....

When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter.
It's the second-to-last word that's key.

Seems like something needs a bit of an edit then doesn't it.

Kayerloth wrote:
Drachasor wrote:
Kayerloth wrote:
Drachasor wrote:
... Interesting disintegrate fact: It doesn't work on trees. ...

Just curious, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Seems to me it's either a creature or an object, is there another category in PF?

Oh, trees are objects as the game defines them....

When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter.
It's the second-to-last word that's key.
Seems like something needs a bit of an edit then doesn't it.

Until then the Tree Feather Token has an entirely unexpected use.

(I find this to be a very amusing oversight, I do realize it is quite silly).

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One little emergency item I like to get the group is a scroll of reach breath of life. 1650 gp (and a dc 12 caster level check if you're below 11th level) and the cleric can put you back on your feet from 50 feet away.

Blueluck wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Emergency Force Sphere. Immediate action, will block basically any attack or spell. . .

Oh, I didn't know that spell! Combining Emergency Force Sphere with my staff of summoning idea, you could make a pretty sweet 911 button. Summon help, then duck under the force dome and watch it go to work!

Staff of #*@#%!
Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th; Slot none; Price 13,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Crafted from ironwood with adamant caps, this staff allows use of the following spells:

  • Summon Monster VI (4 charges)
  • Emergency Force Sphere (2 charges)

Craft Staff, summon monster VI, emergency force sphere; Cost 6,600 gp.

Works best with a burrow speed. You know, since the hemisphere stays around for a while...

wraithstrike wrote:
It is not a creature, so that makes it an object. I don't see why it would not work either.

It is in fact true. Plants (not plant creatures) are immune to disintegrate! Why? Well, demonstrating that will require a few quotes...

First of all, from the Plant type:

Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive.

Remember that bolded part, it's going to be important in a moment.

Let's look at Disintigrate now.

Disintigrate wrote:
A thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. You must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit. Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature's equipment is unaffected.

As you can see, this part is what happens when used on a creature. But, as per above, plants are objects, not creatures. So, we move on to what the spell says for objects...

Disintigrate wrote:
When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. Thus, the spell disintegrates only part of any very large object or structure targeted. The ray affects even objects constructed entirely of force, such as forceful hand or a wall of force, but not magical effects such as a globe of invulnerability or an antimagic field.

I bolded the important part. A plant may be an object, but it is living matter. Thus, the disintegrate has no effect on it.

The more you know!

One-time use awesomeness? Here's one:

Dream Journal of the Pallid Seer: dream-journal-of-the-pallid-seer

One thing I'm planning on doing this next session is having the party encounter a 5th level Brightness Seeker who will impart the group with a one-time +5 bonus to a single check. Not an auto-win, but a very cool thing to have in store.

Either way, just my 2 cp.

I really hadn't considered staves with spells that required a bunch of charges. This could potentially be used with a metamagicked spell on the staff. Neat idea, Blueluck. Might be the closest thing to what I'm looking for.

7heprofessor...odd book. Interesting.

False Focus can provide the material component for Symbol of Mirroring, allowing you to set up a Book of Oh S**!. Get a few dozen symbols per page, and quickly read a page when you need to defend the party. Special triggering conditions should allow for it to only hit the group, but even if that doesn't work, it's a good method of getting out of a bad situation.

An Explosive Runes bomb is the more classic offensive variation of that trick.

Silver Crusade

I've seen one TPK avoided when an Illusionist dropped a 'flash bomb' type item, but instead of a flash it cast Mass Invisibility, a Project Image for each party member, and Mirage Arcana played out for our enemies - which ofcourse was an illusion of them defeating us.

This was also done back in the days of 3.5(I think some of the spells had different names, but you get the idea), so this item was pretty heavy on the XP cost - earned major kudos from those of us she saved.

Best 3825gp I ever spent, was on a scroll of Mass Heal.

DC 18 Caster Level check. My cleric pulled this out in LoF when we were surrounded by undead and getting trounced. Game, Set, Match.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
One little emergency item I like to get the group is a scroll of reach breath of life. 1650 gp (and a dc 12 caster level check if you're below 11th level) and the cleric can put you back on your feet from 50 feet away.

I'm playing Kingmaker with an oracle who has the metamagic feat Reach Spell, and recently hit 12th level. It rocks!

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