Razor Coast

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Sovereign Court Contributor

Wow! Those are cool. Shouldn't be a problem reconciling these with FaSB. For a start, they are 1:60. That's mini size

Might be the model builders put more or fewer items in a "location" on the model, but we can accommodate that if you just assume what physically appears on the model is an abstraction, representing what FasB says you can fit in the same space..

The biggest issue is the stats. As I was informed, ships need to be 3-5 times as long as they are wide to sail through the water. This makes 60' long x 40' a barge. Even at 3-1 they were referred to as post ships as they were not very maneuverable.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Doesn't their model of the HMS Surprise do just that? It
its 33" long and about 5" wide. Interior squares show about 20 long x 4 wide. Five times longer than it is wide.

Is there a ship on their site you're seeing as especially problematic?

Sorry, I was referring to the Quell's Whore at 60'x40'! I was going to use the HMS Surprise for Bonedeuce's Pride, La Decision for The Albatross and either the junk from the previous kickstarter or the LaBelle or The Drake for the Quell's Whore.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Quell's Whore is 60'x40'? An 18 gun sloop. Hrrrrm. Let me go look at that in more detail and get back to you after Gen Con.

The Exchange

Managed to get another real time session in.

The current party after the death of the ship's quartermaster/mage.

Edora - Human Witch 5 - has been acting as major domo when the others pretended to be nobles.
Rake - Half Orc Bard 3/Ranger (trapper) 2 - ex slave and very clear he is fighting for other's freedom
Mary Belle - Half aasimar Cleric 5 of Pekko - still trying to reestablish good practice for drinking and whoring in Port Shaw
Maka Koa - Human Tulita Barbarian 4/Druid - accompanied by Po Poke her leopard
Obadiah Flint - Human Gunslinger 5 - quick with his pistol and quick with his bottle as well.

We left group back at the Tulita hovels having been told of the missing Tulita who had disappared from Hargrove's plantation. I decided to set a few other things in play by letting them discover about the purchasing of alchemist fire and Drango sending them to look into the Nightslinks before he left to go find a ship to start "the armada".

The group had Mary and Obadiah dress up as nobles to pretend to be prospective investors looking to set up a plantation on the Razor Coast so they could get an audience with Hargrove. Hargrove was actually fairly nice to them and confided with them about issues he had had that were now resolved because the disappearances had stopped.

The group proceeded to flirt, cajole and bluff the Tulita and the overseers to find out a bit more about what had gone on. (Note - the adventure's not great on actually establishing how many had gone missing and why some adults had been grabbed by the Shade).

Off they went into the swamp after some discussion on canoes. The Slough Shade encounter became rather amusing as none of them could make a saving throw for 2 rounds with the first to do so being the leopard. Eventually Mary Belle made it and was able to use her Countersong to free the rest.

Then into the temple and Karkanti are tough, especially when their opponents are pushing their way through water. No 5' steps was causing a number of problems. First fight had Obadiah down - though to be fair he is suppose to be the one to get hit and the party still haven't let him forget getting the mage killed.

They then started to try and wait out the pair of Karikanti at the other entrance to the temple, but kept stepping up allow the Gatormen to move in and get a full round attack on them. A lot of fear and how do we deal with them. They backed off, were followed by sneaking gatormen and then tried diplomacy.

I left the session with the party readying to go back in with 1 slightly injured Karikanti trying to defend both exits, whilst his friend has gone to warn the Caller.

The group are now up to 6th level. One thing that was mentioned was they got the Witch and she spent a little bit at the end of last session talking about eating children, just before they found out about the missing children. This time they have been fighting Gatormen who worship Dajobas, and Rake has now become a Dragon Disciple complete with scales. It's a good thing they have been doing things that show their support for the Tulita.

One thing that was said was that they expect some big clue at the end of this temple otherwise it just feels like a side quest. Shall have to work on something to give the Caller to aim them towards something else.

I only had three people at my game yesterday.

Merceda Rogue (pirate) 8
Derriguerre Inquisitor 7
Bermiroth Witch 7
Bjorn Temp Cleric 6
Milk Toast Temp Fighter (brawler) 6

So let two of them run an extra character each as they were in the boss fight in Shrine of Frenzy.

They were in the shrine as sacrifice rites were being completed and the walls and ceiling started to come down. Just as fast the waters started rising. Their only choice was to jump in the water.
The spawn of Dajobas attacked them as soon as they jumped. Derriguerre managed to get water breathing off on the party just before they jumped. Bjorn in full plate could not make a swim check to save his life but kept the party going with Bless, Prayer and then channeling as long as he was in range.

