This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Mead Hall (EverQuest RPG PBP)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

No sweat. You Jinxed the undead!

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Evil JB wrote:
Sorry bout the lack of well written posts from me. I'm working 17 hour days 4x a week.

You sir can get enough sleep when you're dead!

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Lol very true

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Everyone is posting with rabid intent and some amazing roleplaying! I am really enjoying the energy everyone is putting in, so...

(Ding Level 10!)

This is a serious ding, since I had planned for you to get there nearly 5 weeks hence. Great job!1!!!!

As always, please post here when you're done dinging your character, so Mike/Fredrik can take a look at it and run their fine-toothed comb through it. Once they have been signed off upon you ding after an 8 hour rest in-game.

Class Titles:
- Templar Nogglegrop
- Beguiler Revery
- Blackguard Kwen
- Luminary Gwendalyn
- Myrmidon Jinx
- Elder Sajeek

p.s. Pay attention to skill synergies. If you have 5 or more ranks in specific skills they give a +2 bonus to other skills (table 4-3 on page 107 shows what affects what).

p.p.s. Nogglegrop and Jinx are done and ready to be checked over.

I'm just popping in to say hello. I'm hoping to join you soon, and was wondering what would fit into the group. Your GM mentioned there wasn't a real tank, so I'm leaning towards a paladin or warrior at the moment, likely a dwarf paladin. Hope to be gaming with you soon.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Welcome, Torch!

Any class you play is fine with me.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Torchbearer wrote:
I'm just popping in to say hello. I'm hoping to join you soon, and was wondering what would fit into the group. Your GM mentioned there wasn't a real tank, so I'm leaning towards a paladin or warrior at the moment, likely a dwarf paladin. Hope to be gaming with you soon.

Welcome Bearer_of_Torches_003!

Wander about, put your feet up and check us out whilst you wend your way through character gen.

Lecloront and Krallek showed some interest in joining, but not sure what their status is, so first come becomes first served.

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Kwen is ready to be looked over, I have to delete the weapon spec from Kwen, I can get that feat if I spend the training points, not for free though :(

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Revery's ready too.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.


Looks good. I would like to see where the feats come from, but they do add up. Just one thing - put Parry on the right side with Taunt, as it's a Warrior automatic feat (like Taunt and Beserking), not a chosen one.

Skills: Balance is not a class skill, so you're over by 2 (should have 39 ranks). Also, the CS on the sheet are mixed up. The only boxes checked (as CC) should be Balance and Escape artist.
- Also, you get +4 racial on Sneak checks.
- What is the +5 on Jump from?

Missing +1 on fort saves (racial)

80 training points is correct? I forget what that should be but for most it would be 50 at 10th level.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress


Torchbearer will be joining us on Monday. He will be running Jinx until we get out of this horrible place, where my NPC will exit stage left from the party's adventuring, and we will add in his tank character.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:


Looks good. I would like to see where the feats come from, but they do add up. Just one thing - put Parry on the right side with Taunt, as it's a Warrior automatic feat (like Taunt and Beserking), not a chosen one.

Skills: Balance is not a class skill, so you're over by 2 (should have 39 ranks). Also, the CS on the sheet are mixed up. The only boxes checked (as CC) should be Balance and Escape artist.
- Also, you get +4 racial on Sneak checks.
- What is the +5 on Jump from?

Missing +1 on fort saves (racial)

80 training points is correct? I forget what that should be but for most it would be 50 at 10th level.

I have denoted where the feats come from. My brain looks for feats in the section set aside for feats, as opposed to having them with special abilities, so if we could leave them there that would make life easier.

Skills are fixed. The CC boxes remain screwed up, but it is not my intent to take anything but class skills (since he only has 3 skill points per level). The sneak is built into the misc. bonus on the side, added with the +4 for being small.

Fort Save is fixed.

I have doubled the training points for pure melee, as a test to see if this bridges the perceived gap in the power disparity. Jinx has taken 5 STR bumps (60 points) and 5 feats (35 points), which leaves him with 5 points.

Welcome Torchbearer! There are a few things that I think new players joining us should know.

  • "Torture chamber" is not hyperbole. Horrible, horrible things have happened to our characters.
  • Not all fights are fair. To survive this far, we've had to sneak, bribe, obey, trick, compromise, and run away.
  • The daily posting requirement is pretty serious. If we don't post, the character doesn't act.
  • No ooc statements in the Gameplay thread. Game mechanics go there, but commentary goes in Discussion.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Any advice on feats? I'm thinking of using training points to get Spell Focus (alteration) now and Quest Spell next level, both for spells that I can't even cast yet. The former is mostly to help Malise land, and the latter is for more flexibility in using AoE spells like Infectious Cloud and Poison Storm. I just want to make sure that I'm not missing some hidden gem.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Mystic Capacity? Allows you an extra spell to cast.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.
Xenh wrote:

The sneak is built into the misc. bonus on the side, added with the +4 for being small.

