Age of Worms - Krimssone Campaign Journal [AOW - Greyhawk - DnD 3.5]

Campaign Journals

Hello Everyone

I started my own AOW campaign (3.5 Dnd, World of Greyhawk) about 6 months ago. I hope you’ll understand me easily because writing in english is so hard !

Anyway, if you want to read it in french (who knows), follow this link :


"HEAVEN" real name unknown
Smuggler from Dyvers (rogue human male 1).

Raised by prostitutes in Dyvers'Dock District, orphan of a shieldland woman, died of disease (red death). He crossed the way of a young thief (kind of a "Once Upon A time in America" atmosphere) they eventually work together in smuggling kalamanthis brought to their boat in Elmshire by a monk from the twilight monastery and then they ship it back to dyvers. After a few years, they are caught in the middle of guild wars in Dyvers. His partner, mentor and friend disappear in a ambush and Heaven is forced to flee for his life aboard a rhennee boat. Unknown to him, the Alliance (Dyvers thieves guild)is secretly influenced by a group called the slavelords...

A young Priest from the Heironeus Sanctuary in Greyhawk Free City. (Priest human male 1)

Third of a family entirely dedicated to the God of Chivalry and raised by the militia commandant in Blackwall Keep, he has been sent to Greyhawk to be a religious man. One day, an evil cult penetrate the sanctuary to steal an evil artefact waiting to be soon destroyed. Even very young, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and very close to the artefact (an orbe of dark vapors or equivalent)when it shattered on the floor. Eventually, he woke up months after. With very bad health... Nothing anormal was diagnosticated, and now he is very concerned and obsessed by this object ! He has finished his initial formation and is back to Diamond Lake to visit his brother, soldier in the garrison.

A student of the University of Magical Arts in the Free City. (Parangon human male 1)

Born during the great fire in the Thief Quarter, he has grew up among the beggar's union, under the protection of Master Gaspar. He showed intellectual dispositions and a great thirst of knowledge. So he learned among the beggars how to listen, see an shout, eventually he learned to trick people. But Gaspar disappeared, and our young man chose to go away. Passing most of his time at The great Library, he met Elligos. After several months he accepted to be his student and was sent to Greyhawk's University of Magical Arts. After 1 year, he is on holiday. Elligos asked him to visit his old friend Allustan in Diamond Lake.

A monk from the Twilight Monastery.
(monk humain male 1)

Born in Leukish (Urnst Duchy), he was since he born, subject to violents crisis of headaches. His parents, tired of his condition sold him to a mysterious stranger, pretending he could heal him. Together they travelled to the foreigner's home, loacted in the eastern Cain Hills and he learned martial arts basis, philosophy, meditation and serenity. After some years, his master wanted to go west, in his homeland with his disciple. But before he had to stop in Greyhawk to convince his one true love to go with them. Unfortunately, the girl, Lahaka, was now with the powerful Raknian, master of the Greyhawk's Arena. Raknian sent his personnal hitman, an illithid, to kill the monk's master. The young boy witnessed the murder and was found in a sea of blood "Dexter style". All is remember is the monster hideous face...The authority sends his master's body and the boy to the twilight monastery, the master's only known relatives. Years passed, and he will soon go to Diamond Lake, at last, after confinement, when a light appears in the night, on the horizon light.

Ex-convict from Ragnolin Dourstone Mines
(Barbarian Dwarf male 1)

From an area situated in the Bone March or so..., He has been abducted during a raid by a humanoid tribe. Trained as gladiator, he fought for the humanoids, his fellows prisoners, killing friends, relatives, childs in order to survive... He's an animal, moved by a strong will of surviving. Noticed by a emissary from suspicious slavers, he have been sold to him to join the greyhawk arena. But he managed to escape during the travel and get lost in the Cairn Hills.

After a fight in Diamond Lake about food, he's arrested by Deputy Jamis and sent to the Dourstone Mine. Two years after he's free. Outside for a few hours, a great light appears in the night...

A complety nude guy, in the middle of the Cairn Hills
(Sorcerer human male 1)

Syltor is from another world... He knows nothing, only he's from outer space. Nor where he is, when... and without clothes, in a hills area... "Terminator" atmosphere... and he's only got one arm...

Perfumer in Greyhawk Free City
(Sorcerer human male 1)

Florane works for a perfumer in Greyhawk. He has been sent to Diamond Lake to deal with monks from the Twilight Monastery to buy some kalamanthis extracts.


First session : Adventure module : Cry Wolf – Dungeon #102

Coldeven, 591, 27th
Greyhawk’s Domain

Larmenius and Phéris meets in one of the stagecoach of the Able Carter Company. Both are heading towards east, to the city of Diamond Lake. Larmenius wants to take a break and visit his folks and Phéris wants to buy some wool on his way, at the Ery Crossings wool fair to offer it to his mentor’s friend, Allustan.

After a few hours of travel, a young man coming from nowhere, arises from one side of the road and ask the coachman if he can get into the stagecoach. As the Able Carter man, the two passengers accept and the so call « Heaven » is authorized to come abopard. He fall asleep until their arrival at the little village of Ery Crossings.

The stop will last a couple of hours, time to change the horses and take some rest for the coachman at the Open Heart Inn. In the meantime, a man appears on the central plaza and adresses himself to the growing crowd of sheperds and merchants arriving from Greyhawk or The Urnst States.

His name is Derek Ravenclaw, he’s more or less the city’s mayor. He is also a famous adventurer now retired. In his speech, he offers 200 golden orbs to anyone who will help the village.
His problem is that the militia detachment, recently arrived to secure the fair, is too occupied to track Rosco Two Fingers, a bandit haunting the western Cairn Hills. Ravenclaw can’t rely on the lieutenant Trovast Skunt, from Diamond Lake to deal with the threat : a large wolf suspected of having bitten a farmer’s daughter…

With perspectives of good buisiness during this fair wool Heaven decides to stay with Phéris.
Larmenius with his will to settle everything and anything stays as well… At first reluctants, Heaven and Phéris are convinced by the young acolyte of Heironeus to go to this farm and question the farmer and his daughter about this dire wolf....

The farmer confirms the attack of the wolf, he tends to exagerate a lot about how he forced the beast to flee his mighty rake, preventing his daughter to be devoured. The farmer also learned them that foresters have already come to interrogate him, and are already in pursuit of the animal, they really want (and need) the reward. Finding no interest in a wolf hunt, our three friends prefer to spend the rest of the day at the Open Hearth Inn, owned by Derek Ravenclaw, the same person who offers earlier the reward.

Coldeven, 591, 28th
Ery Crossings

Phéris and Heaven kill the time at the fair, looking for a job until the next stagecoach stops. The young student offers his services to anyone as a public writer and the second as a salesman… a gifted salesman. The fair begins the next day and eventually stalls are nearly installed when shepherds, who were camping outside the village run to the fair, in panic : A traveler is attacked by bandits. Trovast Skunt, the militia lieutenant and his men are still tracking Rosco Two Fingers.

Larménius, with Pherris and Heaven run to help the poor man, very courageously ... The bandits are in fact four goblinoids, dirty, stinking and armed with curved and rusted blades.
Facing them is a blond handsome hunk. The help of three neo-adventurers is valuable. One of the creatures is killed, another one will managed to escape, and the last two surrender.
The questioning come to a sudden end when the Lieutenant Skunt is finally back. He identifies the creatures as hochebis. Skunt offers Larménius and his two fellows a temporary job of militian, only for a few days, time for him to learn some informations about the outlaw Rosco Two Fingers…

The rescued man is called Atringan and present himself as a ranger. He tells the party he have been attacked by this hochebis while he was waiting his friend, the Diamond Lake Garrison’s scout, Merris Sandovar. Instantaneously, Larménius sees here a way to track the dire wolf. He mentions the animal to the Altringan who seems worried. The size of the beast could fit to Merris Companion, Rain, a white female wolf, or and it is a bad news, to a dangerous night creature he is tracking for months. Altringan doesn’t hesitate a second in helping his saviours. In spite of some hesitations, Heaven and Phéris go with Larménius and the ranger in search of this mysterious dire wolf. About one hour later, they find the animal’s lair, but it ‘s not here any more. They go back to Ery Crossings.

Hardly return, the village and the fair are plunged into panic. The huge she-wolf is surrounded by the forester Grogan and six of his henchmens. They all have the firm intention to cash the reward. But Larménius, informed by Altringan knows the animal is The Diamond Lake Garrison scout’s companion, Rain. He rushes to protect the she-wolf. Things rapidly degenerate, and the Heironeus is stricked from behind by a henchman. He falls, unconscious. Sky, Phéris, Altringan and Rain respond and the foresters are forced to flee. Rain try to make herself understood. She wants the party to follow her. Phéris and Sky run behind her, while Altringan stays near the poor priest and carry him at the Open Hearth Inn.

At one hour from the village, behind a hill, Rain’s growls clearly indicate a danger. Phéris and Sky move forward step by step, under cover and quietly. But Rain, sleeps over some rocks and her presence is betrayed.

