Shows that should not have been cancelled after 1 season.


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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

1. Firefly

2. Brisco County, Jr.

3. Freaks and Geeks

4. Caprica

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5. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

6. Space: Above and Beyond

Liberty's Edge

7. Wizards and Warriors.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, I see. You already posted my favorite.

Just to drive the point home:


8. Firefly
9. Firefly
10. Firefly

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11. Terriers
12. Alcatraz (What? I liked it.)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Re: Caprica

I wonder sometimes if the idea would be better explored in alternative media (novels, comics etc.) Part of what intrigued me was the culture of the colonies, things that bore people with short attention span.

Aside. Whoever told Alessandra Torresani that the peroxide blond looks good on her should be shot. In public.

I'd add
13 War of the Worlds.
14 Brimstone
15 New Amsterdam.

Silver Crusade

Didn't War of the Worlds run for two seasons?

16: Ultraviolet

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17. Fawlty Towers

Scarab Sages

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
17. Fawlty Towers

Two season.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Not enough!

Someone should tell the Brits that six episodes does not a season make!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

FallofCamelot wrote:

Didn't War of the Worlds run for two seasons?

16: Ultraviolet

No, they replaced it with some weird disjointed thing that shared a name.

Scarab Sages

I agree with not enough, but if you want to list shows that were cancelled prematurely after more then one season, why not make a thread for that (I would attend with some suggestions, I promise) ;-)


I'd rather just post shows here and have others point out that there was more than one season.

18. The Honeymooners.

Liberty's Edge

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18. Roar

Silver Crusade

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Not enough!

Someone should tell the Brits that six episodes does not a season make!

Duly noted.

19. Berserk

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Fabius Maximus wrote:

11. Terriers

12. Alcatraz (What? I liked it.)

Terriers was so good!!! At least the ending was nice and enigmatically cliffhangerly. But the kind of unresolved cliffhanger where there were several good possiblities, but not knowing what happened and just imagining what could have happened might be for the best.

20. The Lone Gunmen - that X-Files spin-off

21 Logan's Run
22 Tales of the Gold Monkey
23 S.E.A.R.C.H

The new ThunderCats

Jonny Quest(1960's)

Wolverine and X-men

Kolchak the night stalker(1970's)

Galaxy High

Pole Position

Police Squad

Greg the Bunny


The Flash(live action series)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

The Fades. DAMN YOU BBC for making a great show and then just ending it after 1 season....

Liberty's Edge

Law and Order: Los Angeles

The Exchange

The Finder. Except for the sometimes poorly written script, it was a pretty good idea.


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

The Event - only thing wrong with it was the TWO MONTH break in the middle to show for that Cape rubbish. WAY TO GO NBC! Morons.

Flash Forward - What? I liked it. Couldn't follow it? Not my problem, I could.

Prey - Debra Messing before comedy, before Will and Grace, and she was cute!

Threshold - alien invasion from the fourth dimension. They were coming in on a frequency! Precursor to the "basilisk hacks" in Eclipse Phase! Peter Dinklage and Bret Spiner and a hot chick. This was a great American tragedy.

Brimstone - John Glover as Satan. Sigh...

Day Break

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Joana wrote:
Day Break

I gotta admit I was curious where they were going with it.

It's available on DVD now, so you can find out. :)

Plus, it had Adam Baldwin, the man they call Jayne.

FIREFLY!! Too bad they didnt take Joss Whedon more seriously on this. They just kind of threw him a bone because he was still doing Buffy. Great series. =(

They did an UltraViolet series? As in, like the movie with Milla Jovovich?

Oh, Nm, googled it. Seems this UltraViolet was a british vampire thing done back in 1998?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Widow of the Pit wrote:
Oh, Nm, googled it. Seems this UltraViolet was a british vampire thing done back in 1998?

Yes, it was a Brit mini-series. It was quite good. But you can't exactly count it because it was never intended to go beyond one story arc. The BBC does mini-series like that (and Jeckyl, which was quite good).

There waa a show about a different more powerful type of humans taking over, I don't remember the name

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
The Fades. DAMN YOU BBC for making a great show and then just ending it after 1 season....

Well, f*++!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Numerian wrote:
There waa a show about a different more powerful type of humans taking over, I don't remember the name

That was Prey, which I mentioned above. Not trying to zing you. :) I didn't mention what the show was about.

It wasn't high-tech scifi, but it was about a new species of human being, that looked like us.. but we were like neanderthals to them. Evolution happoening right under our noses. It was kind of mature scifi, very character driven.


That dang cliffhanger at the end, why?!

The Defenders. Belushi and O'Connell had great chemistry together. They needed to bring the girls into it a bit more tightly to round things out.

Scarab Sages

Birds of Prey - not the greatest show around, sure, but fun nonetheless (and with some potential)

The Exchange

Tales of the Gold Monkey

damnit self editing.


I agree with The Event, and with Threshold.


Also, Firefly.

I saw posted somewhere, maybe here, that every episodic television series should have a "four-episode" run-out clause in its contract, wherein if it gets cancelled, the writers get four episodes to wrap up all the loose endings in a neat and tidy way.

This idea is brilliant.

EDIT: Oh, and John Doe.

And Firefly.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Jim Groves wrote:
Widow of the Pit wrote:
Oh, Nm, googled it. Seems this UltraViolet was a british vampire thing done back in 1998?
Yes, it was a Brit mini-series. It was quite good. But you can't exactly count it because it was never intended to go beyond one story arc. The BBC does mini-series like that (and Jeckyl, which was quite good).

It has a young be-mulleted Stephen Moyer as a vampire!

Talk about being type-cast...


Star Trek Revenge

Johnny Pneumatic

Bat Man: Concrete Jungle

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber



The Dresden Files

The Lost Room (Ok, it was a mini-series that tied up nicecly, but still....)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Pneumatic or Mnemonic? Can't you remember? ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Magic Square wrote:

The Dresden Files

Ugh - only if they promised to recast/rewrite every single character on it including Dresden (the guy had the look but Dresden was never a whiny emo in the books). And Susan/Karin were completely miscast to the point where one should have been playing the others role.

Definitely "The Dresden Files." Very much enjoyed it, even if it varied from the novels (in fact, I'm glad it was different; had it remained the same it would have bored me to death).

Dark Archive


PsychoticWarrior wrote:
Magic Square wrote:

The Dresden Files

Ugh - only if they promised to recast/rewrite every single character on it including Dresden (the guy had the look but Dresden was never a whiny emo in the books). And Susan/Karin were completely miscast to the point where one should have been playing the others role.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Grand Magus wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
Magic Square wrote:

The Dresden Files

Ugh - only if they promised to recast/rewrite every single character on it including Dresden (the guy had the look but Dresden was never a whiny emo in the books). And Susan/Karin were completely miscast to the point where one should have been playing the others role.

I tried watching it on Netflix, but I just couldn't get into it.

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