[Custom Race Critique] Lizardfolk for my Setting

Homebrew and House Rules

The lizardfolk of my campaign setting, of which there are two types, consist of one fairly standard version, and the following, which I would like assistance with:

Note: I skipped adding in the fluff, as most people don't seem to care about it, but I can provide a basic rundown if requested, as the selection of traits is based on it.

Sarkrith (10 RP)
Sarkrith are defined by class levels - they do not possess racial Hit Dice. Sarkrith have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments (0 RP) +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Constitution.
Senses Normal.
Size Medium.
Speed Sarkrith base speed is 30 feet.
Mutations (8 RP) A sarkrith gains an evolution pool of 4 points. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the sarkrith (see evolutions). Once an evolution has been selected, it may not be changed. The sarkrith must conform to any limitations of the evolution.
Spell Resistance (2 RP) Sarkrith possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
Automatic Language Common, Slyvian.

1-point evolutions: bite, claws, climb, gills, improved damage, improved natural armor, low-light vision, magic attacks, pincers, pull, push, reach, resistance, scent, slam, sting, swim, tail, tail slap, tentacle, unnatural aura, wing buffet.
2-point evolutions: ability increase, constrict, energy attacks, flight , gore, grab, immunity, keen scent, limbs, poison , rake, rend, tremorsense, trip.

Constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated.

Edit Edited to correct the ability adjustments and cost. I put the wrong set in originally.

Very interesting Da'ath, The old lizards are my favourite race so I will try to be unbiased, and maybe make some comparisons to my version of the lizardfolk. So the ability scores are interesting, 2 str make sense if they're warriors as commonly depicted, I really like the bonus to wisdom my lizards are the wise warrior type( infact in certain parts of the world I used them a sub in for dwarves). Now the negative to con is really interesting we usually don't see that on lizards often we get a minus to int or charisma and rarely dex. Sense personally I like to have some sort of sense like low-light or dark vision. Size medium is standard, speed 30 no problem.

Evolution/mutation is really cool, it was an idea that I was toying with a while ago, like a blood of thunderlizards ritual to become more dinosaur like(or dragon). Low SR is nice blocks both the bad and good spells.

So where are the Criticism, I personally think the race should have a way of getting more evolution points even though you can get some crazy thing with the points like Rend and immunity. I just feel this race is slightly Lacking kinda like humans, they get very little although you can do alot with it. Just my 2 sp


Your response is appreciated. I like the old school lizardfolk as well (referring to the standard arrangement) and they are the most prolific and common on the continent the player characters were on in the previous campaign.

This version is meant to reflect the progenitor slave-race, which were highly adaptive. and eventually rose up and slew their former masters (who relied heavily on magic). They currently rule (and have for centuries) the lands of their former masters and are in the process of subjugating the other territories ("we will never be slaves again, we'll insure it by enslaving everyone else".) I'll try to address your questions/comments in order:

Teiidae wrote:
Very interesting Da'ath, The old lizards are my favourite race so I will try to be unbiased, and maybe make some comparisons to my version of the lizardfolk. So the ability scores are interesting, 2 str make sense if they're warriors as commonly depicted, I really like the bonus to wisdom my lizards are the wise warrior type( infact in certain parts of the world I used them a sub in for dwarves).

Agreed. I like the instinctual and wise flavor it gives them.

Teiidae wrote:
Now the negative to con is really interesting we usually don't see that on lizards often we get a minus to int or charisma and rarely dex.

The idea behind the negative constitution is actually rooted in a lot of science fiction I've read and/or watched. It is meant to reflect the instability and variation of their body systems in various ways (this one might have a deficient immune system, while another is perfectly fine and the penalty to con reflects his hollow bones to aid in flight).

Teiidae wrote:
Sense personally I like to have some sort of sense like low-light or dark vision. Size medium is standard, speed 30 no problem.

I agree. The reason the points granted cost so many RP is it is allowing the PC to fill the void in design. For 1 evolution point (EP), they can select low-light from the list; alternatively, they might choose scent (I do believe you're right; I'll probably add darkvision to their "senses" entry.)

Teiidae wrote:
Evolution/mutation is really cool, it was an idea that I was toying with a while ago, like a blood of thunderlizards ritual to become more dinosaur like(or dragon). Low SR is nice blocks both the bad and good spells.

Yeah, I struggled for a while to decide how to incorporate it into this race and it kinda "hit me" with the evolutions and eidolons.