A wolf cry, imitated by a man, rings out but nobody move. One minute later, a strange mist arises and quickly invades the bottom of the hill. It is the turn for a frightening psalm to ring out and the second after, a arrow of light coming from the heart of the mist strike with violence Heaven, even well hidden. He choose to flee. The unpleasant sensation of a blade in the back and a threat make Phéris to follow his partner. Eventually, Rain, flee also but not without a sad howling.

Exhausted by their run, Sky and Phéris arrive at Ery Crossings. They find Larménius who barely open his eyes. At the Inn’s bar, Sky and Derek Ravenclaw chat. The innkeeper learn that the wolf is no longer a threat. Ravenclaw tells him he will give him the reward the next day.

Growfest, 591, 1st
Ery Crossings

Apparently, Larménius get up on the wrong side of the bed. Sky and Phéris are already working at the fair. The priest meets with Ravenclaw and understand Heaven already get the reward and hadn’t told any one he had the money. A misunderstanding which could have been very problematic. Nevertheless, with the help of Derek ravenclaw, everything is settled and the reward is shared…

To be continued...
Sorry again for my english.

You're doing a good job so far with your English. A lot better than I'd be doing in French.

I look forward to hearing more, especially once they get to Diamond Lake.

Second session : Adventure module : Swamp Things – RPGA Living Greyhawk CORE 01-09

Coldeven, 591 CY, 26th
Diamond Lake, Greyhawk‘s Domain

The night is cold and quiet in the Cairn Hills. Zarin Khaz-Modan makes his first steps of free dwarf and leaves for ever the Dourstone Mines…
In his tiny cell at The Twilight Monastery, Hiro contemplates the stars by the window, lost in his toughts. Tomorrow is a big day for him. At last he can go ,with two seniors monks of the order, in town where they have to negociate an order of kalamanthis.
Both of them, Hiro and Zarin witness a star falling which crash on the horizon line, certainly in the hills. Zarin, not so prone to return to Diamond Lake, sees in it a sign from the Father of all Dwarves, Moradin. He has to go and see what was that star.

Terminator theme

Crouching, naked and empty of any memory, a man wakes up. A short time after, believing he was lost, Zarin arrives. After considering briefly the situation the dwarf decides he must help this strange person who apparently has nothing to do with Moradin.

Coldeven, 591 CY, 27th
Diamond Lake, Greyhawk ‘s Domain

Zarin and the one who remembers calling himself Syltor, still naked, reach Diamond Lake at dawn. Nearly killed by the cold and exhaustion, he sees Zarin haggling for some clothes and offering him a breakfast at the Wild Dog.

In the nearby establishment, outside Lazare’s House, they meet with a young monk, Hiro, watching a cart. His superior brothers are inside negotiating a contract. Soon they speak about « The fallen star from the sky ».

A short time after, the superior monks and their customer, a young gallant from Greyhawk Free City, Florane Rosérius come out. They sealed their arrangement in the doorway. Unfortunately, all these discussions wake up the deputy Jamis, an old acquaintance of Zarin. The deputy is the one who throw the dwarf in the mines and Jamis owes him the loss of the superior part of his ear. Two years ago, Zarin didn’t want to pay the tax every newcomer in town must pay…
The party doubt of such a tax and things get out of hand. Jamis hates being waking up early and won’t give up. Zarin and Florane pay.

Syltor is suffering a lot. He wants to know who he is and where he’s coming from. Hiro words awakened his curiosity and he asks the monks to lead him to the Twilight Monastery so he could speak with Izenfen the Occluded. But they answer him Izenfen will not receive him and in spite of its insistence, he comes up against a firm refusal. Eventually he overcomes the monk’s inflexibility and Leny (first monk, the short one) promise to intercede with Izenfen for an appointement. Kravitzz (second monk, tall and fat one) concludes an arrangement with Zarin. The dwarf offers his services to protect them, offer well accepted. Indeed, the area is not safe specially where they want to go : they need to deliver herbs and load some fruits and vegetables at the druidic Conclave of Ery, towards east on Urnst road. But recently, some rumors appear : lizards folks from the Mistmarsh have attacked some pilgrims nearby the Conclave. Florane, sees here a way to acquire some flowers and some new scents for his master, a famous perfumer in the Free City. So he will come with the group.

Arriving at the Conclave just after noon, they notice that the druids are on the defensive. They have just suffered a raid from lizard folks and they are debating if they go to rescue their leader’s daughter, the beautiful Selenie, or not… The companions (without Leny and Kravitzz, the two monks who must reach Ery Crossings) decide to track them. But they didn’t really think about how to proceed and quickly the night falls. Nobody wants to enter into the swamp now, it will be a suicide. Besides, Syltor really needs to rest and Florane is not used to intense walk and also needs to sleep.

Coldeven, 591 CY, 28th
Mistmarsh, Greyhawk‘s Domain

The pursuit starts again early in the morning and they enter into the Mistmarsh about an hour after. But it’s very difficult to progress in the mud, through peat bogs and mangroves. It’s the moment chosen by two giant ants to attack the party. Why they attacked, nobody will know. The two creatures are killed but the companions suffer serious and numerous wounds… They have to turn back to the conclave where they ask the druid leader, Tramyn, for help. The druid leader give them a flask filled with magic liquid, a curative one. But again, the night falls and they camp at the same place that the day before.

Growfest, 591 CY, 1st
Mistmarsh, Greyhawk‘s Domain

Again they enter the Mistmarsh to track the lizard men, again their walk is exhausting but they eventually find the camp of the lizards folk after hours.

They fail to neutralize the sentinels quickly and quietly. The camp is on alert. The creatures are organizating themselves, shouting orders and more frightening, the party hear powerful groans rising from one of the huts.

Zarin immediately charges, followed by Hiro. The monk prefered to enter more discreetly, Syltor and Florane stay behind the other side of an improvised bridge, the only access to the camp. Quickly, the dwarf has to face a lizard man, and Hiro is attacked by a wolf which seems very hungry. But it’s not the only animal in the place. They are facing a true zoo… A crocodile haunts the stream under the bridge and a wild boar appears from behind a hut and charges the poor Florane.
The wolf and the Lizard man are quickly in trouble. Hiro and Zarin are doing well. Florane managed to deal a status quo with the boar and the crocodile hasn’t still found something to eat. The fight clearly turns to the advantage of the companions. The lizard shaman, hidden behind a hut has to do something so he shouts weird words: « Wankyfly… ». In the second, a 8 feet monster, blue skinned, with pimples and big teeth explodes a hut. Covered by chains, the huge creature appears to be controlled by the shaman through his wand. The mystic humanoid designate the target and the monster head towards Zarin. The dwarf is of course afraid but he has to stand before the creature in order to protect his new friends. While Hiro put out of harm’s way the wolf and the boar, Syltor receives the help of an hawk, a grey one, and manage to disturb mysteriously the lizard man facing Zarin. The dwarf kills the poor creature and waits for the monster. The blue skinned monster engage the fight and strikes several times and Zarin is about to collapse under such powerful blows. But he suddenly enters in a state of rage and after missing a lot, he delivers an incredible blow with his spear perforing the left leg of the creature which collapses in a river of blood. Dead… The shaman quickly surrenders and negociates for his life:

He has been paid by a mysterious man. In exchange of his life he reveals where is his treasure, gives his magical wand and tells the party that the only things he knows about his employer is that he wears a necklace with a medaillion with a weird symbol : a Hand holding an eye… The mysterious man didn’t say why he wanted the shaman to abduct people and the shaman didn’t ask. The precious stones he received was enough for him.

The girl, Selenie is safe. The shaman is free. It’s now time to go back to the Conclave.

To be continued…

Thank you very much Legendarius. In november, the 10th the party enters Diamond Lake. I hope you will have the translation before christmas. Thanks again for reading.

Third session : Adventure module : Festival Knight – RPGA Living Greyhawk ADP 01-02

Growfest, 591 CY, 2st
Ery Conclave, Greyhawk‘s Domain

The Mistmarsh’s heroes are on the leave. Leny and Kravitzz, Hiro’s brothers from the Twilight Monastery, didn’t wait for them and had already left for Ery Crossings. It is also on the way back to Greyhawk for Florane.

Nevertheless, before leaving, they ask Tramyn, the druid’s leader if he knows the meaning of the symbol described by the lizard man shaman. Tramyn live as a recluse, having few interactions with the outside world, so he’s far from being sure, but maybe it could be Hextor, god of slavery and tyranny (among others).


Fumble on his religion check for the druid, so he mixed up Hextor and Vecna mostly because of the hand the two gods have in common in their porfolio.
In french Hextor's first two syllabs are the same as "Extorquer" > To Extort. For the characters the verd "To extort" certainly comes from Hextor.

