Razor Coast

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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Errata, as requested:


Freebooter's Guide, pg 61: under the Highwayman feat, the first sentence under "Deflect Shot" is either missing some punctuation or the English is otherwise mangled.

Freebooter's Guide, pg 62: under the Fast Deflect Firearm feat, the text for "Exotic Weapon Proficiency" should not be bolded.

Razor Coast, pg 78, last paragraph: the text says that new adventure options will be in small caps to distinguish them. This isn't true: all options keep using the same fonts & style.

Razor Coast, pg 123 & 124: the adventure options don't have CRs listed after their titles. It just says "(CR - +)" afterwards. They are correct in the table, but not in the breakouts.

Razor Coast, pg 125: the adventure option "Call of the Frog God" does not have a chapter reference. A google search eventually dispelled the mystery, but it should still be sourced.

Razor Coast, pg 188: Jessica is listed as "female" in human and hybrid form, then is listed as "male" in animal form.

Razor Coast, pg 415: I don't know if "art errata" is valid, but this section is all about rapiers and duels, and instead it shows a Tulita warrior. I would have expected a duelist or picture of a sword.

And more generally, I found the entire appendix of Indulgences very difficult to navigate. The headers between major sections uses the same fontstyle as the headers between plot arcs within an individual adventure. When browsing to find information, it is very difficult to tell when one section ends and another begins. Can we make the dividing sections even bolder or something to that effect?

Personally, I find it strange that much of early material in the Indulgences appendix didn't show up in the Freebooter's Guide instead. (Like the Tulita and Dueling sections.) It has a lot of info I'd prefer to put in my PCs' hands. But this is probably too late to change.

But really, the product looks great. I love Chapter 2: I've never seen that in an RPG book before. Only the Great Pendragon Campaign comes close.

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:

Regarding the PDF, Art resolutions, Maps, etc. This will be fixed. We need to re-compress the images differently. Working on that now. Rest assure the print version does NOT look like this.


Lou, as for the Errata, if you can get the changes to Layout pronto so she can get to me, then I can get them to the printers before it all prints.

This is great. If you can fix the art compression (don't forget the title page image and logo) and get (some) errata in before printing that would be awesome...

Something I would like to see in an errata is a page number to go along with the condensed stat blocks when referencing re-used creature/npc's/etc instead of just referencing an encounter name or "see appendix". It would be nice for those of use who only can afford the PDF, which is a lot more annoying to navigate.

Joanna Swiftblade wrote:
Something I would like to see in an errata is a page number to go along with the condensed stat blocks when referencing re-used creature/npc's/etc instead of just referencing an encounter name or "see appendix". It would be nice for those of use who only can afford the PDF, which is a lot more annoying to navigate.

This is a really good idea!


VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Thanael wrote:
Rachel F. Ventura wrote:

Regarding the PDF, Art resolutions, Maps, etc. This will be fixed. We need to re-compress the images differently. Working on that now. Rest assure the print version does NOT look like this.


Lou, as for the Errata, if you can get the changes to Layout pronto so she can get to me, then I can get them to the printers before it all prints.

This is great. If you can fix the art compression (don't forget the title page image and logo) and get (some) errata in before printing that would be awesome...

We got some in. I don't think Erik's list made it in. Chuck and I spent the whole night getting files loaded for the printer. I will have the new PDFs up soon. Takes a while to load to all the pledge levels.


Hi Nychus. Lou and I worked insanely hard on Fire as she Bears, so I excited to hear it's well-received. Thank you so much for taking the time to point out that you liked it.

As for the gun deck issue... when I was putting numbers together, that was a real tough balancing point. I re-wrote the "math" of Hull Locations easily a half-dozen times (maybe more) and at least two of those were to try and get gun decks to work better.

In the end, we went with complete abstractions for cannons. Reload times, distances, etc were all designed with game balance in mind rather than realism. Your observation that you can pack more "small" guns onto a deck is enirely accurate; that was the intention. The trade-off to doing so is that you lose range. If you're ship has nothing but 6-pounders and your opponent has a bunch of 36-pounders, then her best course of action is to try to stay away from you and fire at range, because your guns can't even reach her ship. On the flip side, if you manage to maneuver your ship into closer range, you then have the upper hand in the fight. You're brining more guns to the battle, and so have more chances to hit. And your reload time is less, so you're making those attacks more often.

