
Voting Booth: Round 2 - Top 32: Create a new archetype

This poll closed Feb 4, 2013.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.

Poll: Voting Booth: Round 2 - Top 32: Create a new archetype

Round 2: Design an archetype

Digital Products Assistant

Vote for your favorite RPG Superstar contestants–you can select up to eight candidates. You can change your mind anytime until voting closes Monday, February 4 at 2:00 PM Pacific time.

If you see checkboxes instead of "your vote has been recorded" your vote has not been recorded.

Community / Forums / Archive / Paizo / RPG Superstar™ / Previous Contests / RPG Superstar™ 2013 / Round 2: Design an archetype / Poll: Voting Booth: Round 2 - Top 32: Create a new archetype All Messageboards
Recent threads in Round 2: Design an archetype