The party is now leaving but Selenie, the very beautiful girl saved by our heroes seems to fell something for Syltor. Indeed he is very handsome. She gives him a present : a cloth with her perfume and she murmurs his ear a sensual « come back soon… »

Ery Crossings is reached at noon. Numerous tents and stalls fill the small village. Huges queues wait in front of certain stands. These stands are selling masks with the representation of what seems to be an evil wizard. This evil wizard, in fact, have a name. Someone explain that the wizard is the Old One, a terrible king haunting the north of Flanness. An advice is also given : « Do not, ever, say his name, he could appears and steal your soul… ». Hiro who also wants his mask learn from the salesman that tonight, late, everybody will parade in the village with music and fireworks and then they will party all night long(and drink a lot…)

Fed by the travel, they eventually arrive at the only inn in Ery Crossings. The Open Hearth Inn, held by the local hero Derek Ravenclaw. Inside halflings, from Elmshire, are liven things up. Except Florane, Zarin and Syltor, everybody wears a mask (even Hiro !) Everybody truly ? No ! Because in the back of the common room, Leny and Kravitzz, the two seniors monks are not having fun and drink some hot tea in silence. The companions join them and ask, angry, why they left the Ery Conclave whitout them.

It turns out Leny and Kravitzz are not the perfect monks them pretend to be. They had always in mind coming to the famous wool fair, breaking the monotony of their life at the Monastery. They want to see the parade and beg the companions to tell no one they have been here.

There is no room left in the Inn. Florane insists but the waitress, the busty Poteline is firm, they will have to buy tents and camp outside of the village… like everyone else !

A group of 4 persons appears in the stair, going down to the common room. The welcomes are warm, here are the heroes of Ery Crossings, Larmenius, Pheris, Heaven and Altringan. Naturally, what do two group of adventurers when they are in the same room ? They gather ! The lack of room also force them to sit at the same table, anyway… Florane with his share of the shaman treasure orders the most expensive wine from the cellar. A 582 CY Keoland red wine… one of the last good bottles from Ravenclaw’s personal cellar… The ranger, Altringan have to leave them, he wants to participate in an archery contest. It's beginning in a couple of hour. A new bottle arrives on the table, the meeting is very friendly. In the same time, three persons enter the inn and take place at the bar. A mature man with long moustache, a very massive warrior and a magnificent young woman with a gorgeous body.

At the heroes table, the presentations have been made, now begins the tale of everyone feats. Heaven takes advantage of the great noise and that nobody pays attention, to make a proposal to the monk Leny. He try to smuggle some kalamanthis. In vain…

Larmenius tells their adventures in the village, these last two days. The others, with pride how they defeat a troll in a terrible fight into the Mistmarsh. The mention of the mysterious symbol (the hand holding an eye) wakes up Pheris. For him, no doubt, it is Vecna, and he enumerates the numerous names of the evil god. Saying Vecna and Iuz aloud stops all the noise, singings and laughts in the inn. And also draw the attention of the three adventurers recently arrived. A third prestigious bottle arrives on the table.

« On behalf the three over there » says Poteline to Larmenius. The priest of Heironeus immediately invites them to come at their table. Only the warrior and the moustache guy come. The young lady leaves the inn.

Auric is the Greyhawk Arena‘s Champion. A great and mighty gladiator. And Khellek, with his moustache doesn’t hesitate in saying he’s a magician. The girl name is Tirra. They are coming from the Free City and head towards Diamond Lake for business. Khellek pretends they are very skilled.

Syltor sees in Khellek's supposed skills a great interest. He explains his memories problem and his surprising encounter with Zarin. Khellek tells him the basis of the cosmology, for him, Syltor could come from elsewhere… not from Oerth. He also could fall while his was flying, because some magicians know how to fly… The magician could help him but he needs his laboratory in Greyhawk and he precises his prices are exaggerated : One thousand golden orbs. Syltor understand the moustache man is pulling his leg…

The archery contest is about to begin. Phéris and Hiro eventually participate. Zarin Khaz Modan buys an armor and a warhammer and join hem later, the prices at the fair are a 10% cheaper than anywhere else.

Altringan is winning at everyone. He’s really a great archer. 5 golden orbs are offered to anyone who can defeat him. Hiro then Pheris try but Altringan is very skilled and is about to win untill…
« Marcel, coming from… not so far from here… » as he says, appears and challenges with a lot of self confidence the ranger. Altringan again fires and strike the center of the bull eye. When comes Marcel’s round, when he is about to fire he turns himself and shoots at point blank range on Altringan who immediately collapses, with convulsions, vomiting a purple foam… The surprise is general, Marcel flees through the crowd.

The crowd panics, but not the adventurers. Hiro reacts quickly and chases Marcel. Syltor concentrate and slow down Marcel’s intellectual facilities like he has already done with one lizard man in the Mistmarsh. The murderer hesitate in going right, left, back, forward… A stone thrown by Heaven in his head wakes him up but in the meantime Hiro has taken advantage of Marcel's hesitations and could catch up with the fugitive. He tries to put him down but each time Marcel manages to escape the monk. Pheris fires an unsuccessful arrow while Larmenius and Zarin run to Altringan body in order to save him. The dwarf yells for a doctor, whatever, whoever is capable of helping the dying ranger. Altringan says a few words :

« Markun is the one who have ordered my murder… he’s very dangerous, please take these silver arrows, only this can kill him… »

Farther, running through the terrified crowd, Marcel is about to escape his pursuers. But Florane has some flair… He seizes the shaman’s magical wand and pronounces Wankyfly on Marcel… But a bear, hardly held by his master, is in the line between the perfumer and the runaway. What a chance for Florane. Now the bear is in his control - the order is easy :

"Run and catch the little guy over there".

The animal begins to run after Marcel but a little girl, all tears, is on his way… The bear does not care at all, it is going to pulverize her…. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! Heaven appears and seizes the girl before rolling on the side, the poor child is saved !
But it’s not finish, the bear is just behind Marcel. He gives him a powerful blow in the back and Marcel falls inconscious on the ground. The bear leaves quietly and join his exhibitor…

The militia lieutenant Trovast Skunt arrives with a doctor and orders his men to throw Marcel in jail. Marcel wakes up, he says he won’t talk… The doc examines Altringan. He’s sure the poison used is a purple worm venom. The ranger is in the clear but he will need several days, maybe weeks before fully recover.

To be continued…


In the next episode:

Florane, Larménius and Syltor go to the militia building. They want to question Marcel.

Zarin and Hiro help the doc in carrying Altringan to his tent.

Heaven and Phéris return to the Inn find Khellek, Auric and Tirra…


I forgot to write the first session's end in Ery Crossings. Sorry for that. I remind it after 2 hours. Too late to edit my post. It goes at the end of this POST.

Growfest, 591, 1st
Ery Crossings

After their working day, Heaven, Phéris and Larmenius go to the scene where the she-wolf led them the day before. They reach a deep pit where they find an exhausted man with a severe hurt in the hand. He has been amputated by 3 fingers. It’s the militia’s scout from Diamond Lake and Altringan’s friend, Merris Sandovar. They lift him and bring him back to Ery Crossings. No tracks from the guys who torture him...

Merris Sandovar is evacuated to Diamond Lake.

Florane and Larménius negotiates with lieutenant Skunt an official authorization to discover the bottom line of this story. Skunt does not hesitate one second to accept their request. He will have to watch with his dozen men, the sequence of of the festivities of this night, their help is very welcome.

Syltor, reminds that he can be the faithful friend of any person by magic. A good move that allows him to discover a lot of things. Marcel was hired by a so called Markun. This Markun seems to obey the Old One, and his darks intentions are bounded to the parade of this night. Marcel asks to his "friend" to come to release him during the parade, his surveillance will certainly be reduced. (He will be found dead after the parade as well as the guard).

The night falls. Unknown to them, Zarin and Hiro have been followed. While they are in the tent watching with the doctor Altringan, they notice that somebody try to get inside discreetly. Hiro seizes Altringan, apparently in an advanced state of hallucinations and flees. Zarin protects them with the doctor. Facing him, two men, with rapier, a bald one, short limbed with a large hawkish nose that tends to twitch. The other has large front theeth, big ears that stick out from his haid and wiry brown hair. They both look overconfident… Very fast, the fight turns to the advantage of the two thugs. There is nothing to do… Even the powerful blast Zarin give one of them in the knee only cause a nervous and satisfied laugh. In return they slash the dwarf who begin to feel he is near the end of his life.

Zarin understands that he can do nothing and runs away by throwing on them the doctor’s tent. He will not be pursued and finds his companions in the Open Hearth Inn.

It is obvious that something is going to take place during the big parade. After the revelations of Syltor, the frantic narrative of Zarin (the dwarfs are not what they use to be), and the deductions of Khellek (the silver missiles of Altringan, their immunity to zarin’s blows), they are dealing with were-creatures. The wizard proposes his help, for him they are not quite capable of facing such creatures. After numerous hesitations of Florane and Larménius, they agree to let Khellek watching Altringan, while, with Auric and Tirra’s help, they will try to find Markun and his thugs.

But for Larménius, this Khellek hides something, and is far from being reliable, his passivity during the assassination attempt of Altringan is for him very suspicious !

Nevertheless everybody goes to the exitof the village, not without having collected with difficulty an impressive sum of golden orbs (300)to buy a silver long sword.

