Hobbun |
This is my first time going to Paizo Con and therefore first time using the Lottery system. I’m assuming the area where it has “Your Preference” with the numbered boxes indicate the lower numbers (higher preference) the lottery will look for first when going through your chosen events?
And if you leave a “0” for an event, the lottery takes it as you are not trying to sign up for it?
Also, are you able to choose more than one event as a “1” preference? I didn’t think so, but when two events showed as “1”, I was a bit surprised.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Yes, "your preference" is where you assign your rankings—but *higher* numbers are for things you want the most; lower numbers are for things you want the least. The lottery will not assign you to an event that you have given a "0". You can assign any number you like to any event—when the lottery picker chooses your account, it will look at the events that you have ranked the highest, and if there's room, will slot you into one of those.
Sara Marie Customer Service Manager |
Bridgette, I've posted some instructions and other information about event sign up here: Link to How To Use Event Lottery and Registration.
Sara Marie Customer Service Manager |
I'm going to close up this thread. If anyone comes along and has questions, please visit the How to use PaizoCon Lottery, Event Registration and the Buddy System thread. If you have remaining questions, you can post them there. Thanks!