It's all part of the chess game about how to build and equip your ship, coupled with the tactics you use out on the open seas.

Hope that helps bring a bit of understanding to the gun deck issue. Again, I'm so glad to hear you're digging the book. those sorts of comments make all the work worthwhile.

Louis Agresta wrote:

I had Rafael Sabatini in mind when editing and writing, for sure! Particularly Scaramouche, which contains my favorite opening line of nearly any novel:

"He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad, and that was all his patrimony..."

Many of the Errol Flynn movies were based on Sabatini novels. Really glad that came through. Of course we added lots of horror and gore. >:)

Unfortunately, I never read Sabatini but have watched the 1952 Stuart Granger movie recently. Enjoyed it immensely. As for the horror and gore, well the censors in 1939 wouldn't have allowed any of that! I am hoping I find players that will do your work justice. I know my wife will enjoy it.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
We got some in. I don't think Erik's list made it in. Chuck and I spent the whole night getting files loaded for the printer. I will have the new PDFs up soon. Takes a while to load to all the pledge levels.

*stops putting together second errata list*

But, but, if you only let me know earlier that I could have had an impact, I could have found so many errors for you!


The Exchange

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Zherog wrote:

Hi Nychus. Lou and I worked insanely hard on Fire as she Bears, so I excited to hear it's well-received. Thank you so much for taking the time to point out that you liked it.

As for the gun deck issue... when I was putting numbers together, that was a real tough balancing point. I re-wrote the "math" of Hull Locations easily a half-dozen times (maybe more) and at least two of those were to try and get gun decks to work better.

In the end, we went with complete abstractions for cannons. Reload times, distances, etc were all designed with game balance in mind rather than realism. Your observation that you can pack more "small" guns onto a deck is enirely accurate; that was the intention. The trade-off to doing so is that you lose range. If you're ship has nothing but 6-pounders and your opponent has a bunch of 36-pounders, then her best course of action is to try to stay away from you and fire at range, because your guns can't even reach her ship. On the flip side, if you manage to maneuver your ship into closer range, you then have the upper hand in the fight. You're brining more guns to the battle, and so have more chances to hit. And your reload time is less, so you're making those attacks more often.

It's all part of the chess game about how to build and equip your ship, coupled with the tactics you use out on the open seas.

Hope that helps bring a bit of understanding to the gun deck issue. Again, I'm so glad to hear you're digging the book. those sorts of comments make all the work worthwhile.

I really like the way its been approached very similar to what I was trying to to do when trying to write my submission (it never made it in :-() though I went a bit more abstract on some stuff such as cannon being mounted in batteries which basically ignored hardness/DR but did the same damage as a single piece etc.

Incidently the 26 location Victory comes out with the correct sailing speed as well as everything else so thatsa real plus. (and I never ever want to see a properly armed first rate ship of the line heading at me in game. ;-))

Nor would I! I think I worked out a broadside yesterday that a broadside from the Victory's main guns could be as much as 308d10! That is enough to even make the Krakenfiend nervous!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Exactly...which is why the Kraken plans too...
Well you'll just have to see.

Although, realistically, we put not ships the potency of the HMS Victory into RC. My topline ship was actually the HMS Surprise (historical version of Aubrey/Maturin fame).

A 5th/6th line ship. Still enough to keep most pirates in line.

Erik Freund wrote:
Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
We got some in. I don't think Erik's list made it in. Chuck and I spent the whole night getting files loaded for the printer. I will have the new PDFs up soon. Takes a while to load to all the pledge levels.

*stops putting together second errata list*

But, but, if you only let me know earlier that I could have had an impact, I could have found so many errors for you!


Keep that errata list going. All the pdf users will thank you with all our hearts!


Sovereign Court Contributor

brvheart wrote:
A 5th/6th line ship. Still enough to keep most pirates in line.