The parade is just beginning when they all arrive.
A Huge Puppet representing a knight and articulated by a half-dozen hooded men is preceded by numerous disguised persons in humanoids of all kind. They are acting a scene fight against people disguised in furyondian knights. On the other extremity, leading the parade, on a palanquin, Derek Ravenclaw, stands, drunk. All the audience is wearing the Old One masks.

Everything goes very fast once the giant puppet is plunged into the bonfire. Indeed did not even have the time to look the possible trouble-makers. A purple mist escapes from the fire and quickly invades the surroundings, wrapping the totality of the parade. Terrifying ghostly faces born from the mist and make all the people flee. Our heroes as well panic before this horrible vision. Only Heaven, Auric and Tirra resist and even a voice coming beyond the grave will not make bend their courage.

"Die, all of you, who dare to laugh the Mighty Iuz !"

What can see Auric and Derek Corbeau since the street, or Tirra and Sky, standing on the Open Hearth Inn’s roof is a horrendous sight.

The six hooded men who were articulating the giant puppet draw blades and stab the people. Worse, three creatures appear in the middle of the disguised humanoids and begin to attack anyone passing near them by biting or slashing them. There’s two wererat and a werewolf. A strange fight begins.

Auric and Tirra will perform what we can call a massacre, monsters not lasting long in front of Auric and Tirra fires at the werewolf and kills him while the creature was about to jump on the roof. A coup de grace in the head with her dagger… When the companions finally have overcome their fear and return where the battle took place, Derek Ravenclaw is finishing his own personal wererat.

The real hero is Auric, author of a real massacre. Larménius, Phéris or Heaven, heroes of the day before, are fast relegated to the rank of supporting actors. They cannot compete with the big champion of the Free City’s arena who will spend the rest of the night drinking and feasting.

But there are a lot of questions without answers. Where are the puppeteers 's bodies ? Did Markun really die? Would Khellek have played a role in this bloody chaos? What was this spell coming from the bonfire?

Bodies will be discovered on the banks of Ery, not far from the village, hidden in reeds, next to the psychopaths’ personal effects, among which in particular spellbook with Markun’s signature... Few explanations but at least the proof that Markun died was brought!

Growfest, 591, 3rd
Ery Crossings

Ery Crossings wakes up with a terrible hangover. Khellek, Auric and Tirra leave for Diamond Lake. Leny and Kravitzz also prepared their cart and leave for the monastery of Twilight. Hiro seems to want to leave the monastery, but the two monks say him it’s not a possibility. The young monk grants nevertheless to get back to the monastery, for at least Syltor, because the one-handed sorcerer thinks izenfen the Occlusive, the Mother Superior of the monastery can help him.

Florane Rosérius will give up the idea of returning to Greyhawk City when Larménius, notified by Poteline, the Open Hearth Inn’s waitress reveals one important information: Khellek and his companions are going to to the mining city for a precise reason: they are looking for a treasure.

To be continued…

Hi everyone, we played yesterday. The first days in Damiond Lake!

I never told you I had artists among the players ! Larmenius player is one of them and he finished three character's portrait. Here they are. I'm so proud !


Zarin Khâz Modan

Florane Rosérius

To keep you waiting untill next story, here are 2 news sketches, this time it's Pheris self portrait, the party wizard.

Pheris 1

Pheris 2

I love as the others this style, make me think in Roland Topor work, maybe Moebius...

Well. Another aspect of my players. Now a soundtrack created by "Heaven"'s player, who is musician.

Whispering Cairn's music by Ruppt

Grand Lodge

It was great reading your blog on your game with Swamp Things. It brought back lots of memories - 12 years ago now! Great to see peope are still having fun with these. They were lots of fun to write, that's for sure. Good gaming - Bruce Paris, original author of Swamp Things.

Bruce Paris wrote:
It was great reading your blog on your game with Swamp Things. It brought back lots of memories - 12 years ago now! Great to see peope are still having fun with these. They were lots of fun to write, that's for sure. Good gaming - Bruce Paris, original author of Swamp Things.

Thank you Bruce, for your comment and for writing Swamp Things ! That's one of my favorite low level adventure. Hope you will follow the campaign. I will read your others adventures.

If you come to Paris for a "name-pilgrimage", where we all live, ;-) hope you play with us, it will be a pleasure !!!!!

The Campaign blog in french

Fourth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124

Growfest 3rd,591 CY
Diamond-Lake, Geyhawk's Domain

A light fog bathes the road which leads Ery Crossings to Lake-diamond. About twenty leagues separate both places and the party arrive in the evening. Along the way, Larménius remembers his past. His relatives and his mentor, the Paragon Kyre, its departure of the mining city, the establishments of former days... But he left for such a long time…

In a crossroads, Hiro leaves the group, it’s time for him to join the monastery in Griffon’s Roost but he promises to return. One hour later Lake Diamond’s black smokes invade the sky. Since the road, they can already perceive that the city is organized around two mounds, each of them occupied by two buildings of important size. The night falls when the group enters in town built at the foot of a mound with a huge mansion under construction on its top. A fortress look down upon the city from the top of the other mount.

Movie plot spoiler:
Hiro's player is a dad now, and he left the campaign as a regular member, but he promises to come back as a guest star.

The adventurers take what seems to be the main street, a paved road soiled by mud. On the right, they pass a cemetery, on the left, close to the banks of the Lake of Diamond, a beautiful house with stylized roofs, in blue tiles. On the same side, about thirty fmuffled and regular noise of shocks of metals escapes from its walls.

A word is often said during the journey since Ery Crossings: inn. The sign of the Able Carter Coaching Inn relieved most of the members of the group. Until then, in this city dirty and inhospitable, the party had crossed only faces covered by black dust, letting think that life here, is harsh. But suddenly the envy to discover the reasons of a clamor coming from the main square is unanimous. They go back take the Vein and find themselves in the middle of an incredible scene. In front of the entrances of three establishments of "relaxation", the minors speed up and customers are fundamentally different from one to another.
The Feral dog is easily identified as a place of debauchery, where everyone feast beyond thirst, sometimes a minor fall inanimate, maybe because of the donkey piss served in it or to the devastating punches of an aggressive table neighbor. The customers drink without decency outside and in the square, since the interior is crowed. The building is little maintained and is not very engaging.

The Emporium, formely known by Larménius attracts for its part tne minors curious to visit the Gallery of Science, but there is a drastic selection made by the physionomist. The outside paint and the “rococo” decoration with the fussy roof give the building a gaudiness look.
All the opposite at Lazare’s, who bet rather on the elegance and the high quality of his place and the service.

Florane, Heaven and Larménius choose fast their destination. The Greyhawk City’s perfumer visited briefly the place when he negotiated a contract a few days before with the Twilight Monastery’s monk.
Syltor, Phéris and Zarin prefer for their part, the virile and frank atmosphere of the Feral dog...

A charming girl leads Florane, Heaven and Larménius to the heart of the establishment: several alcoves surround the circular room decorated with sophistication. The center of the room is occupied by an hearth. The alcoves are furnished by massive half rounded wood tables and sofa with purple velvet. A simple curtain guarantee its occupants more discretion.

They notice in one of the alcoves Khellek playing dragonchess. Florane and the novice of Heironeous prefers to ignore it and to sit at the table ordering a 581 CY Chendl golden wine. Larménius takes the opportunity to confide in Florane and speaks about the disappearance of a priest of his cult during a patrol in the surrounding area, two years ago. All he knows is that the priest or his body, Kyre, were never found.

At the Feral dog, Syltor, Phéris and Zarin quickly notice Tirra. In an atmosphere of bender, where torrents of bad beer pour in the throats of the minors the glances are little engaging. Ears are assaulted by multiple barkings of overexcited dogs, threats and encouragements for beautiful Tirra who dominates easily the dagger throwing competition. They accost her and refuse Tirra’s invitation confront to. They prefer to invite her to drink a beer. She accepts but eventually suggests to continue in a place more convenient to the discussion.

They all go a Lazare's, where is Khellek who is winning his dragonchess party. She signals him her presence and he joins them a little while after. Everybody is reunited. There is no no sizing-up round, the mage is quickly questioned about his intentions about the Stirgenest. Kellek hardly hide his interest and prefers to evade the questions more or less awkwardly. It's the same on the place where they are staying at, in Diamond Lake. But Khellek doesn’t say a word about it.

Tirra suggests to Syltor very straight to be her "houseboy" for the night. The amnesic sorcerer accepts and both take off to the Able Carter Coaching Inn for a passionate night. Syltor fails again in his attempt to learn more about him or his past…

For the rest of the group, it becomes obvious to visit the Stirgenest. From now on, the question is to know if it is necessary to follow them or to precede them.

