GM Credit for AP

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I am running the whole 6 volume Skull and Shackles AP. Do all my player's all need to become Society members in order for me to receive GM credit? If none of them do can I still claim credit? We are about to finish the Bonewrack Isle part, which is the sanctioned portion of the first book. I have never claimed GM credit for my society characters, but I have a society character that I am currently just using for one shot weekly scenarios, but I would love to apply credit for this campaign to him since he is a pirate.

5/5 *

You do not need any of your players to be PFS members to claim the credit. You can go ahead, or even talk to your players about getting PFS numbers in case they become interested in the future. That way the credit will be there for them if they ever decide to jump in.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

CRobledo is correct, they don't have to sign up ahead of time for you to get credit, but you still need to report the AP and give them each PFS numbers. If they ever decide to play PFS, the credit will be waiting for them.

However, if you're running the AP as a PFS game then you need to follow the PFS rules (run as written, stat buy, selection of Additional Resources, how/when to level up, etc).


Andrew Hoskins wrote:

However, if you're running the AP as a PFS game then you need to follow the PFS rules (run as written, stat buy, selection of Additional Resources, how/when to level up, etc).

No. You can run the AP as a true home game, using whatever methods you want, and still apply chronicles to PFS characters for it.

If you are just running the AP set pieces that have been "modularized" for running in PFS, then you have to run them under PFS rules with PFS characters to get chronicles for them.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thanks guys! That's what I thought the answer was but I just wanted to make sure so I didn't accidentally cheat!

5/5 *

Andrew Hoskins wrote:
CRobledo is correct, they don't have to sign up ahead of time for you to get credit, but you still need to report the AP and give them each PFS numbers. If they ever decide to play PFS, the credit will be waiting for them.

Just an fyi, although I would think this is preferred, this is not a requirement. You can report a session with 1 GM (with pfs number) and no players.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

This seems bizarre to me... I must look into this...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Andrew Hoskins wrote:
This seems bizarre to me... I must look into this...

It is there to accommodate things like the OverGM for the yearly Specials.

It also can get used when you only have a small number of new players, and replayers filling the extra seats to make a legal table.

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