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Been reading some of the trials and tribulations that you guys have gone through to get this published. Seems we did a lot of the same with a lot of the Judges Guild stuff especially trying to get the boxed set out. Would be interesting to see the orginal pdf and see what has changed in the process. I know how many iterations things go through in the processs. We drove the layout guy crazy with the modules for Goodman and they were small compared to RC!

Ha first time I realised who you are brvheart, thanks for some great stuff!

You are most welcome sir!

The new files look great btw. Extremely clear on the maps and artwork on all the redone files! Thanks!!!

Got it, looks awesome! Great flavor.

Right so off to re-download then

I'm not planning on taking a detailed look until I have the book in hand, but I really like the look of Razor Coast so far. Even the pdf looks lovely, so I'm sure the book will be great on my shelf!

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Really glad everyone likes the look. My cousin Tiara Agresta did the design and layout. She's done Leverage, Smallville, Hit a Dude and other books before. I think she's a genius. Yeah, I'm biased, but still...

They interviewed her on Geek's Dream Girl

And you can see some of her work at her portfolio here, if you're a design head.

Here's the amazing thing to me: I didn't know she was my cousin until a few years ago. Let alone that she worked in the gaming industry.

Gaming brought us together.

How it worked was my dad's 1st cousin contacted me on Facebook. He mentions his son (my cousin by blood) is into some sort of "gaming" thing.

Turns out to be RPGs. Turns out he and his wife, Tiara, go to Gen Con and other conventions. Turns out he, my brother, Tiara and I all meet for the first time at Gen Con and hang out together...and we're family separated at birth. We adore each other. We should have grown up in the same darn house. Heck, Adrian and my brother look, dress, and just do style the same way.

It was like finding out I had another brother -- and his amazing wife -- whom, I'd never met.

Our RPG circles overlapped but didn't meet (until Ryan Macklin joined Paizo, as he and Tiara did Hit a Dude together).

Gaming did that for me. It brought me family I didn't even know I had, and so when Razor Coast came up and we needed out of this world layout to do it justice? Tiara.

We got to work on it together, and afterwards we like each other more. We don't hate each other! I think working on a project of this complexity and magnitude and coming out the other end tighter than before is...tough. I'm so glad that's how it went.

Thank you RPGs. You make my life better every, $%#$%! day.


The concept of setting up a sandbox like an instructor's textbook with checklists, worksheets and adventure options is absolutely brilliant! It should be the new standard in city based design. She is from Chicago? Was born and raised in the burbs. Wonder if they know my old gaming group Game Base 7?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Thanks for the kind words! I got stuck on that a couple of times and if it wasn't for Erik Frankhouse and Rone Barton banging concepts around I'd still be stuck, but yeah. I am pleased with the approach. Really gald you like it.

As for Tiara, yep, they're in the Chicago area.

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Any news on when the plot web will be available? It is kinda the glue that ties everything together.

Sovereign Court Contributor

I'm tying it up as we speak. I have the mindmap software I'm using as well as chapter 2 open in front of me, right now.

Truth be told, it's a solid visual tool, but not necessary to running Razor Coast. If you trust the embedded connections, the book and chapter 2 should just...take you where you need to go.

Everything really does connect to about everything and everyone.

This web is...complicated. Got to figure out some ways of visually simplifying it. Have a few ideas, but the best may be to simply distribute the mindmap file as well as the PDF so people can get into the (free) software themselves and move things around to suit themselves.

Well I am just a desktop tech, so no help here, sorry.

Because I have to ask: When this product becomes available for the ordinary consumer (beyond preorders and kickstarter), will there be an announcement here? Particularly for the hardcovers?

Well, just got the update that the print copies are going to be at least a month late. Well, stuff happens I guess. I kinda figured that with everything being added to the project that this might happen. Will give my party more time to explore Skull & Shackles I guess and if necessary I can start it from the pdf. Sort of a shame that they had to go to an overseas printer, but I understand I guess. I would rather have paid a little more and kept it over here. I just hope the quality does not suffer for it.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Sub-Creator wrote:
Because I have to ask: When this product becomes available for the ordinary consumer (beyond preorders and kickstarter), will there be an announcement here? Particularly for the hardcovers?