Florane, Heaven and Larménius prefer to go to the Spinning Giant, their next stage is known to be the secondary headquarters of the garrison’s soldiers . A place where the sheriff and his henchmen are not welcomed.
An even more indicated destination, when deputy Jamis, during his walk, notices Zarin. Both hate each other. Jamis jailed Zarin and sent him to the hard labour in Dourstone Mines for numerous years. Zarin’s crime was to refuse to pay this wretched tourist tax and especially to have snatched a piece of ear to the deputy . Jamis reproach now Zarin, the length of his beard... He argues that, recentlybecause of the carelessness of the minors the law compel to shorten beards, and obviously the dwarf is in obvious offence of quite a lot of things. In front of the protests of Zarin and an allusion to his ear, Jamis, furious, details a large number of violations, Zarin has no choices but to pay…

At the Spinning Giant, Larménius finds his brother, Aldemar, accompanied with two brothers-in-arms of the garrison. The alcohol flows like water and the subjects of discussions are many, going from family’s news (their father Aldemar Senior is the officer in command at BlackKeep , their other brother, Ceryel is also a soldier) to the health of Merris Sandovar, the garrison scout helped in Ery Crossings. Larménius tries to learn more on the disappearance of the Paragon Kyre. Aldemar reminds himself that Merris participated in look for and certainly knows more on the subject. The talk ends on the Cairns of the region. Larménius has vague memoriesand his brother confirms his thoughts, cairns are empty for ages. Aldemar sees itself questioned about the closest cairns, the Stirgenest and another one more confidential only known by the young people of Larménius and Aldemar generation, the Whispering Cairn. The young people were used to go there to prove their courage by spending there one night, but one day, a 6 or 7 years old girl disappeared. The teenagers, affraid, stopped going to this cairn but never revealed the secret of its location. The companions also take the opportunity to ask for someone able to guide them in the region. Merris Sandovar in convalescence, Fester Trollump could help them. But the man is a moody and taciturn solitary person, with a doubtful reputation. If he’s not in the wilderness, they have chances to find him at the Able Carter Coaching Inn.

Larménius, Heaven and Florane leaves Aldemar and decide to go to the Able Carter Coaching Inn . They find there effectively, flabby on the bar, the trapper Fester Trollump. His reputation seems right, he’s strongly unpleasant. He thinks at first that he addresses potential customers looking for unusual beasts. Even if he objects at the beginning, he eventually agrees to lead them to cairns. He knows both locations, even if he seems to have difficulty to situate the Whispering Cairn. But he wants to be clear, he strongly refuses to enter the cairns, and that's not negociable!!! In any case, according to Fester, they will find nothing !

Growfest 4th, 591 CY

Everybody makes the preparations for the journey towards the cairns. A day is needed, according to Fester, almost to reach the Stirgenest, their first destination and since the Whispering Cairn is close to Diamond Lake, they will need another day to go to their final destination.

Larménius goes to the garrison to buy curative potions but also to meet Merris Sandovar. The scout does not have much to tell him about Kyre disappearance, all that he knows is that the Parangon had been a victim of an ambush or a fortuitous meeting with opponents on horseback. He lost the tracks of everybody in a stream and he also remembers that the weather conditions this day had been dreadful.
The price of the equipment for everybody requires to sell the silver sword acquired in Ery-la-Croisée in order to face were creatures there.

Growfest 5th, 591 CY

The road in the Cairn Hills, under a pouring rain, is about so pleasant as Trollump’s humor. He walks fast and has only few considerations for possible requests.

Arrived on the site of the Stirgenest, after a discreet approach, Heaven scouts the place and spots the presence of Khellek, Auric and Tirra. They are about to go out from the Cairn and seem very upset. After a little chat, not very pleasant, they let the cairn gladly to the cheap adventurers, according to them there is absolutely nothing. Supposing that’s a scheme, the group decides to investigate the cairn. But it’s necessary to face the evidence, it’s totally empty! Trollump takes advantage of it to point he had warned everybody out...
A camp is set for the night, not far from the Stirgenest. Florane, worried about its comfort, bribe the trapper to make him a confortable leaf’s mattress. The golden orb given by the perfumer convinces immediately Trollump.

To be continued...

Syltor's player is also an artist !!! Look at he's watercolours :

Syltor's landing in the Cairn Hills

Fighting in the Mistmarsh

krimssone wrote:

Syltor's player is also an artist !!! Look at he's watercolours :

Syltor's landing in the Cairn Hills

Fighting in the Mistmarsh

I'm so sorry for my poor english, of course I meant His watercolours...

Fourth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124 (part 2)

Growfest 6th, 591 CY
Whispering Cairn

In the morning, everyone takes the direction of the Whispering Cairn, Trollump says he knows more or less the location. After suffering a long and endless hailstorm, the grumpy trapper leads the group to the entrance of the Cairn. Brambles obstruct the passage but it doesn’t take long to release it. Heaven goes first. Because there are boulders, they have to crawl to get inside.

The first thing that call to mind is a noise, a sort of murmuring, created by the wind blowing in the cairn. They discover that the source of the noise and the air currents come from small pipes embedded in the walls in the middle of a painted band with strange patterns.

Quickly they found the clothes of a small person. Maybe a child. The also notice scratches on the wall.
A few feet after they face what remains of a portico, or an ark, engraved with many small runes. and pieces of black glass embedded in the ark. For the party’s scholars, the symbols are those of an elementary language of air, an older form of Auran, the contemporary elementary language. According to their unclear knowledge (both Phéris & Florane), the adventurers think they face a portal to travel ...

Suddenly, alerted by the noise, two wolves point in the hallway the tip of their nose. Behind them, stands, backlighting a green light source, the silhouette of a bigger wolf. An attempt to appease is ruined when Zarin, behaving like a typical dwarf, charges at the animals.

Two wolves are slain very fast, the biggest is tame thanks to Florane’s wand, found a few days ago, in the mistmarsh. Despite the smell, the lair is searchedwhere they find a lantern with indigo glass, an elven bracelet, no doubt about it, and a large stone finger.

In front of the den, they quicly examine a room with walls covered with large frescoes and decide to approach the green glow. The light is filtered by a giant and venerable spider's web. The canvas is quickly burned by Heaven. And a few steps down the party see that this piece is the original representation of the previous room. They explore the hall, without according time to the light games and the poetical atmosphere. There’s no bard or poet among them.

The arrow shape of the sarcophagus platform give them a well idea of what have to be done. So the sarcophagus is pushed without too much trouble and they point it towards the yellow lantern. A big mechanism sound is heard , originating from below the room and a metal tube about 7 ft high rises from the ground, the door opens ... The tame wolf is send into the tube. The doors close and the tube goes down. About 20 seconds later, it comes back, the doors open, the wolf inside is unharmed. Syltor decides to enter and the tube closes and goes down again A few seconds after, Syltor appears and confirms there is no danger.

Everyone take the elevator and find themselves in a rectangular room decorated with a dozen of humans sculptures similar to that of the sarcophagus hall. They rather pay attention to a huge stone that prevents them to go further than to the decoration. In a short time, all decide to combine their efforts and push the block together. But as soon as the stone is moved, a gas dissipates into the air, and Heaven and Zarïn seem particularly affected and fatigated.

The weakened companions discover a long hallway plunged into darkness. It appears very long, as torches fail to illuminate the bottom. On both sides androgynous statues stand in alcoves. A little fresh air maintain cold temperature. Without precautions they cross the corridor and enter a large room. Openings lead to other rooms left and right. At the center of the hall stands a gray pillar that rises to the ceiling. On the east side of the pillar, facing the entrance of the room, a stone column squashed a creature, obviously human, according to his skeleton or what it’s possible to see ... On the right side of the pillar (North), a brownish substance has invaded the ground and part of pillar’s pan. As they approach to examine its nature, the explorers feel invaded by a cold and painful sensation.

All grit their teeth and continue north side to take a glance at the other room which is smaller than the previous one. Natural light illuminates what appears to be a sculpture workshop. If there are no tools, there is clay, marble, and pieces of unfinished sculptures. Beside the entrance, on a pedestal red metal, sits a black stone egg approximately 3 ft high. On its shell a rune is carved. A golden triangle alongside barred. For the scholars it seems that this triangle is the symbol of Ogremoch a demonic entity, possibly high up in the hierarchy ...

they failed their knowledge check, so they are convinced Ogremoch is a demon instead of a elemental lord

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Maybe because Syltor and TIrra had a love night, his player drew her. I really like it. Here she is.
Tirra by Syltor's player.

Another thing. Translating is very hard and I'm afraid my translation can hurt your eyes (and beyond ;) ). Maybe I'm going to stop this campaign journal unless someone wants me to continue. Just tell me !!! Maybe it's stupid to stop just at the first adventure but I really need to know if it's interesting for you. There's so many aow campaign journal. Maybe mine is not your cup of tea... Don't know...

Anyway thanks to read me.

Fifth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124 (part 1)

The gas at the entrance of this level weakened Zarin and Heaven a lot. Everyone goes in the trompe-l'oeil ‘s hall near the entrance of the Cairn. Larménius recommends plenty of rest but long prayers must absolutely be recited if they want the gas effects to disappear completely. Florane urges everyone to clarify the situation.

What do we expect from this place, what is our aim? What are we looking for?

