Spending / Saving PP

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Hobbun wrote:
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I am too low level, have only played in the convention circuit and haven’t experienced it myself, I am just leery on not saving enough PP for Raise Dead and relying on other people (I don’t really know) to pool together and raise me.

My primary PC died at GenCon last year; I only knew one of the other five players at the table. I didn't have the PP for a Raise Dead, but the other players were extremely willing to help chip in to pay for the spell.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Hobbun wrote:
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I am too low level, have only played in the convention circuit and haven’t experienced it myself, I am just leery on not saving enough PP for Raise Dead and relying on other people (I don’t really know) to pool together and raise me.

If you die valiantly in battle, I think most players would be perfectly OK with pitching in to raise you. If, on the other hand, you died because you kept getting impatient and pushing past the rogue while he searched for traps, you might run into problems.


Belafon wrote:
Curaigh wrote:
I am in the minority on this, but I would rather spend the 750 gp for a wand of CLW than prestige. I was really conservative until I got the 16 for a backup plan. But now I can freely spend pp on things that I cannae spend the gold on (diamond/bone wayfinder, jewelry shop, etc. and island who doesn't want to own an island? :)
The problem with this is that you're looking at about 5 or 6 scenarios before you have the Fame to buy a wand a CLW (unless you're lucky enough to find it on a chronicle). When an experienced player shows up with a second level barbarian and no wand of CLW, demanding everyone else heal him because he's "saving for raise dead" . . . players are unhappy.

Weird. I missed that CLW wand is not always available (scroll is). I only have one character that high (summoner), and he got by on the channel bursts being used to heal others (a few scenarios are set up over multiple days-I guess I got lucky :)

+1 to the front-liner example.

The Exchange 4/5

I spend PP and sit on gold.

mostly because it's more efficient as far as maximizing your total wealth :) 2 PP is 750 gold worth of items

Silver Crusade 4/5

2 PP is great for picking up a single item worth 750 gp, such as a level 1 wand, but do you all use it on things worth 300-400 gp? It kinda feels like a waste to do that, since you're only getting half value that way.

The Exchange 4/5

Fromper wrote:
2 PP is great for picking up a single item worth 750 gp, such as a level 1 wand, but do you all use it on things worth 300-400 gp? It kinda feels like a waste to do that, since you're only getting half value that way.

wands of first level spells

5x scrolls of 2nd level utility spells
2x scrolls of 3rd level utility spells
potions of 3rd level utility spells.

I find things to spend most of it on :) at least the early levels, also replacing the important consumables.

I usually buy the follow, in order, for most of my characters
Wand of cure light/infernal healing.
1x potion of fly/gaseous form (depends on if I have a way out of grapples)
1x oil of daylight
2x scroll of fly (even if I need someone to cast it on me)
5x Scroll of see invisibility*
2x Scroll of sleet storm**
2x scroll of tounges*
2x Scroll of invisibility sphere*

*=if I can cast it :)
**I'm buying it on my next chronicle, because i just realized how awesome of a scroll this makes.

there are many other great options. at higher levels I'll likely just extend see invis on myself, but you never know when you're going to need it before that.

that's 14 PP worth of items without wasting any value :). I pay gold for my +1 init ioun stone. I think the only time i don't "maximize" the gold from PP is on composite longbows, but it's only a 50gp loss.

PP=bonus character wealth, I keep 5 around to recover my body, and I keep enough gold around (usually, sometimes I play risky) to pay for my raise and restorations.

Now, I DO run out of things to spend PP on so currently I could raise my wizard twice with PP (once for half cost to become a Risen Guard), but I think you're MUCH better off spending it early to make yourself more powerful and prevent yourself from dying, than hording your bonus wealth in-case the world falls on you..

My fly/gaseous form potions have saved us in multiple scenario's before 3rd level (all on different PCs). Went from "well we're boned" to "oh those guys on that boat are now unconscious"

"blowing" 2PP is better than failing a mission or dying, so I'd rather have the tricks up my sleeve :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Ogdd. I guess you didn't want your composite longbow to be a bit lighter than normal, only "waste" 20 gp from the value.

Composite Longbow: 100 gp
Masterwork: 300 go
+3 Str: 300 gp
Darkwood: 30 gp

Total 730 gp, and your bow only weighs 1.5 lbs.

Even with a 16 Strength, that can help keep your encumbrance lower, so you get the full benefit of your high Dex...

But, yes, the right consumable at the right time can make a big difference to survival.

A simple wand of Endure Elements can "break" a few scenarios, or make certain portions easier, whether it is due to extreme cold or high heat.

Heck, a wand of Bless can allow your Cleric to take other spells, since 10 rounds of Bless is usually more than enough for most combats...

Indeed, some first level spells are better in a wand than using a caster's spell slot. Endure Elements and Infernal Healing are just about the best poster children for that, since, other than caster level, they have no level variable effects. And, honestly, given the way a non-targeted Dispel works, neither of those spells are likely to be the one dispelled. And neither is high on my list of spells to target for a dispel in almost any case.

The Exchange 4/5

I forgot about darkwood :) good catch. I don't really play archers much. I paid gold for my current one, as I GM credited my way up to 5, so I just bought a +0 composite bow, and threw adaptive on it :)

Scarab Sages 4/5

I've had two characters killed. Once, I had the 16 PP points for my raise and restorations (Osirion). The other character, however, was a level 3 with no hope of paying for the raise himself. It was in an online game with people I didn't really know (had played two other scenarios with some of the ). I was ready to let the character to, but they all talked me into letting them chip in for the raise, for a very understandable reason. It happened fairly early in the scenario, a raise mid-scenario was possible, and they didn't want to try to finish the scenario shorthanded. It probably helped, too, that I'd stabilized two of them before I went down, which prevented more of the party from being killed. . Still, it was nice of them to do that.

I've chipped in on a raise for someone else's character at a game in a city I was visiting where I did t know anyone. To me, it's all about having fun, and even a couple thousand gold from my character, if that's what it takes, is worth it to keep someone from losing l their character.

The only times I've seen permadeaths were at low levels when it just wasnt possible to afford the raise dead (halfling great axe crits, for the most part).

In general, if it's possible, I think people are willing to chip in to help. But I also try to keep enough gold or prestige on my characters so that I'm not expecting others to have to carry the whole cost.

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