Milk Toast managed to get up to the shark and got in a few punches while Mercedeh swam into range. She took the brunt of the beasts attacks for a few rounds and then a rope dropped from above. Diving into the water a shirtless tattooed pirate jumped on top of the shark getting into a flank with Mercedeh. Bermiroth hit it with a few bolts from his crossbow and they managed to finish the beast.

Afterwards, Drango told of a huge treasure buried near the Palace of the ea King so they sailed off in the Vintage.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Mark Peyton wrote:

Managed to get another real time session in.

The current party after the death of the ship's quartermaster/mage.

Edora - Human Witch 5 - has been acting as major domo when the others pretended to be nobles.
Rake - Half Orc Bard 3/Ranger (trapper) 2 - ex slave and very clear he is fighting for other's freedom
Mary Belle - Half aasimar Cleric 5 of Pekko - still trying to reestablish good practice for drinking and whoring in Port Shaw
Maka Koa - Human Tulita Barbarian 4/Druid - accompanied by Po Poke her leopard
Obadiah Flint - Human Gunslinger 5 - quick with his pistol and quick with his bottle as well.

** spoiler omitted **...

Cool! Here's one thought...

You might put little Jessica from Thumb's Reach in the wicker, along with other villagers, and have her say her daddy knows what's going on. He saw the black shark. Only he's been locked in Fort Stormshield. A dragoon in the wicker might reveal that there's an entrance through the sewers. Then toss Old Craw at them, back at Port Shaw. Just a thought. You could also have the big bad demand to know where the jawbone is or otherwise reveal that he's summoning/magicking up an answer to where it is...on his master's orders. Then have the sewage covered Tulita undead moaning "jawwwwwbone...." come out back in Port Shaw.
Just spitballing. Excited to hear what you throw at them...

Sovereign Court Contributor

Louis Agresta wrote:
Mark Peyton wrote:

Managed to get another real time session in.

The current party after the death of the ship's quartermaster/mage.

Edora - Human Witch 5 - has been acting as major domo when the others pretended to be nobles.
Rake - Half Orc Bard 3/Ranger (trapper) 2 - ex slave and very clear he is fighting for other's freedom
Mary Belle - Half aasimar Cleric 5 of Pekko - still trying to reestablish good practice for drinking and whoring in Port Shaw
Maka Koa - Human Tulita Barbarian 4/Druid - accompanied by Po Poke her leopard
Obadiah Flint - Human Gunslinger 5 - quick with his pistol and quick with his bottle as well.

** spoiler omitted **...

Cool! Here's one thought...

** spoiler omitted ** Just spitballing. Excited to hear what you throw at them...

Nice! Now I have to finish packing for Gen Con. Wish us luck at the Ennies!

The Exchange

Unfortunately Jessica and Old Crow have already been out to play. Might use the Jawbone as it will make them feel a bit more smug that they've found it, though it may also get them to blurt out who has it which if someone can escape will come back and bit them in the bum.

Good luck with the Ennies.

Scarab Sages

Where can I find more information about Akados and Libynos and the countries in them? I guess Lost Lands will have information but is there anything available at the minute? If I create a character whose surname begins d'_____ is there an established place that the naming convention would fit?

I look forward to the campaign setting when it comes out next year. I presume it will hold more information on these. I have a french guy in my game as the colonials had to come from somewhere! I believe there is a naming convention in the main book for Razor Coast.


brvheart wrote:

Currently running the Shrine of Frenzy. The party is one round away from the whole place collapsing on them!

They did reissue the pdf in higher resolution that helps out with the sewers map and is at least readable although I have not tried it with VTT.

Shrine of Frenzy is one of my favorite of the Indulgences, Brendan Victorson knocked it out of the park with that one!


By the by, since pirates is on everyone's brain in this thread...

I just backed Jason Bulmahn's new kickass kickstarter for the Pirate Loot Card game. Looks great. I'm excited to get down on this!

Here's a linky:

Pirate Loot Kickstarter


Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

minoritarian wrote:
Where can I find more information about Akados and Libynos and the countries in them? I guess Lost Lands will have information but is there anything available at the minute? If I create a character whose surname begins d'_____ is there an established place that the naming convention would fit?

The Kingdom of Oceanus (Oceanders as they are called) as shown on the Sinnar Coast map with the Barakus KS has a lot of d'___ names. It is also one of the main trading partners/colonizers with the Razor Coast. However, it's not a straight-up French analog. It's actually more of a Portuguese feel than French.