Zarin: - A treasure?

Florane:-But what kind of treasure?

Zarin: - Whatever!

Florane: An egg with a demon symbol on his shell? This is your treasure?

Larménius invites himself into the conversation.

- What interests me, for my part, although I understand Zarin, is seeking manifestations of evil and eradicating it. It is important to prevent this egg from going into the wrong hands.

A discussion ensued between the two most influential men in the group.

- Excuse me Larménius, but these cairns were supposed to be fully searched, emptied for ages.

We take our time then!

-I mean by that, it gives us great responsibility. What do we do with this discovery? We almost lost our life.

-We can also do research in places of knowledge.

-What is certain is that we don’t want Khellek, Tirra and Auric to learn what we are doing here!

-Especially not them! I immediately thought they were malicious. We could check my superiors. I am intrigued by the egg. But if what you said is true about this egg, I'd rather see it destroyed.

Even if nothing is clarified, it is agreed that they spend the night to rest. Larménius then remembers his training, including specialized team of priests, as each rushed to sensitive objects or scenes of crimes attributed to evil creatures. He clearly lacks experience. However when he announces his intention to appraise the egg down, Florane is categorical:

"We do not separate!"

During the convalescence of their two companions, it is necessary for the others to guard... Florane declares he will never guard.
But the spell that held the wolf under his domination breaks while he is sleeping. Larmenius intervenes in time to prevent the predator to sink his fangs in the perfumer's throat. The beast quickly flees letting the companions eventually relax.

Growfest, 7th, 591 CY.

They still have a whole day before the dwarf and the sky completely recover.

The sarcophagus chamber intrigues everyone. as the skeleton lying under the blue lantern. The base of the skull and multiple fractures exploded dissipate doubts. The man was the victim of a fatal fall. Florane then creates small globes of light magic and send them above. They learn that the height of the ceiling is around 12m. But the crucial information is a hidden passage at the top.

Planting 1st, 591 CY.

In the morning, Zarin and Heaven are in well shape! So they are immediately willing to explore the passage discovered the day before. Zarin comes first, moving up the chain helped by Larménius. The climb is not easy, and thanks to his vision in complete darkness, the dwarf judge he must go in this passage. His field of vision does not allow him to see the bottom of this new corridor. So he decides to swing, which has the effect of creating a ground panic. Some wonder what happens to dwarf Florane seeks to protect at all costs the lantern. When it stop. the gravelly voice of the dwarf reassures everyone, it will ensure a rope to allow Heaven to climb.

Above, the young Heaven enters into the corridor. He notices very quickly that scratches adorn floors and walls. A dagger was even stuck in the ground. He’s expected a trap device his alertness is increased. After 60 ft, the passage appears to be a cul-de-sac. A huge face, eyes closed and mouth open adorns the wall. Alas, certainly the lack of lighting, Heaven hears too late a noise (the kind he doesn’t like). Immediately, the eyes of the face are projecting strange lights that stun the poor Heaven. Mouth starts to blow a wind of unprecedented violence propelling the intruder several yards away as a mere straw. Zarin just manages to get the chain of the lantern. For Heaven the wind gets stronger and stronger, until it becomes a storm, but found his mind, he has no trouble to cling to rocky planted earlier by Zarin.

Everyone goes to the evidence, it may be necessary to go through the rooms already explored and to be sure they don’t leave nothing unexplored.

This is the tube upward, down the hall to the yellow lantern which is again taken. But nothing more is found, the decision is to push the sarcophagus. Florane is the last to go up. But when his turn comes, something throws his neck and strangles him. He falls unconscious.

Above, when the tube goes empty, the companions are all on the alert, it is not in the nature of Florane to be alone ... Larménius is the quickest to react and descends immediately. Once there, he discovers the body of Florane, unconscious or dead and around his neck, a hideous and frightening creature, a long nerve connecting two big eyes. Larménius draws a dagger. Both eyes turn to him, each projecting a ray the first misses but not the second, Larménius panics ... and enter the elevator.

When he gets up, he regained consciousness, livid, he has just enough time to say a word to his companions.

"There is a strange creature with two big eyes! It is terrible! Horrible! It is strangling Florane it attacked me..."

The doors close, he's coming down again ...

Larménius pray Heironeus to protect him from evil creatures.

At the opening of the doors, Florane has nothing around his neck. Larménius pulls him into the elevator, but there is room for only one person. The priest will stay down. He then sees the creature above him, spearing his big eyes. A ray is projected. But Larménius resists, protected by his divinity, for sure.

As odd as it may seems the creature tries to whip the priest unsuccessfully and Larménius throws a spell, but it fails to touch the creature. He decides to give it a blow with his weapon and again misses. This is not the case of his horrible opponent which twists around his neck, the air begins to fail in Larménius ...

During this time, upstairs, Florane is back lifeless ... Zarin rushes and goes down. When the doors opens, he sees the priest collapsed to the ground with the creature around the neck. Zarin tries to slash it with his axe and misses. The eyes turned to him, a ray hits the dwarf but it has no effect on him and he responds with a rageous howlong to try to scare the monster. But our barbaric forgets one small detail: it has no ears ...

At the top level, Syltor, heaven and Phéris found Florane dying, with deep strangulation marks on the neck. Heaven administers a healing potion. The perfumer is back.

What-what happened?

-I just saved your life!

-Thank you!

-It's nothing now you have to come down and save the lives of your friends!

The doors open. Furious Florane runs into the tube preventing Phéris to go down.

Down, Zarin miserably misses again, the creature’s right eye sheds a ray. Zarin eyelids are heavy, very heavy ... At this point, Florane finds that his two friends collapsed on the ground. Floating above them, the terrible creature.

Florane is the fastest "Xanaris Xantaras". Small energy projectiles strike the left eye of the creature. It replied with a ray but it is ineffective. "Xanaris Xantaras" this time the projectiles strike the right eye! The creature gets scared and fled into the darkness of the hallway ... "Xanaris Xantaras" the creature collapsed to the ground. This is the end of it ... Phéris ready to make a killing, arrives too late ...

Florane searches Larménius to make him drink a potion that will make him regain consciousness. About Zarin, it's a false alarm, the guy is just sleeping like a baby ...

The dwarf awaken, it is time for everyone to know whether to stay here, go back to town, and tell someone what is happening. This is obviously the clergy of Heironeus, Eventually everyone agreed on returning to Diamond Lake to get help from the priests of the Invincible, with all but one slogan: be discreet and avoid Khellek’s group .. .

The entrance to the cairn is sealed with the surrounding vegetation. And when it’s time to go back, all perceive the black smoke of the mining town. They are relieved and pleased to be so close and to avoid the prospect of a long walk!

Arrived in town, the group is doing everything to avoid a strange procession. At the head of it, is the sinister-looking Sheriff Cubbin who is responsible to open the way of someone obviously important which is organizing a kind of tourism tour for whealty merchants.

At the Heironeus’ chapel, the venerable Velias organises a meeting with the war prelate Valkus Dun. The stories are confused and Larménius performs a annoying monologue about the Whispering Cairn and its discoveries that eventually exasperated his superior. Dun appears as a stickler for etiquette, not failing to remember the rules politeness formulas. Larmenius speaks of the gods of wind and a demon lord named Ogrémoch and explicits logistic support requests are made. Alas Dun perplexed (and annoyed) can’t provide any information except that one of the God of the wind is Telchur.
Master Circaeda, the cartographer of the militia is summoned. Dun wonders why such a place is unknown. He asks Circaeda to fix that the problem in the instant.

Clearly unconvinced by the claims of the neo-adventurers, the presence of Larménius nevertheless argues in their favor. He takes a little time to pray Heironeus and dispel his doubts. His retirement lasted only ten minutes, with a worried face, he agrees to assist the troops. He will help but his help involves some conditions: Everything that is found in the cairn must first be inspected by his priests. Some objects may be kept or destroyed. The conditions seemed to suit our heroes, they are asked to come back tomorrow to pick up some healing potions and sign a contract.

At the exit of the fortress, as they are heading to the Able Carter Coach Inn, discreetly Dietrik Circaeda, cartographer slip a few words to Heaven.

At the counter, Fester Trollump is drinking a beer. Companions do not hope so much, as they wanted to know if he hadn’t sold them to Khellek. They do not have time to ask their question, Trollump tells them they owe him a golden orb. The trapper says that Khellek has actually inquired on their destination. As he refused to answer, he believes he earned well his golden orb. The reason was simple trapper:

"I have a bad felling with that guy!"

Night in the inn is much more pleasant than in the Cairn, and the songs and shoots of a band of halflings do not disturb any of the adventurers. Everyone is asleep!

Planting 2nd, 591 CY.

Everyone go back to the Whispering Cairn and pay a visit to Valkus Dun. A contract is signed between the two parties and healing potions are given to each. When they arrive at the Cairn, they find that nothing has been moved, everything is as they left it the day before.