Teiidae wrote:
So where are the Criticism, I personally think the race should have a way of getting more evolution points even though you can get some crazy thing with the points like Rend and immunity. I just feel this race is slightly Lacking kinda like humans, they get very little although you can do alot with it. Just my 2 sp

Very valid criticisms. I intentionally left off the means by which they acquire additional evolution points to see if the race could stand on its own merit without the additional benefits. It appears it may be lacking in some respects, however.

The additional methods are as follows including my house rules regarding level dependent benefits:

1. I grant all PC/NPC races 1 Race Point at every even level to a maximum of 10 at level 20. These RP may be spent to choose from a specific list of abilities which are new to a race (to cover some bit of fluff left out due to point costs) or to expand upon pre-existing racial abilities.
2. I'll be granting the race the ability to select the "Extra Evolution" feat in addtion to point one.

Sample Race Point Chart (for the Sarkrith - Rough Draft & Incomplete)
Extra Mutations (2 RP) Your evolution pool increases by 1. Each time you select this trait, you gain 1 additional evolution point. In addition, you may redistribute your evolution points as you see fit, but suffer the nauseated condition for 1 hour, afterwhich you are sickened for 1d6 hours.
Spell Resistence, Greater (3 RP) The sarkrith's spell resistance improves to 11 + their character level.

I hope that explains any missing information. Additional suggestions/criticisms are always welcome.

Lizard Folk should be the poster boy for con. All the best quality of a lizard is con based (regeneration, venom. And dieses resistance). Dex. Should be at a mines just for the fact that some lizard don't even have hands others, like turtles move vary slow as for most lizards a lumbering walk seems to be there Norma. Not to say that there no fast lizards but those that can run quickly do so in strait lines. Of course this is your world and maybe your lizard folk are nothing like the lizard of our world.

Very good, This race has alot of potential. I'm going to keep my eye on this.

Tao Dragon wrote:
Lizard Folk should be the poster boy for con. All the best quality of a lizard is con based (regeneration, venom. And dieses resistance). Dex. Should be at a mines just for the fact that some lizard don't even have hands others, like turtles move vary slow as for most lizards a lumbering walk seems to be there Norma. Not to say that there no fast lizards but those that can run quickly do so in strait lines. Of course this is your world and maybe your lizard folk are nothing like the lizard of our world.

I agree with you. In my original post, I mentioned that there were two variations in my campaign setting, one of which I've presented above, and the second which follows the percieved norms for a lizard-like race of humanoids. My "standard" lizardfolk, called the Slyvian, use a +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution base for stats, have natural armor, low-light vision, bite, venom (they're based loosely on the komodo dragon's bacteria-infused bite), carrion sense, and the climb racial traits.

The second type, which is the one presented here, represents another "beast" entirely.

The following is the "corrected" version, which includes Darkvision and the levels at which a sarkrith may select the "Extra Evolution feat"; no other significant changes have been made:

Sarkrith Characters (12 RP):
Sarkrith are defined by class levels - they do not possess racial Hit Dice. Sarkrith have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength. -2 Constitution.
Senses Darkvision (60 feet.)
Size Medium.
Speed Sarkrith base speed is 30 feet.
Mutations (8 RP) A sarkrith gains an evolution pool of 4 points. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the sarkrith (see below). Once an evolution has been selected, it may not be changed. The sarkrith must conform to any limitations of the evolution. Additionally, the sarkrith may select the Extra Evolution feat, as if he met the prerequisites at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, respectively.
Spell Resistance (2 RP) Sarkrith possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
Automatic Language Common, Slyvian.

1-point evolutions: bite, claws, climb, gills, improved damage, improved natural armor, low-light vision, magic attacks, pincers, pull, push, reach, resistance, scent, slam, sting, swim, tail, tail slap, tentacle, unnatural aura, wing buffet.
2-point evolutions: ability increase, constrict, energy attacks, flight , gore, grab, immunity, keen scent, limbs, poison , rake, rend, tremorsense, trip.

Race Point Chart & Notes:
Extra Mutations (2 RP) Your evolution pool increases by 1. Each time you select this trait, you gain 1 additional evolution point. In addition, you may redistribute your evolution points as you see fit, but suffer the nauseated condition for 1 hour, afterwhich you are sickened for 1d6 hours.
Spell Resistence, Greater (3 RP) The sarkrith's spell resistance improves to 11 + their character level.

Notes: I grant 1 race point at every even level to all PCs and NPCs; interestingly enough, with the broad variation allowed by the evolution pool, there is nothing for the sarkrith to improve upon aside from what is presented above: spell resistence and additional evolution points.

Teiidae wrote:
Very good, This race has alot of potential. I'm going to keep my eye on this.

I'm glad you like it. Does the addition of darkvision & mention of the Extra Evolution feat correct for the initial "lacking" you felt it had?