That said, the primary continental power of the Lost Lands is the Foerdewith (fo-AER-dwith) people [shut up, I grew up reading Gygax names], anyway it's more French (actually medieval Frankish with a strong Averoigne feel) but they use the de ______ convention more than d'_____. I know, I know, I'm totally butchering real world stuff here; fortunately it's all for fake world so it works. :-) You see a lot of the de _____ names in the area of the Duchy of Southvale and Old Burgundia as revealed in the 3.5 Necromancer Games adventure F1: Crystal Skull.

Incidentally for a quick plug, our next big release from Frog God should be Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms which not only revisits updated Morrick Mansion, Aberrations, and Crystal Skull as part of a 6-adventure AP but also includes a gazetteer of the nations that make up the Sundered Kingdoms (the central region of the above-mentioned Barakus map). Just working on the final adventure and it should be ready to go shortly.


As a bonus it includes a bit of backstory on Captain Anton Shaw, IIRC.

My Razor's Coast campaign came to an abrupt stop this last week when my third to last player decided he no longer wished to play this campaign anymore. He had issues with several of the plot threads forcing the party to undesirable results despite their efforts. I think the main issue I have had with players voting with their feet is they are becoming confused with too many plot threads and they lose focus. My PBP game has only progressed one level after a year now and I only have one original player. I fear it is coming to an end soon also. I really like the campaign, but the plot web and some of the adventures leave a little bit to be desired as far as the endings. Hopefully I can try it again some time.

Scarab Sages

When we've played more sandbox-style stuff with a lot of plot threads lying around, I found it helpful to send out an email recap between sessions. Players can then look at the most recent one, but they can also look many sessions back to look at things they may have forgotten.

Sovereign Court Contributor

I've been reviewing all the open threads and whispers at the start of every session, and then letting the PCs follow on. They are coming up on the Night of the Shark and are extremely excited to head to sea with their new ship. They might even be on the edge of discovering Garr Bloodbane's gold. Or perishing in the attempt.

Sorry to hear it fizzled on you brvheart! I've been loving your play reports.

We are going back to Skull & Shackles for now. Hopefully we can pick it back up at some point.

So I started running this campaign. We started at Level 1. Here is my complete run down, spoilers and all: http://www.nongamergamer.com/2014/09/razor-coast-part-1-level-1.html?m=1

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Haha I love the 2nd and 3rd pic, with kiddies hidden/imprisoned/playing under the table in the background!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
So I started running this campaign. We started at Level 1. Here is my complete run down, spoilers and all: http://www.nongamergamer.com/2014/09/razor-coast-part-1-level-1.html?m=1


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
So I started running this campaign. We started at Level 1. Here is my complete run down, spoilers and all: http://www.nongamergamer.com/2014/09/razor-coast-part-1-level-1.html?m=1

Sounds like a great first session, and a well-balanced three-man party to boot! Nice to see those Official Garr Bloodbane Treasure Maps(tm) still making the rounds. =D Keep us updated!

Sovereign Court Contributor

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My group was so peeved and jaded by the plethora of Garr Bloodbane Treasure Maps (TM) that when the real one floated their way they remained convinced it was just another scam.

I think the look of confused indignation and the spluttering I put in the mouth of the ghost said it all.
It was a perfect moment.

What was really sad is my party actually obtained the real map and never got a chance to go after the treasure. At least my PBP game is still slowly moving along. One year and they are only level 6.

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Oh, for those of you using Garr Bloodbane's map, I have a suggestion about additional information to release.

If your players do knowledge(local) or knowledge (history) DC 25 about the atoll or about the aftermath of Garr Bloodbane's defeat, you can reveal that certain sailors, claiming to be former members of Garr's crew and still slinking about Port Shaw shortly after his defeat, made drunken pronouncements in Barret's Barnacle that they'd helped dump Garr's treasure right into the ocean itself. On a DC 30 also reveal that, while everyone dismissed this as drunken foolery, the sailors turned up murdered the next morning. On a DC 35 add that one sailor claimed they'd been forced to participate in some sort of magic ritual to mark the location and watched Garr's bard make a map of the location while humming a song.

That should help. My player's got hung up on locating the land location.

Louis Agresta wrote:
My group was so peeved and jaded by the plethora of Garr Bloodbane Treasure Maps (TM) that when the real one floated their way they remained convinced it was just another scam. ** spoiler omitted **It was a perfect moment.

