Building the Death Star

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

Just when you thought the Death Star was a Dead Project along comes the build the Death Star kickstarter.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Death Scam is more like it. I'm just flummoxed to see how many fools have sunk money into this. It just goes to show that when you thought you'd seen the ultimate level of stupid, someone comes to lower the bar another notch.

Liberty's Edge

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LazarX wrote:
Death Scam is more like it. I'm just flummoxed to see how many fools have sunk money into this. It just goes to show that when you thought you'd seen the ultimate level of stupid, someone comes to lower the bar another notch.

I find your lack of faith...disturbing.

LazarX wrote:
Death Scam is more like it. I'm just flummoxed to see how many fools have sunk money into this. It just goes to show that when you thought you'd seen the ultimate level of stupid, someone comes to lower the bar another notch.

You do realize that they outright say "We set the bar impossibly high so it could never be funded so it's obviously a joke" right there on the KS page, right?

The Exchange

Orthos wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Death Scam is more like it. I'm just flummoxed to see how many fools have sunk money into this. It just goes to show that when you thought you'd seen the ultimate level of stupid, someone comes to lower the bar another notch.
You do realize that they outright say "We set the bar impossibly high so it could never be funded so it's obviously a joke" right there on the KS page, right?

right up until it achieves full funding...

Death Star Plans

Now that the Death Star plans have been released, I wonder if they'll give it another go

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