I was looking over the 3 and 4 point evolution options and found I'm more than a little hesitant to open that particular can of worms.

@ Da'ath: I think it definitely helps and your lizard(not that i have posted mine...yet) is in many ways better than mine. I need to go over them for a revision because while I like mine, I feel like I have made them slightly like the drow nobles...too much stuff I think.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Teiidae wrote:
@ Da'ath: I think it definitely helps and your lizard(not that i have posted mine...yet) is in many ways better than mine. I need to go over them for a revision because while I like mine, I feel like I have made them slightly like the drow nobles...too much stuff I think.

I know your pain. I love, absolutely love the Drow culture (probably as much as you appear to love the lizardfolk), but ultimately many things regarding the drow just did not work for me.

As a nod to their inspiration, my version of the Drow for my campaign setting calls them Lolthari: they're pale-white, some almost translucent; each time they're exposed to sunlight, there's a 1 in 20 chance their skin shifts to the "standard" obsidian/black coloration (this idea is based on a real-world subterranean creature which, when exposed to sunlight, can change from translucent to black permanently). Mind you, I use the racial feats, but that's gradual instead of all at once.

Also, regarding the drow/lolthari, I represent their specific diversity by shifting their ability modifiers and choices as so:
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution; special
Special: A lolthari may select one of +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, or +2 Wisdom in addition to the above stat modifiers.

If you "tone down" your version (which I'd love to see), there's no reason you can't still use them. Perhaps after being challenged by a subordinate in ritual combat in which the young subordinate wins and consumes the defeated one, he grows into this "chieftan-type" you've made. PCs just have to use whatever you make as "standard" until they eat a chief.=)

A friend has a 'chameleon' race that works in Eidolin evolutions as you do. Her take is that they are tough in order to survive the changes, but neither wise or smart. They also get SR, but it is based on the evolutions gained. The 'rogue' in our party has dull blue skin that glows dully in the dark (unnatural aura), enormous hands with sucker tips on the fingers (bonus to climb and other criminal activities) and a long fleshy mass of pseudo medusa hair (random side effect of the frog-like hands). At just under 7 foot with about 120 lbs of boney body, he is very noticeable and hard to disguise.

She has a list and you only start with one point per Con modifier. She also allows another point every level, but no stat bumps. This last is as best I can recall.

If I can get her approval and a copy, I'll post the race.

Bwang wrote:
If I can get her approval and a copy, I'll post the race.

I'd appreciate it. It is always helpful to see the work of another who has already went through the motions.

and I will be posting mine eventually.

Silver Crusade

I recall participating in a thread for creating another lizard race. While i doubt it will be much use I shall still post the link here

I made a minor change to the Sarkrith this morning after sleeping on it. Reduced their evolution pool by 1 point (starts at 3 now - 4 points just didn't sit right with me) and brings them down to a 10 RP equivalent race (the majoriy of my races sit around 9 to 11 RP each). I'll also need to go back and remove several of the magical options, i.e. flight for a sarkrith will always be Ex, not Su, as they're meant to be mutations, not magic-based.

Everything else is as listed in my most recent post.

Sarkrith Characters (10 RP):
Sarkrith are defined by class levels - they do not possess racial Hit Dice. Sarkrith have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength. -2 Constitution.
Senses (2 RP) Darkvision (60 feet.)
Size Medium.
Speed Sarkrith base speed is 30 feet.
Mutations (6 RP) A sarkrith gains an evolution pool of 3 points. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the sarkrith (see below). Once an evolution has been selected, it may not be changed. The sarkrith must conform to any limitations of the evolution. Additionally, the sarkrith may select the Extra Evolution feat, as if he met the prerequisites at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, respectively.
Spell Resistance (2 RP) Sarkrith possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
Automatic Language Common, Slyvian.

After making several samples, none of the starting "packages" seem to be any more potent, overall, than any other race. The limitations of the eidolons/summoners seem to be pretty good at keeping things out of the player's hands until he reaches a level where it's fairly common (flight, for example, was a major concern initially).

Looks good. You seem to have good back story for why your lizard folk are different from the norm. And it nice to see that you balanced the race out with the others.
On a personal note I'm not a fan of every race having better eye sight then humans and if I was making a lizard race I may have gave them scent over dark vision,But I can't seem to remember if that even an option. Great job you have to let us know how it plays.

How about dropping spell resistance to also drop the con penalty? It be an even cost.

I am going to echo +5 toaster here. Personally, I have never really liked spell-resistance as a PC ability as their are too many buffs that require casters to get through Spell Resistance in order for you to receive the benefits of the spell. If it where me, I would probably just drop it and the con penalty (or if you still wanted to keep a penalty the you can move it to Intelligence as was described above).