Good work!

Why is the +4 for sneak in the ability modifier column and not in Misc Mod?

Won't be the first character I've lost in a gruesome fashion:) I've read through part of the game thread and it looks pretty intense. Looks like a fun game, and my schedule right now should allow me time to post without too much trouble.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Fredrik wrote:
  • "Torture chamber" is not hyperbole. Horrible, horrible things have happened to our characters.
  • Not all fights are fair. To survive this far, we've had to sneak, bribe, obey, trick, compromise, and run away.
  • The daily posting requirement is pretty serious. If we don't post, the character doesn't act.
  • No ooc statements in the Gameplay thread. Game mechanics go there, but commentary goes in Discussion.

I love this so much I'll alter it a bit and toss it into the description of the group.

It is true that I am nothing short of a taskmaster (not everyone's cup o' tea, mostly only masochists / challenge junkies stick around), but I hope everyone sees that what is offered is a DM working tirelessly and will still be around into the distant future.

Revery wrote:
Why is the +4 for sneak in the ability modifier column and not in Misc Mod?

Oh lol, I see what you're talking about. <high 7>


Torchbearer wrote:
Won't be the first character I've lost in a gruesome fashion:) I've read through part of the game thread and it looks pretty intense. Looks like a fun game, and my schedule right now should allow me time to post without too much trouble.

Torchbearer and I have chatted and he will be running Jinx as of Monday. This will let him see the group and group members first hand, as he gets familiarized with the nuances of Everquest.

Once we're out of this nightmare I will intro his character.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)
Revery wrote:
Mystic Capacity? Allows you an extra spell to cast.

I want that so much! But Malise opens up whole other pathways to victory, besides just melee and buffs. Tashan to Malise to debuff and damage spells. And now I've talked myself into taking Spell Focus.

Gwendalyn is ready for review.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:

I want that so much! But Malise opens up whole other pathways to victory, besides just melee and buffs. Tashan to Malise to debuff and damage spells. And now I've talked myself into taking Spell Focus.

Gwendalyn is ready for review.

Mystic Capacity allows you to always have a slot open for Malise to be there : )

It's my go to first feat to grab after quicken.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Well I know better than to ask for advice and then disregard a consensus, so Mystic Capacity it is. ;)

Nota bene: Gwendalyn was impatient to know what was in the journal, and has no idea how lucky she was to not see traps that weren't there.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:
Nota bene: Gwendalyn was impatient to know what was in the journal, and has no idea how lucky she was to not see traps that weren't there.

Visceral Rot is an example of a poison that one could find in this necromancer's possession, and the secondary damage is permanent DEX damage, which sends a shudder through collective collections of vertebrae.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Okay, Sajeek is ready for the fine toothed comb of leveling.

And welcome Torchbearer :)

Revery looks fine. What's the +2 in his age? Is that how many years it's been?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Some might wonder the rationale why I run my universe in such a way, other than me being a psycho control freak, with homicidal tendencies, here's a little peak into my metal processes...

Fredrik wrote:
  • "Torture chamber" is not hyperbole. Horrible, horrible things have happened to our characters.

I have always found that the more visceral you can make a game the more people really get into their characters, forming strong bonds. Another part of this is the whole "earning your stripes" thing. You should be able to look back at what your character has been through and be like, "hell yes I'm level 10, you should see what I've done and been through."

Fredrik wrote:
  • Not all fights are fair. To survive this far, we've had to sneak, bribe, obey, trick, compromise, and run away.
  • I despise the idea that there are places where powerful creatures are, and others where there are cardboard cutouts that one can simply knock over for experience, and EverQuest is a harsh world, so I am trying to stay true to the game. If there was a place where cardboard cutouts roamed, eventually something bigger would wander through and clear the place out. This is my world.

    At low levels you survive by running. As you level up you can withstand some encounters, and that continues until you get to a point where you're powerful enough to likely fight most fights, but even then you have to keep your head on a swivel because Lady Vox might decide to drop by and sup upon your spinal fluids.

    Fredrik wrote:
  • The daily posting requirement is pretty serious. If we don't post, the character doesn't act.
  • I have played in PBP and PBeM with its slow posting rates (seriously one game that an old player, Mike Yeah for those that were around then, tried to get me into had been running one combat for over 6 months) and I find them more work since I have to check multiple times to make sure I'm not the one that's slowing it down. I am not the guy with 22 games on the go, at best I might have 3 or 4, so the games I'm in/running have to be going fast enough to keep everyone's attention.