Ha! The exact same thing happened in my game, too. Poor fella. =[

SIDENOTE: Whenever we get back around to playing through Part 2, I'll be shifting the location of Bloodbane's haul into one of my favorite dungeons from Goodman Games' 3.5-era products. This is one nasty module, and it fits right in with the themes of Razor Coast with just a little re-skinning.

Sovereign Court

I am not sure I have this one, I need to check, but thanks for the idea, PWU.

Mwahahahaha !

The last straw for my party was the outcome of

Blood Waters:
They were unable to save the king and felt betrayed and used by the plot now being accused of killing a royal even though they were there to save the prince. They felt rather railroaded and it was not the first time for a couple of the lawful players.

Sovereign Court Contributor

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brvheart wrote:

The last straw for my party was the outcome of

** spoiler omitted **

I blame Greg.

I blame Greg too Lou, but the Greg I blame is me:) They love Slumbering Tsar for some reason, but then they are not big role players.

The Exchange

Now I'm expecting probably some deaths in the party due to environment with Still waters, but in terms of keeping the game going I think it's important to:

1) try and get a narrative flow to the plots going
2) remind the players of the plots in play - given one of our other games at the moment is Masks of Nyarlathotep this is perhaps a little easier
3) offer some low hanging fruit/plots and not expect it always to be the players driving the plot - I keep having some plots ready to go in case things get stuck
4) try and make sure they want to interact with the NPCs and hopefully then use the NPCs to help with the narrative flow
5) remind them to prepare rather than assume

I have obviously not sold enough Garr Bloodbane maps lately.

My party is still going strong,well into 8th level now (we usually play 2-3 hours a week so we take a while) and still seem to be enjoying it. Broadly they are focused on sailing the Razor - the idea of having their own ship and crew seems to have been something they really like although sadly I've not had much luck getting them to invest in the wonderful characters in Port Shaw. At the moment I'm dealing with an eidolon and shapeshifting druid (primal warrior on a giant octopus gets very messy)both buffing their AC well above 30 at times so I'm looking to shake things up a bit and interested in other peoples thoughts. The next bit has lots of spoilers

The party are currently under Beacon Island making easy work of the massed sharks so I'm looking to add a few casters to the mix. Looking through the Dalang prestige class it struck me that Jalamar of all people has no levels in this! Are there any reasons not to rebuild him using some levels of this? I'm thinking that acolytes should really be priests of Dajobas rather than lesser dalangs and also perhaps add in a sorceror from Drango's crew (all weresharks of course). I also intend to give Saegen a more active role in the defence. Thinking on how he could flank the party led me to another thought - how did the sharks in the breed pool get there? There is no aquatic link to the outside world!

I am really struggling to get the sewer maps looking good on Roll20. I have both the map from the main pdf and from the map folio, but both seem too small.

Having looked around, the Kickstarter mentioned d20pro files, which presumably would have the map? Yet I can't find any way to purchase the d20pro files either from Frog God Games or d20pro's marketplace.

Any help on getting each section of the sewers mapped out on a virtual table top at a reasonable quality?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Start by popping Matt Morton at d20pro an email to see if they delivered, yet. If no luck there repost here, and I'll see if I can find a file that will help you. No promises, because I might have deleted them. I'll have to go dig up the old external storage drive and hunt through my project files, but I might have something if the publisher(s) can't assist. What rez is your map file that you are importing and what rez does Roll20 prefer?

Thanks Louis, that was a very fast reply! I have emailed Mat Morton and await his response.

The map itself is 1200x1650 px - which sounds massive until you realise that is for the entire sewers.

With each grid square being 10x10 px, you can see how each individual section is actually tiny. Section 4 - Beneath Fort Stormshield alone is 32 squares by 58, making it only 320x580 px for what is in reality should be a very large map.

It is less with Roll20 having a preferred resolution, more that the resolutions I have available from all published sources being far too small in general, sadly.

If you could at all assist, I would be extremely grateful.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Yeah. I get it. That was a legacy map from when Nick was still running with the project, and we couldn't afford to get it redone. Also, at the time Nick started, VTTs weren't on anyone's radar.

I would have preferred to have individual sewer sections be full or half-page maps; but again, damned budget constraints.

I'm doubtful I have a higher rez version, but I will check the original TIFF file for you. If you haven't heard from me by mid next week, please post again to remind me, ok?

Hopefully Mat's crew used some of their magic software to retool the map.

- Lou

PS In case its not clear, the gaps between sewer sections should be labeled "...hours of random tunnels and encounters wherein everyone gets covered in fecal sludge from exploding methane pockets then fights horrific monsters..."