Well, that was ...strange. She sez the race is not hers originally so the name is not cool. I think it might be copyrighted, but she wouldn't say. So...

X are defined by class levels - they do not possess racial Hit Dice.
X have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments (0 RP) +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and +4 Constitution, -2 to ALL Mental Stats!
Basic Senses are Normal.
Size may be either Small or Medium.
Speed X base speed is 20 or 30 feet, by size.
Evolution Mutations: A X has an evolution pool equal to total of Player Character Class total + Con modifier in points. Points from the pool can be reset when leveling up (see evolutions). X must conform to any limitations of the current evolutions. No evolution may be taken two levels in a row.
SR: 5 + bonus under individual evolutions (0 to 3).

Automatic Language X

She seems to have purchased a 3pp Eidolon evolution product or gotten a number of evolutions from other sources. Nearly all are physical mutations, although some incur penalties as well (Bug eyes give bonuses to sight Perception checks, but renders you vulnerable to Gaze attacks). Please note that you have to change evolutions EACH level.

The Rogue is at least a level behind!

Edited for a good luck wish.

Tao Dragon wrote:

Looks good. You seem to have good back story for why your lizard folk are different from the norm. And it nice to see that you balanced the race out with the others.

On a personal note I'm not a fan of every race having better eye sight then humans and if I was making a lizard race I may have gave them scent over dark vision,But I can't seem to remember if that even an option. Great job you have to let us know how it plays.

In truth, I probably should have classified this as a “reptilian” race instead of a “lizardfolk” subgroup – and thank you. As it stands, scent and keen scent are potential options for the sarkrith, reasonably priced, which is very different from the pricing in the ARG.

Interestingly, “scent” priced at a total of 4 RP in the ARG. What makes this pricing interesting, is the catfolk get a trait variant as follows:
Scent Some catfolk favor a keen sense of smell over sensitive sight. catfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.

Low-light vision is a 1 RP trait. So, as far as consistency is concerned, Paizo isn't consistent – even in the very book in which you find the racial traits.

I like your idea, so I will probably replace their vision with this at 2 RP, since carrion sense is 1 RP (after I think about it a little more).

+5 Toaster & Kitsune Knight: I think you guys are probably right. I've dropped the constitution penalty and the spell resistance. Thanks for the input.=)

Bwang wrote:


Evolution Mutations: A X has an evolution pool equal to total of Player Character Class total + Con modifier in points. Points from the pool can be reset when leveling up (see evolutions). X must conform to any limitations of the current evolutions. No evolution may be taken two levels in a row.
SR: 5 + bonus under individual evolutions (0 to 3). […]

Edited for a good luck wish.

Definitely far more powerful than my intention was for the race. In fact, it kinda reminds me of a base class I did a while back to reflect lycanthropy for my players (The Primal).


Da'ath wrote:

The following is the collected material with all suggestions taken into consideration and/or added in. Additional critique, comments, or questions are always welcome.

Sarkrith Characters (10 RP):
Sarkrith are defined by class levels - they do not possess racial Hit Dice. Sarkrith have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments (2 RP) +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength.
Senses (2 RP) Darkvision (60 feet).
Size Medium.
Speed Sarkrith base speed is 30 feet.
Mutations (6 RP) A sarkrith gains an evolution pool of 3 points. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the sarkrith (see below). Once an evolution has been selected, it may not be changed. The sarkrith must conform to any limitations of the evolution. Additionally, the sarkrith may select the Extra Evolution feat, as if he met the prerequisites at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, respectively.
Automatic Language Common, Slyvian.

1-point evolutions: bite, claws, climb, gills, improved damage, improved natural armor, low-light vision, magic attacks, pincers, pull, push, reach, resistance, scent, slam, sting, swim, tail, tail slap, tentacle, unnatural aura, wing buffet.
2-point evolutions: ability increase, constrict, energy attacks, flight , gore, grab, immunity, keen scent, limbs, poison , rake, rend, tremorsense, trip.

Race Point Chart & Notes:
Extra Mutations (2 RP) Your evolution pool increases by 1. Each time you select this trait, you gain 1 additional evolution point. In addition, you may redistribute your evolution points as you see fit (but not during combat), but suffer the nauseated condition for 1 hour, after which you are sickened for 1d6 hours.
Notes: I grant 1 race point at every even level to all PCs and NPCs; interestingly enough, with the broad variation allowed by the evolution pool, there is nothing for the sarkrith to improve upon aside from what is presented above: additional evolution points.

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