We will make an announcement. I will try to post it on this forum. The best way to get our news is in our monthly newsletter, the Rana Reader. So if you aren't signed up, what are you waiting for? http://talesofthefroggod.com/rana-issues.html

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I just browsed through the Mind of the Man PDF. First impression is "MAD GENIUS!" This wee document really adds to this whole experience and I very much appreciate the glimpse behind the scenes.

Thanks to Lou, Nick, everyone involved at Frog God Games, and freelancers associated with Razor Coast for what's been an absolute belter of an experience.

We all know it's been tremendous work getting this far but the rewards are near. Soon enough Razor Coast game reports will come in from all over the globe and the character death toll will rise to unimaginable heights, praise Pele!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Praise Pele!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Louis Agresta wrote:

Exactly...which is why the Kraken plans too...

Well you'll just have to see.

Although, realistically, we put not ships the potency of the HMS Victory into RC. My topline ship was actually the HMS Surprise (historical version of Aubrey/Maturin fame).

Okay, what I immediately pictured was a Shadowrun-like kraken with cyber-enhancements. But I had to go one step further because THIS IS PFRPG.

Fiendish steampunk cyborg Kraken with more firepower than the HMS Victory FTW !!!

Sovereign Court Contributor

That's coming next. I'm writing a novella for Reality Deviant' Press' cyberpunk setting/game, Interface Zero.

Thank you for describing my lead bad guy. The HMS Victory will be a Firefly class ship... :)

Sorry, but I think I will pass on cyberpunk. Still not quite used to ancient red dragons being more than 88 hit points!

The Exchange

Do you want more errata? It would also be useful if the errata so far had page numbers.

The Exchange

I have a question regarding firearms, the prices listed in Razor coast are very cheap compared to everywhere else including the price of a Highway Pistol in the Freebooters Guide, and the Double Barrelled Musket is listed at 30GP's.

I'm assuming the best way to handle this is to knock a 0 off the end of the prices of stuff from say Brace of Pistols which then puts them in Mastercraft price ranges rather than magic item price ranges.

I also expect the double barrelled musket is supposed to be listed at 300 GP's

This is mostly based on the price chart for black powder on page 350.

Ummm, the title page/image seems still a bit pixelated... :-(

So the Fiend Below, Harthagoa, was converted from 3.5 to PF as "a unique, new creature that closely mirrors the 3.5 stats born of from adding a [3.5] half-fiend template to a [3.5] Kraken.".

Who will be the first to upgrade this to a PF kraken with the PF half-fiend template? Or will FGG be so kind and post this version of the CR21 Harthagoa as a web enhancement maybe?

Some errata:

Under Notable NPCs in the city statblock from page 5:
Sorcerer Supreme Aeron Chambers (LE male human sorcerer 6/fighter 1/duelist 5)

On pg. 26 his stablock is fighter 1/sorcerer 7 ...though it mentions that he likes dueling.

Which one is correct version?

Thanael wrote:

Some errata:

** spoiler omitted **

i would think the higher level one, based on prior versions and drafts. Also, from a game balance perspective.

Nychus wrote:

I have a question regarding firearms, the prices listed in Razor coast are very cheap compared to everywhere else including the price of a Highway Pistol in the Freebooters Guide, and the Double Barrelled Musket is listed at 30GP's.

I'm assuming the best way to handle this is to knock a 0 off the end of the prices of stuff from say Brace of Pistols which then puts them in Mastercraft price ranges rather than magic item price ranges.

I also expect the double barrelled musket is supposed to be listed at 300 GP's

This is mostly based on the price chart for black powder on page 350.

I am guessing that the entry in the Freebooters Guide is the one that needs corrected. My presumption is that their intent is to price the guns that are available at comparable price to other weapons, ie the cost of a rapier. Otherwise they could not afford to arm every dragoon with one and every Tom, Dick and Harry would not have one. I think the intent was to make the pistol more of what it was, a throw away, fire once and throw it away. At 30 GP you can afford to do that. I hope Lou or someone can give an official reply.

Re Plot Map: I have downloaded XMind, but so far the file will not open on the Frog God server to download it. Will try later in the day.

