Jedi Mind Meld?

Off-Topic Discussions

A lot of folks are outraged that he said this because they think it just proves he's another 'out of touch' president who doesnt know what he's talking about.

But what if he used that term on purpose? If you look at it in context he's basically saying that even in an imaginary world this form of mind control wouldnt be possible. Even a president doesn't have the power to 'combine genres!'

Yay! Non-issue.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Not so off as you fact, it's canon.

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Vincent Takeda wrote:
A lot of folks are outraged that he said this because they think it just proves he's another 'out of touch' president who doesnt know what he's talking about.

No, that's not why they're "outraged". They're "outraged" because latching onto anything as an excuse for slinging mud at the President is what they do.

Or in some cases, out in the twitter-verse more than pundit land, it's just basic nerd rage.

Seriously if this is the biggest thing that people have to complain about Obama? Reaching much?

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At Xavier's School, we Super Mutants of DC often utilized the Jedi Mind-Meld to restabilize the Naquadria ZPM crystals in our chocolate-rain lightsabers.

In fact, we all popcorned our watermelon to floor tile. Base ten the lotion, fractal man!


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A mind melt is nothing to dismiss! You start with a couple slices of sourdough or ciabatta bread: sliced on the thick side, lightly toasted, and buttered lightly. Grill up 3 or 4 slices of think applewood bacon until the fat is nice and tasty crispy. In that fresh bacon drippings/fat, grill up the brain, sliced deli thin, until the edges are just slightly browned and a little crispy, but tender and juicy in the middle. Finally, assemble it with the grilled brains on the bottom slice (so the bread soaks up the brain juices/au jus), then a nice slice or two of your favorite cheese (to melt on the brains), then the bacon, and finally the second piece of bread. Let it sit assembled on the grill for a minute or two, then flip over for another minute, until the cheese melts nicely into all the nooks and crannies and the buttered bread is nicely carmel brown. I like to top the bacon with a couple slices of heirloom tomato (and a pinch of salt) and some fresh arugula or baby spinach, but it's your call. Mmmmm, mmmm, that's damn good eating.

...Wait, did you say mind meld?! {sigh} Never mind.

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Heh.....he probably believes in the Vulcan Death Grip, all the other Romulans.

The Exchange

Scott Betts wrote:
Vincent Takeda wrote:
A lot of folks are outraged that he said this because they think it just proves he's another 'out of touch' president who doesnt know what he's talking about.
No, that's not why they're "outraged". They're "outraged" because latching onto anything as an excuse for slinging mud at the President is what they do.

Bull. Now off to the planet Yoda with friend of Spock.

Y'know, I'm trying to compose a joke in my head, about how Tim Russ played a black vulcan long before Samuel R. Jackson played a black jedi. The punch line of this joke would riff on which of the two actors does a better Obama impression.

It's just not coming together, though. :(

The Exchange

Hitdice wrote:

Y'know, I'm trying to compose a joke in my head, about how Tim Russ played a black vulcan long before Samuel R. Jackson played a black jedi. The punch line of this joke would riff on which of the two actors does a better Obama impression.

It's just not coming together, though. :(

Tuvok was a Deep-cover Romulan...And could do Obama with his eyes closed.

It was a facepalm moment for me.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Heh.....he probably believes in the Vulcan Death Grip, all the other Romulans.


Hitdice wrote:

Y'know, I'm trying to compose a joke in my head, about how Tim Russ played a black vulcan long before Samuel R. Jackson played a black jedi. The punch line of this joke would riff on which of the two actors does a better Obama impression.

It's just not coming together, though. :(

Oh man..I can see the joke too, but I can't come up with the wording. I'd like a pic of all three of them hanging out, certainly, perhaps an entire skit where they both team up to correct him.

The Exchange

If he cannot keep it all straight better to stay quiet. if he is quiet we can only speculate the stupid thoughts. Goes double for biden.

Scarab Sages

kmal2t wrote:
...or maybe he actually got p*ussy growing up and while focusing on his grades and a career in public service didn't obsess about Star Wars and Star Trek enough to know this was such a nerd faux-pas.

I don't see how gaming would adversely affect the ability to find a girlfriend.

I met my wife gaming and we used to go to LARP's while dating.