By mutual agreement, the sarcophagus is pushed, this time towards the Green Lantern. A new tube comes out of the ground, just below the lantern. Without any hesitation, Zarin decides to go down.
The tube goes up again, but crashes itself on his way back,. But that's not all! Disgusting and disturbing noises betray a sudden agitation in a near room.

Larménius has his own idea on the matter: "These are bats!"

Zarin,alone in total darkness realizes that it is a swarm of beetles swooping down on him, and rushing into the tube’s well towards the sarcophagus room.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! It’s horrible!" Florane’s effeminate voice resonates in the room.

Down Zarin is so disturbed by the presence of insects that he gets nausea.

Fifth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124 (part 2)

Above, Phéris withdraws towards the recumbent statue, quickly joined by Heaven. Larménius, torch in hand, at the edge of the well, grabs a rope and let it fall in order to pull up Zarin, but the dwarf rather pays attention to the beetles. Syltor for its part invokes a few dancing lights and directs them towards the end of the opposite corridor; he’s willing is to attract the swarm far from them! Florane reacts very quickly ... and courageously ran down the hall to the blue lantern; he’s on panic trying to get to the lantern’s chain alas too high for him.

Zarin at last sees the rope and try to climb when he suddenly notices an impressive creature coming out from the darkness...

He screams "Giant spider"

In the meantime, in the sarcophagus chamber, Heaven grabs a lantern and prepares himself to burn everything.

They all hear screaming again "Giant spider!" The creature hurls itself on the dwarf decided to make a snack with him, and it delivers a powerful strike with his hooked legs. The effect on Zarin was perhaps not what it was expecting, the dwarf starts foaming and streams of drool pours from his mouth.


Accompanied by a strong howling rage, the dwarf's hammer strikes violently the strange spider have a rough time trying to bear the hit, its eyes reflecting a strong surprise and a lack of understanding ...

Larménius who is in first line receives the insectoids ‘ waves which focuses its attacks on him! The priest suffers multiple bites. But what more worrying is the contact of the insects’secretion which is beginning to burn! The priest invokes an owl and ordered it to fly around him in order to protect him from the insects. Syltor realizing that insects are not interested in its luminous globes, decided to shoot the swarm with a ray of frost. The bugs are hitten but not enough to be destroyed. Heaven, in the meantime decides to launch fire on the insects with lantern full of oil.

Phéris urges everybody to go back .

Phéris lights a torch and gets closer to the well. Syltor casts another ray of frost but alas, he only reachs the wall! Larménius assaulted, chooses to drink a healing potion but his moves gives the insects an opportunity to bite him again! Florane joined at last the fight and begins to sweep the bug’s swarm with his torch. Phéris noticing the effectiveness of fire mimics the perfumer. During that time Larménius seems a delicious meal for the insects, he must retreat to Florane’s utter despair. Syltor doesn’t change his mind and a new ray of frost hurts badly the swarm.

Down, Zarin makes a masterful leap over the "spider" which can only imagine what is going to happen to it. The dwarf's hammer pulverized the poor creature. The dwarf climbs the rope and joined his friends.

A last Super Syltor’s ray of frost hits the bugs and the fight is over... Everyone can breathe and heal its wounds to explore the passage opened by the destruction of the elevator ...

Florane notices that the "spider" slayed by Zarin has 8 legs. He prefers to define it as "the queen of the beetles." The exploration continues. The first room is inspected. They found a clay statue depicting a warrior and a body in red leather armor. The skull of the corpse is smashed. Everybody imagine easily that the statue’s club is guilty (or perhaps the statue) ... When Heaven is about to inspect the 8 stars symbol engraved on the armor , a giant beetle appears and spits at his face. The fight is fast. The symbol is easily identified; it is the mark of an unscrupulous adventurers company by the name of Seekers.

The room facing the statue’s was beetles‘ lair, finding their nest is easy. Half of the room is covered by the same orange moisture found in the "yellow level." Making out that the shapes within it are 3 bodies, the adventurers burn the substance and discovered that they also belong to Seekers explorers. Old coins (with Zagig face) reveal that their exploration is very old. They also find three flasks, a black pearl and a ring around a finger belonging to a mummified hand lying alone.

The corridor ends with steps down. Alas, the next piece is completely submerged and that is enough to dissuade the heroes and making them to return to the sarcophagus chamber.

Now it’s time to experiment. The sarcophagus is pushed so that the arrow indicates the blue lantern. But nothing happens. They then move it towards the indigo lantern. An elevator preceded by a strong noise emerges from the floor. It is in metal and when it opens, a pile of bones let know without a shadow of doubt it’s a trap. It is in these moments that psychology is sometimes useful. Finally ... a block of stone get from the shattered is introduced into the tube.
Larménius insists to cover it with a cloth. Certainly a secret technique learned in courses at the Heroneus ‘ Shrine in Greyhawk City. But nothing happens.
Then time comes when Syltor is about to learn a little more about himself : he begins a series of acts of cruelty intolerable towards poor animals. He makes appear an unknown creature for all (including himself). The animal (well, as it is considered by Syltor) is sent into the elevator. The doors close and a few seconds after when they open again the strange animal has been squeezed with its blood everywhere. It was decided after this final proof not to proceed further in the experiment and the sarcophagus once again is pushed and once nothing happens. Until the elevator "yellow" reappear.

After a long discussion, the only solution seems to go underwater in the “green level” ...

At the water's edge, Syltor decides to invoke a new pet, This time an octopus or cuttlefish appears, nobody is really specialist in reversed propulsion invertebrate... A minute after, passed in a perfect silence a few swirls disturb the water. The syltorian Octopus never returned. It is assumed that this water area is the realm of something or someone. The group is about to turn around ... when probably annoyed by the loss of a cuttlefish and the possibility of a good meal, or simply because he is completely impulsive and he absolutely wants a fight, Zarin starts screaming and hit the water with his hammer! A behavior clearly not approved by the water resident. The water seems to capture the dwarf and drag him in its depths.

There is a lot of confusion much agitation inside the water. Zarin isn’t back yet, and nobody moves at the edge of the water. Larménius seems unable to think, Heaven gets out of his torpor and urges him to go after the dwarf. Syltor for its part throws his javelin to pull Zarin out of the water but the dwarf is too far away to even see someone is trying to help. Eventually The priest decided to dive and to bring the dwarf. Seeing nothing in the water, he casts a magical light on his sword. At last he finds Zarin caught in a bad situation struggling against a creature made of water. Heaven dives too. When Zarin receives a powerful blast and fall into coma, Larménius fights with courage the creature, ends with it and gets Zarin back to the surface.

Heaven and hear Larménius dive again to continue the exploration, several rooms are discovered and a red lantern is seen. Suddenly a terrible creature emerges. Larménius has no time to react, and Heaven comes between the priest. Ciel is badly hitten and paralyzed. Larmenius regained consciousness and brings Heaven at the surface pursued by the monster. Back, the companions see the monster rush on them. They all hit it at the same time, with their weapon or their spells like magic missiles fired by the Forane’s now famous "Xanaris Xantaras". No one will forget also the powerful "color spray by Phéris” that allows Larménius a coup de grace.

Florane finally decides to dive, all danger having been removed ... He grabs the red lantern that actually lay at the bottom of the water in one of the rooms, alongside a body also wearing the seekers ‘ red leather armor. A short sword in its case, a gold ring with the seekers’symbol and a pouch of coins dating from the same period as the one found earlier.

Everyone goes back again to the sarcophagus chamber to install the red and indigo lanterns. They light them. A noise above them is heard like the scraping of stone against stone. There is no doubt, it comes from the passage that ends in a cul-de-sac with the mouth blowing wind. Zarin and Heaven rush to check that the passage is open and come back smiling confirming that it is at last open.

Everyone rise and move carefully. The door passed, one of them throws a torch and discovers a room crossed by a plank leading to a metal door. Few meters below the plank, hundreds of balls cover the floor...

To be continued ...

The lurking strangler could have killed at least one (maybe two) character (Florane). We (we are 2 DMs) completely forgot it, so we statued that it was well hidden. (The players didn't search properly the room also). We decided that it was afraid and its only chance to survive was to attack a isolated adventurer before trying to go into the elevator...

Was a great moment, the player were very afraid and when I was showing the picture of the monster, they where so disgusted by it.

The mad slasher didn't have luck in his one one one with the dwarf (Barbarian 2) and 2 blows later, was pulverized.

They really were frightened bythe bug swarm and the priest without his healing potion would have been killed, but he was alone fighting for 2 rounds.

The giant beetle lasted one round...

And the elemental of water would have killed the dwarf without the help of the Priest (Larmenius Priest 2). Ulavant didn't have any reason to stay and wait for the adventurers so caught by his hunger of freshes brains it runs after them beyond reason. (The ghoul also misses its opportuny attack when Larmenius fled. Heaven was paralyzed and waiting for death). A good catharsis for my players.

Everybody is alive, but I think Kullen's encounter and the wind warrior will be very difficult.