Louis Agresta wrote:
PS In case its not clear, the gaps between sewer sections should be labeled "...hours of random tunnels and encounters wherein everyone gets covered in fecal sludge from exploding methane pockets then fights horrific monsters..."

Nice to know we're on the same page.

Haha, I shall keep that in mind Louis!

Still no word back from Mat.

Out of interest, I'm assuming designing maps for each section of the sewer is something that comes to the many thousands of dollars? If it was more in the hundreds ballpark I'd be interested in funding it myself...

Sovereign Court Contributor

It'd really just be paying a cartographer to recreate each map section at a higher resolution. So hundreds, not thousands.

Sorry to report that my players and I are having the same issues as Jonathan Hunt. The sewers really are a wonderful setting for an urban dungeon (Rrroag and Ularop made great bosses!) but the maps are abysmal for Roll 20, and the Map Folio doesn't help in the slightest. :(

Sorry to hear that Alex, the Map Folio is great for some maps and naff for others it seems.

Louis, is getting a number of maps made by a cartographer at a higher resolution a possibility? If so creating a list of the worst offenders might be useful.

Maybe a mini Kickstarter or similar would be in order! I'd be happy to get the ball rolling with a decent sized backing.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Hey, sorry to report I dug up the original TIFF file and its resolution doesn't help at all. Like I feared, VTTs just weren't on the radar at the time they made the map. Wish I could help more.

No problem at all Louis, thank you very much for taking the time to go look for them.

I have had no reply from Mat... What do you think of the Kickstarter idea?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Maybe? But that'd be an FGG thing at this point, and outside my control. I'm the humble freelancer dude. :)

Jonathan Hunt wrote:

Sorry to hear that Alex, the Map Folio is great for some maps and naff for others it seems.

Louis, is getting a number of maps made by a cartographer at a higher resolution a possibility? If so creating a list of the worst offenders might be useful.

Maybe a mini Kickstarter or similar would be in order! I'd be happy to get the ball rolling with a decent sized backing.


For a second I thought you meant a miniature KS and FGG haven't good history in that respects.

Sovereign Court

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FGG is not to blame for a licensee. CSM were fairly convincing, and it was hard not to fall for them.

Fortunately FGG didn't fall for it, they got their 15% of the money - whilst all the backers lose close to $200,000. So at least they make a financial profit from the relationship, something not even the sculptors did.

The Exchange

Managed to finally get a game with my real life group.

Last time they were left dusting themselves off, trying to figure how to get into the Shrine of Frenzy.

Having had a breather they were much more able to deal with the Karikanti and the Wights were dealt with so quickly that they started a running joke that all the undead they were facing were in fact just zombies.

Into the shrine area and a lucky sleep spell allowed them to coup de grace one of the Karikanti. 6 ropes were cut, but they were able to rescue all the prisoners and take out the Caller - I did blanche a little at AC 27, but the party managed to take him out.

They took the tulita back and gave a choice about whether to keep the children hidden away, but in the end the parents chose to have them back. This has made the group more determined to free the tulita from slavery.

They headed for town and called on Zalen. He asked for their help in locating a young girl called Lucinda who had not shown up for a few days. They also became aware of the body of an alchemist having floated out of the sewers as well a ghost that was haunting the docks.

The plan as to go locate the girl and then return to the docks later to try and stake out the ghost. They found Lucinda fairly quickly and listened to her story. They fed her and got her back to Zalen before heading into the sewers. Then they came out again and took a homemade raft with them.

The Roach swarms did a lot of damage to them with only 2 of the party able to take action against them. They anchored the raft, healed and then pushed on. A very lucky perception roll meant that they managed to spot the Roachlord before he rose from the sludge. Swarms were a problem again and Mary Belle, the cleric, and Maka Koa, the Barbarian, were very close to death when they managed to defeat the Roachlord. They searched and found the other child and then headed back to the surface to heal and get rid of some disease.

Query on Roachlord as he's a CR 7 encounter whilst being able to summon up to 4 Roach swarms who are a CR 8 encounter themselves? Is that right?

Having healed again they headed back to the docks where they encountered some Lacedons - again zombies who smelled a little - then Durrell.

Durrell as an encounter can be taken various ways - particularly as it doesn't establish what he knows about where his body is. The group agreed that they would look and retrieve it for him.

With an idea that Durrell as heading north they went and met Lester the next day. Lester also told them of Vrina. They agreed to help him avenge his friend and to look into the sewers in some depth.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Nice! My home group is starting their

Night of the Shark.
Very excited!

PS The swarms are part of the CR.

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