Oasis 26 - Orlando Florida - May 24th to 26th

Local Play


DISCLAIMER- I am not the event organizer, but taking it upon myself to post the following for this event to get the ball rolling and drum up some interest. I have double-checked the information here for accuracy against the Oasis 26 website.

Friday, May 24, 2012 through Sunday, May 26, 2012 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Orlando, Florida
http://www.oasfis.org/oasis/index.php (general convention website)
http://warhorn.net/oasis26/ (gaming pre-registration)

Convention is hosted by OASFiS (Orlando Area Science Fiction Society)

A celebration of science fiction and fantasy including panel discussions, masquerade, video room, art show and auction, charity auction, dealer's room, filking, trivia contest, fannish craziness ……… and of course gaming!!!

A wide range of gaming including several premiere events are available for your enjoyment. So whether you are a novice or seasoned player of one of the available various campaigns or events, there is a game just waiting for you! All you have to do is create or bring your character, role some dice and have fun!

See the Warhorn site listed above for a huge list of Pathfinder events!

Admission to OASIS 25 is $35 until 4/30/2012 & $40 at the door. To register online for the convention please visit the Oasis website listed above.

(This admission does include gaming)

After registering for the convention, preregister for gaming by visiting http://warhorn.net/oasis26/

If you have any questions please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

Kessler Castle (A Holiday Inn Resort)
8629 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 345-1511
Official convention location information.

To volunteer to judge or for additional details, please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

PLEASE NOTE: In the past, volunteers to judge four or more slots were comped the weekend membership to the convention. Hopefully Gerry will confirm this.


Dark Archive 5/5 * Regional Venture-Coordinator, Gulf

Yep! I am ready!


Gaming schedule isn't posted although there is an entry in Warhorn for the convention. Is Gerry the one organizing that line-up?

Dark Archive 5/5 * Regional Venture-Coordinator, Gulf

Yes he is, this is Gerry's show! I am there to kick butt and look good.


BUMP! This convention is this weekend in Orlando. :-)

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