    I try to lead by example here, so everyone can trust that there will be a post each day from me, and that this is something they can depend on. I ask the same of each of you, it's not an expectation of posting every single day over a year, but I do expect a quick message if you're not able to post. so we're not all standing around waiting for you. Respect others time, and the sacrifices they are making to be part of the game, by doing your part, and make the commitment.

    Fredrik wrote:
  • No ooc statements in the Gameplay thread. Game mechanics go there, but commentary goes in Discussion.
  • The ultimate goal is for us to make something that someone could read like a novel, and there are those that do. Every time someone decides to throw something in extra it wrecks the immersion that we're trying to build. Everyone digs a good joke, take the extra second and toss it in the Discussion/OOC thread.

    I get a twitch in my eye when I think about OOC in my in-game thread.

    p.s. One thing not mentioned here is posting to the edge of the unknown, which is what I ask players to do. Post within the framework of what you know without assuming knowledge beyond that. There's a big difference between speaking of wanting to go in the tavern and find a meal and telling me the name of the bartender (reminds me of the guys that went in and were hitting on the bar wench, but everyone was dead in the bar). I give opportunities for people to take control of scenes and roleplay to their hearts content, usually during downtimes, so if you need to flex that muscle, patience will be rewarded.

    I probably shouldn't have made that assumption about the DC on using tailoring to identify the goo boots. At least I resisted the urge to make a James Bond joke about Gwen waking up: "She was shaken when she stirred." ;)


    • BAB for a level 10 cleric is +7.
    • I know you made some changes to the effects of armor, but I thought weight still slowed us down? He's at a medium load.
    • We probably say this every time, but it would be nice if you would make a line under Other Possessions for the weight of his weapons and armor. If you did that and divided the weight of the stuff in the DRP by four, then it would all be added up automatically. :p

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Fredrik wrote:
    I probably shouldn't have made that assumption about the DC on using tailoring to identify the goo boots. At least I resisted the urge to make a James Bond joke about Gwen waking up: "She was shaken when she stirred." ;)

    It is how I have been ruling it that the DC to make a tradeskill item is also the same one to fully identify it, so it was a good assumption.

    We all thank you for leaving that pun in your arsenal : )

    Fredrik wrote:


    • BAB for a level 10 cleric is +7.
    • I know you made some changes to the effects of armor, but I thought weight still slowed us down? He's at a medium load.
    • We probably say this every time, but it would be nice if you would make a line under Other Possessions for the weight of his weapons and armor. If you did that and divided the weight of the stuff in the DRP by four, then it would all be added up automatically. :p

    BAB fixed.

    Armour has no affects on the character beyond it's contribution to the weight the character carries, and yup Nogglegrop is at a medium load.

    I agree with such things for PCs, and as such Loki would comply instantly, but PCs get a bit more scrutiny than NPCs. I want to ensure that the party NPCs are getting no distinct advantage over the rest of the group, and are acting within the boundaries of what a PC could.

    I appreciate both you and Mike checking him over!

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.
    Fredrik wrote:
    Revery looks fine. What's the +2 in his age? Is that how many years it's been?

    Yes, that's supposed to be a guess of that. How many months have we spent traveling? How long at that house of ill repute learning iksar? Oh, and we took a year off to go back home and get engaged and stuff. So it's probably at least two years.

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    Checking Gwen now... I'll do Sajeek next.

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    Gwen looks good. No issues. 100%. A+

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.


    Does the Dragoon dirk do +1 damage? If so it should be 1d3+4 total damage.

    No other issues I could see. Though I am a bit tired...

    Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

    Nope, it just has the +1 to hit, no damage bump.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Tentacledone wrote:
    Nope, it just has the +1 to hit, no damage bump.

    The kitty has it right....

    Dragoon Dirk:
    1d3 damage, delay 4, AC 12, hardness 11, 3 hit points, break DC 25
    Weight: 2.5 lbs.
    Powers: +1 bonus to attacks, +1 DEX, (1) Magic Resistance

    Each dirk has a dragoon's name on them: Dorn B`Dynn and Ambassador K`Ryn

    Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

    BTW, "neeker" is from a Shadowrun novel and is slang for a necrophilic. Sajeek really doesn't like the necromancer :)

    I believe the novel was "Shadowboxer"

    Yes, I try not to mix of different games lingo. Sometimes it happens anyway :)

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Tentacledone wrote:

    BTW, "neeker" is from a Shadowrun novel and is slang for a necrophilic. Sajeek really doesn't like the necromancer :)

    I believe the novel was "Shadowboxer"

    Yes, I try not to mix of different games lingo. Sometimes it happens anyway :)

    Hmm SR on the brain...

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    General question about Bardic knowledge. For the evil game, but relevant to both.

    It seems the normal BK check bonus (level + int bonus) will always exceed or meet any actual knowledge checks (rank + int bonus). But reading the description, it also seems that the two checks are somewhat different in terms of what is gleaned and the DCs involved.