On topic: I don't see how a sci-fi reference, accurate or not, impacts political competence. Either he is confused about the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars, of he is far deeper into Star Wars cannon than the people screaming. Neither really matters.

The Exchange

Artanthos wrote:
kmal2t wrote:
...or maybe he actually got p*ussy growing up and while focusing on his grades and a career in public service didn't obsess about Star Wars and Star Trek enough to know this was such a nerd faux-pas.

I don't see how gaming would adversely affect the ability to find a girlfriend.

I met my wife gaming and we used to go to LARP's while dating.

On topic: I don't see how a sci-fi reference, accurate or not, impacts political competence. Either he is confused about the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars, of he is far deeper into Star Wars cannon than the people screaming. Neither really matters.

It doesn't matter but it is much like a president visiting a foreign nation and trying out a couple of lines he thought he'd learned and end up saying something silly or offensive instead. Better to say nothing than open your mouth and hope you are right about something you are not familiar with. Politically it means nothing. People still laugh at reagan calling himself a doughnut

You sure they don't laugh at Kennedy about that?

It was Nixon, I thought, with the "Ich bin ein Berliner".

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That's the quote, but it was Kennedy; he's just lucky he didn't go to Frankfurt and Hamburg on the same trip. :P

LOL no kidding.

Andrew R wrote:
People still laugh at reagan calling himself a doughnut

The fact that you said this immediately after criticizing someone for being factually incorrect about something is incredible.

It's only Monday, and my week is already made.

By the way, "Ich bin ein Berliner," was the correct way to say it, and certainly didn't cause the German audience in West Berlin to mistake Kennedy for a jelly doughnut. Enjoy, and never again repeat that misconception.

I think he was just torn between Jedi mind trick and vulcan mind meld analogies, got halfway through one and went with the other. Happens all the time.

Of course, this is obviously evidence that he didn't want to reveal that he CAN Jedi mind trick the entire congress, and has been illegally using his force powers to gain political advantage. Impeach! Impeach!

Digital Products Assistant

Removed a post. Please revisit the messageboard rules.

This is Obama's best sound bite yet.


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Andrew R wrote:
If he cannot keep it all straight better to stay quiet. if he is quiet we can only speculate the stupid thoughts. Goes double for biden.

Meh, all the politicians say stupid things. Per capita, Washington DC consumes more filet of sole than anyplace outside of the North Korea Ministry of Propaganda.

The Exchange

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
If he cannot keep it all straight better to stay quiet. if he is quiet we can only speculate the stupid thoughts. Goes double for biden.
Meh, all the politicians say stupid things. Per capita, Washington DC consumes more filet of sole than anyplace outside of the North Korea Ministry of Propaganda.


The Exchange

Scott Betts wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
People still laugh at reagan calling himself a doughnut

The fact that you said this immediately after criticizing someone for being factually incorrect about something is incredible.

It's only Monday, and my week is already made.

By the way, "Ich bin ein Berliner," was the correct way to say it, and certainly didn't cause the German audience in West Berlin to mistake Kennedy for a jelly doughnut. Enjoy, and never again repeat that misconception.

Fair enough but i am not the president doing a press thing either

Silver Crusade

The *Jedi* Mind Meld? Um...that would be kind of awesome.

Never did feel like merging Star Wars and Star Trek, though.

Andrew R wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
People still laugh at reagan calling himself a doughnut

The fact that you said this immediately after criticizing someone for being factually incorrect about something is incredible.

It's only Monday, and my week is already made.

By the way, "Ich bin ein Berliner," was the correct way to say it, and certainly didn't cause the German audience in West Berlin to mistake Kennedy for a jelly doughnut. Enjoy, and never again repeat that misconception.

Fair enough but i am not the president doing a press thing either

No, you're just a guy who decided to voice his opinion of the President on the internet, on a public forum.

And who, in the process, removed all doubt.

Grand Lodge

I prefer Jedi Mind Mash.

I prefer Jedi Monster Mash.

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Darth Garfunkel wrote:
I prefer Jedi Monster Mash.

It was a Yavin smash...

And caught on like a light-saber flash...

Whether it was an intentional mashup or an accidental misspeak it does reflect upon the absurdity of the political situation.

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