Visions of Leng

Shattered Star

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Into the Nightmare Rift mentions the fact that those that sleep near Guiltspur have odd dreams of Leng. In the same spirit as the Kaer Maga street corner thread, I thought I would start a Leng dream thread.

Leng Dreams:

You are standing on the side of a wind-battered cliff, immobilized by the hurricane-force air currents pressing you against the rocky mountainside. Red lightning cracks the overcast and black sky, illuminating a horrific scene before you. Swarms of faceless and winged beings swarm towards you, each silently navigating the harsh winds as if they were clear skies. Immediately as they reach you, you awake in a cold sweat.

You are kneeling before a corpulent being clothed in yellow blood-splattered clothing. The sound of quick, chaotic, and haunting piping fills the air, and several thinner, beige robed humanoids dance horrific, unearthly dances around you. As the music escalates and quickens, the dancing becomes more erratic and sickening. The grotesque monstrosity before you reaches out with a fat arm, and with one swift motion snaps your neck. You lie on the ground for a moment, as the music fades, and the surrounding area seems to melt away. Shortly afterwards, you awake.

You are floating in an infinite sea of dark void. Chills cover your skin, but not uncomfortably so. You gradually float towards a small planetoid. As you approach, you see it is no celestial body, but instead a mass of roiling flesh. You can feel it trying to communicate telepathically, but not quite succeeding in communicating anything intelligible. After trying to talk to you for what feels like about a week, a tentacle forms and reaches towards you. It coils about you and you gradually awaken form your slumber.

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You find yourself standing at the feet of great grotesque gargoyles before a great mountain that ascends beyond sight into the star studded heavens. AS you gaze into the dark eyes of the great statues you can almost feel an greater presence gazing at you from beyond, a sightless gaze matched only in intensity by the intimidating unknowable spaces between the stars above... You wake up and immediately cast your gaze away from the stars above, unable to look the unfathomable viewer from above in the "eyes".
Also, I once ran a campaign (and am now running the sequel) where a player was taken into Leng after touching a specific artifact. Now in his sleep he occasionally drifts back to Leng and must survive the long Leng night if he wishes to awake in the morning. However the servants of his house soon started dying mysteriously in the night, and rumors of strange figures wandering his estate made him realize he was becoming more than just a visitor: he was becoming a conduit, and now quests across, under, and beyond Golarion to find a solution. If you are a fan of Leng, Lovecraft, or Dreamstyle campaigns this may be something you may want to consider for your players after the Nightmare Rift visit.
Hope this helped.

Hmm. That might be pretty cool.

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