    Is that how you read that? If they are the same, there is no point in ever putting ranks in knowledge, since the BK will always meet it (in Piter's case, surpass it since he gets a bonus +1 on BK from his ring).

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Revery wrote:
    General question about Bardic knowledge. For the evil game, but relevant to both.

    Far from my .pdf, please paste in the BK text for reference.

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    The text is long and formatted and my pdf is just a fuzzy image so it won't copy well. No hurry, though....

    Your max ranks in a class skill are level + 3, so it's possible for a trained knowledge check to have a higher bonus. Also, you can take 10 (but not 20) on a knowledge skill check if you're not under stress, but never on a bardic knowledge check. Also also, having 5 or more ranks in a knowledge skill might grant a +2 synergy bonus to some other skill in relevant situations.

    With a high enough Int, it might be worth putting enough ranks in a knowledge skill to hit DC 15 or 20 by taking 10 on the skill, then rolling bardic knowledge to see if you get lucky and learn more that way. Especially if it could get you a synergy bonus that you want.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Revery wrote:
    Is that how you read that? If they are the same, there is no point in ever putting ranks in knowledge, since the BK will always meet it (in Piter's case, surpass it since he gets a bonus +1 on BK from his ring).

    I see the bard skill as the "Hmm, it appears that we're stuck, let's see if Cliff might have heard something about this" sort of skill. This is things heard in travels, which in no way replaces intensive research. The advantage is that it potentially drifts across all skills, so it is broad, but never deep.

    Successful Knowledge: Monster (undead) roll will reveal the abilities and possibly weaknesses of a creature, which helps the party to defeat it.


    Successful Bardic Lore roll will reveal that this type of creature was on the Qeynos coin for a couple weeks (useless)..or is the exact height as the queen's brother-in-law (gamebreakingly useful) cetera

    p.s. Really it's the ultimate DM hint machine, if the DM so chooses to provide a hint. Bards should be NPCs : )

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    Good points, all. And as a multiclass, I can have more than 3 ranks over my Bard level if I really want.

    Yes, I had an NPC PF bard who had tons of bonuses in all forms of knowledge, and it was a great tool for me to impart timely knowledge upon my players' small brains (oh, did I say that out loud?). Unfortunately, he was recently cut in two by a fire giant, so all they have to go on is his messily written journal now.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    I confirmed with Evil J that we did jump right past level 6 and are indeed level 7.

    Loki is ready to be checked over.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    ATTENTION: Pravus Mortis!

    As long as the posting keeps up like this: as soon as this curse is lifted, if everyone survives of course, I am going to do a blanket erase job on everyone's expensive/magical gear/purchased spells/found loot in this adventure (I empathize with the accounting it will take to work out what you have in cash, sorry) and replace it with an equivalent amount for everyone. You are welcome to re-buy your gear at straight book prices, and of course much much more.

    The point of this is to bring everyone up to speed to EverQuest's Wealth By Level chart (something I almost never use) and let everyone have an early Christmas present whilst they are dealing with this dreary f%@%ing place.

    This new wealth will be explained as found loot in this adventure, so from this point on I will not be providing any additional loot (cheesy I know). After this game mechanic is applied I will go back to doling out wealth as before.

    Unless people go all crazy on tradeskill items (full sets of armour and stuff will be at market cost), we will assume all spells learned are automatic, as are tradeskill rolls within the group's current skill set feel free to wend your way through the Game Master's Guide and Al'Kabor's Arcana for ideas of things to buy, items will need to be vetted to ensure they are not ridiculously overpowered. Spells will only come from the Player's Guide.

    Enjoy your shopping trip!

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    The amount you have to play with is an ungodly smurfing amount...

    45,000 gold pieces!!!!!

    Never say I never get you anything nice : )

    Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

    Revery's going to have to buy a camel to help him carry around his 44800gp!

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Revery wrote:
    Revery's going to have to buy a camel to help him carry around his 44800gp!

    Melt it down and make a statue of yourself easily holding up a sack full of gold.

    Then pose by it.

    p.s. You will have won EQ, congratulations!

    male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

    I'm going to smurf ever last one of the mother smurfers
    smurf grenades for everyone

    I apologize, Jinx's fort save should be 2 less. I forgot to add in the shaken condition.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
    Myrmidon Jinx wrote:
    I apologize, Jinx's fort save should be 2 less. I forgot to add in the shaken condition.

    As long as you apologize here, and not in the in-game thread, you had me at hello and complete me and stuff.

    Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

    What the smurf? 45,000?! I'd better get crackin'.

    @Torchbearer: Loot is chancy in this game. When selecting spells for your paladin, I recommend that you also look at the next spell level or two. (I'm doing two.) You can buy the scrolls and scribing materials now, or just leave enough cash free.

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