The Exchange

Gah brains jumping all over the place the chart on page 350 of Razor Coast, the double barrelled musket is listed at 30GP with a Long Musket listed at 120GP hence the add a 0 there.

I'm guessing the Freebooters Guide costage is base cost for using Freebooters guide stuff in other settings as I finally got around to reading the Firarms availability guidelines and found that Firearms everywhere is indeed costs at 10% of list and since that was already in place it was easier to cost it that way.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

brvheart wrote:
Re Plot Map: I have downloaded XMind, but so far the file will not open on the Frog God server to download it. Will try later in the day.

Don't try to 'open' it. The file is an XML, so your browser is trying to render it if you simply left-click on the link. You have to right-click and save-as.

Furthermore, XML isn't an officially supported type in XMIND, so once you are running XMIND, you have to switch the filter in the Open dialog to accept all files. Then you can get it open.

Honestly though, it's a mess of red and cyan lines all over the place. I'm not sure how this is really useable. :-( I'm going to have to learn a lot about how to use XMIND in order to untangle this web. Lou: any pointers to get us started?

Had to go to the parent directory to download it as save as does not work from Outlook on this link. Yeah, Erik that is about what I get also and most of the things I try to do requires buying a license.

Ok, well I did figure out that if you click on the lines they lead you to the relationships between the encounters for example if you start with the arrival hooks there are lines coming from each one that you can follow to other areas. It is a start anyway.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Nychus wrote:

I have a question regarding firearms, the prices listed in Razor coast are very cheap compared to everywhere else including the price of a Highway Pistol in the Freebooters Guide, and the Double Barrelled Musket is listed at 30GP's.

I'm assuming the best way to handle this is to knock a 0 off the end of the prices of stuff from say Brace of Pistols which then puts them in Mastercraft price ranges rather than magic item price ranges.

I also expect the double barrelled musket is supposed to be listed at 300 GP's

This is mostly based on the price chart for black powder on page 350.

Actually, Nychus, what you have is Nick's take on firearms from before Ultimate Combat or Skull and Shackles. We left that in Razor Coast as the "simplified" version of firearms, specifically for those who are less firearms inclined and just wanted something, well, simple...

Brace of Pistols, however, came out after Skull and Shackles and those prices were made consonant with UC, etc. by SGG; so, I'd go with them as is, unless...

You're looking to go simple. So basically what you have is a simplified version you can use wholesale and that's in the main RC book. OR you can throw that out entirely and use UC, Skull and Shackles, Brace of Pistols, the Freebooter's Guide, etc.

The RC core book contains a simplified version.

Did I explain that well?

(I also don't have the books open in front of me, so I'm going by memory)

Sovereign Court Contributor

Thanael wrote:

Some errata:

** spoiler omitted **

The higher level one. His statblock.

Sovereign Court Contributor

brvheart wrote:
Nychus wrote:

I have a question regarding firearms, the prices listed in Razor coast are very cheap compared to everywhere else including the price of a Highway Pistol in the Freebooters Guide, and the Double Barrelled Musket is listed at 30GP's.

I'm assuming the best way to handle this is to knock a 0 off the end of the prices of stuff from say Brace of Pistols which then puts them in Mastercraft price ranges rather than magic item price ranges.

I also expect the double barrelled musket is supposed to be listed at 300 GP's

This is mostly based on the price chart for black powder on page 350.

I am guessing that the entry in the Freebooters Guide is the one that needs corrected. My presumption is that their intent is to price the guns that are available at comparable price to other weapons, ie the cost of a rapier. Otherwise they could not afford to arm every dragoon with one and every Tom, Dick and Harry would not have one. I think the intent was to make the pistol more of what it was, a throw away, fire once and throw it away. At 30 GP you can afford to do that. I hope Lou or someone can give an official reply.

Yes, that was exactly the reason Nick created a simplified take on firearms early on and why they are priced like other weapons. Throw-aways that every Dragoon can have.

It's not so much that the Freebooter's Guide needs correcting as that everything other than the RC Core Rulebook follows (or tries to follow) what Paizo did subsequently.

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