Here are the stats for the party:

Zarin , male barbarian dwarf 2
Florane, male human, wizard 1/ fighter 1
Larmenius, male human, heroneus priest 2
Heaven, male human, rogue 2
Pheris, male human parangon 1/ wizard 1
Syltor, male human, sorcerer 2

Hiro left us... (monk 1)

That's interesting that you run the game with 2 DMs. How do you coordinate that?

The second DM arrived for the Whispering Cairn's beginning. It's the first time we're doing this. We ran 3 sessions and frankly, it's great. But we know each other very well (we're friends for a long time, beside RPG) and of course played a lot together, as DM and player and vice versa.

Before starting we chose "our" NPC. for example, He plays Allustan, and I play Smenk... I'm Cubbin and he is Jamis, He got the Emporium and I the Feral Dog. He will be Filge, he is great for psycho wizards ;-). etc.

For the combat, the one who feels better in a area, runs it, 2 seconds are enough to decide it.
For the lurking strangler or the swarm fight, it was the same thing more or less, as the group was split in two. To quicken et give it fluidity, it was great, as each DM was leading his situation.

My "side kick" was kicking a player ass and I was like giving some drama by giving the informations they could get (visual, sounds, etc)

And in case of several opponents, the same as for the roleplay, we choose one or more monsters.

As the other DM and an other player are living 400 miles from Paris when we are playing, the DM sleeps at my place and the night before we brainstorm to prepare and study NPC's mind...

The disadvantage is that my fellow DM is not so aware of the side adventures or homebrew stuff, but it's easy to mend it : WORK WORK WORK, but sincerely we prefer to have fun, so he deals what He can untill he calls me for help ^^.

for the moment, there is no problem, but you have to accept that you even can't control your NPC :-)

sixth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124 (part 4)

Our friends are in a dark room. This fine beam, and steel balls do not tell them anything worthwhile. After a quick confab, Syltor invokes again the same strange animal that had finished crushed in the elevator. He hops and squeak. Syltor indicates that this is a chimpanzee. The one-handed sorcerer sends him as a scout on the beam. After a few steps, the creature becomes the target of steel balls coming from many holes in the walls. But the incredible flexibility of the animal allows him to avoid and stay in place. Then, suddenly, he disappears in a cloud of smoke. The short duration of the spell surprised Syltor who did not expect that!

Heaven is preparing to scout. He decides to go through a new path: crawl under the beam suspension. A good which allows him to reach the side of the room without triggering the trap. Before him stands a large metal door, no lock. However The "wool merchant" hasn’t the slightest idea to open this door.

Excerpts from Florane's diary :

"Disappointed, he returns. I suggested him to stand on the beam this time and use his acrobatic skills to jump over the area that triggers the trap. Unfortunately, he listens to me ... and the flood of steel balls occurs earlier than expected. Heaven, hit by a burst, fall into a pit filled with the same metal balls, obviously unconscious. The situation is further spoiled because it seems that a creature moves under the ball’s surface.

I do not understand why at this time Larménius goes down instead of just pulling the rope connected to Heaven. No time for questions because I saw the beast that moves under the ball, unfortunately for him I cast a home-made magic missile...
New twist: Probably awakened by a kind of sixth sense and warned of the danger, Heaven gets up and runs to Larménius. He finally comes back to the entrance platform, half towed by Pherys and Zarin. He is saved ... But then coming from the depths, a serpentine creature attacks Larménius. In fact, this is not really a reptile but a stinking monster so typical from this stinking cairn: a snake body with multiple tentacles.

We thank we have reached the ultimate horror, a new surprise is coming, when Larménius is hitte, by the creature, a child's voice echoes throughout the scene "This one, it has got you!". It does not prevent the Heironeous priest hit his sword but seems to bounce on the monster’s viscous skin. The fight starts over again and for all members of the group now ...
I cast magic missiles and hit the creature hard. This action is rewarded with a new child's comment: "Very impressive! ". For once someone recognize my talent, I wish it was in a less mocking tone but, a, anyway....

Zarin jump into the pit to hit the horror. "You're all gonna die! "Sneers the invisible child ... A new magic missile, but it’s Pherys’s.
In the pit, an epic battle is engaged between the creature and the duo Zarin Larménius. It is always ponctuated with ironic comments coming out of nowhere ...
Larménius casts his sword and began to shine brightly. Right after I start a new magic missile which, to my great relief, achieve the monster ...

It remains to clarify the mystery of "the voice" and, in fact, a ball rises, and come to "talk" to Heaven. It embodies the "child" who is called Alastor. When we learn his name, a small spectral appears on the beam and begins to tell his story: he was killed by a ball in 561 CY and we are the first people he met after his death. "
The "ghost" quickly offers us a propositionto the explorers. He assures them that he is the only one able to open the door. He wants to openit for them, but first he wants his bones buried in the balls, to be brought in the family’s cemetery located in his parents’ farm, a few miles from Diamond Lake. Zarin demonstrated his negotiating skills, close to nil and the discussion alive. After long moments of discussion, they accept. The bones are pulled out one by one from the pile of ball and just as a funny dance in front of their audience, they eventually reconstruct the skeleton of Alastor and his broken neck. Then they all tumble and landed in a heap in the backpack of Larménius. All leave the cairn, not without getting the "red" lantern.

Planting, 3rd, 591 CY.

It is mid-afternoon when the troops arrived at the farm Land. It is abandoned and in nearly destroyed. While one of them approaches the farm, a loud snoring encouraged him to take more precautions. Skystorm, Syltor’s sparrowhawk is sent to fly over the dilapidated building. In an instant, the one-hand wizard learns that something big lives in this place. A look out the window confirms the presence of a bear.

Careful enough, the group decided to focus around and eventually arrives at the cemetery of the family. 5 graves, one reserved for Alastor. But the main problem is that they have been desecrated and what lay inside had disappeared! Everyone starts to inspect. A small flower is common to roughly engraved tombs, except that of Alastor. No doubt, they hve been decimated by the Red Death, a deadly disease that was turn bright red and make bubbles out of the skin of his victims, who invariably end up succumbing.

The tracks have less than a week, and finally almost, none of our heroes is truly tracker. There is also a furrow left by the wheel barrow. But more interesting, the Body Snatchers footsteps return to the farm. The adventurers decide to search the farm and therefore face the monster lurking inside.

Excerpts from Florane's diary :

"What we took for a" simple "bear” proves to be a formidable owl-bear. He looks hurt and while there are questions about the appropriateness of the attack, Syltor casts a ray of frost.

The battle begins ... then I suddenly strikewith my rapier the monster who fiercely defends and lacerates Zarin, and gives him a terrible scratch. The dwarf, in blood, continues despite all the fighting and terrace the owl-bear with a masterful hammer. "

The cries of a bear-owl puppy attracts the attention of murderers of his parent. The animal life is spared and will be sent to Fester Trollump. Everyone remembers that he is looking for this kind of weirdness. In improvised lair amid feces and debris, a forearm tattoo is found. After a long discussion about what to do, It is decided that Syltor, Zarin and Florane will remain on the farm, while Heaven, Phérys and Larménius, eager to make a report to the chapel Heironeous of the desecration of graves and corpses stealing, will go to Diamond Lake.

To be continue...

At last all the characters in this drawing !

sixth session : Adventure module : The Whispering Cairn - Dungeon Magazine #124 (part 4)

Zarin , male barbarian dwarf 3
Florane, male human, wizard 1/ fighter 2
Larmenius, male human, heroneus priest 3
Heaven, male human, rogue 3
Pheris, male human parangon 2/ wizard 1
Syltor, male human, sorcerer 3

In the city, the three companions look for Fester Trollump. At the Feral Dog, they witness a massive half-orc, disfigured by a tattoo on his forehead, very upset, smashing the skull of a client on the bar. He’s name is Kulen. A brute who is leading a bunch of criminals.
No one try to stop him.. Larménius intercepts the deputy sheriff and urges him to do something. Jamis eventually enters the inn. The three adventurers doesn’t wait to see the half-orc arrested… He won’t be…
Trollump is, as usual, at The Able Carter Coaching Inn. The discovery of the young adventurers captivates his attention immediately. An offer of 3000 golden orbs convinces our heroes even faster. His commission amount is negociated around 750 gold orbs. He goes with them to the abandoned farm of Alastor and take the little owl-bear. He has a buyer Greyhawk, Lord Henway. Adventurers leaves overnight to the Whispering Cairns to remain discreet about their discoveries.

Planting, 4th, 591 CY.

Godsday is a day dedicated to the gods. Larménius celebrates a sacred ceremony in honor of the Invincible. Phérys receives a visit from a rabbit that he adopts immediately. The magician tells them that this animal is not really an animal. It is his familiar. As skystorm is Syltor’s.

Planting, 5th, 591 CY.

The next day, they join Alastor. Listening the story of the desecrated tombs makes him very angry. He reminded the party that without him, they will never pass the big metal door.
So back to the farm, where everyone try to find the tracks of the Body Snatchers. But after two days of rain it’s impossible. They remember about the tattoo and decide that this is a strong evidence against Kullen. Heaven then relates the scene they had witnessed at the Feral Dog with Phérys and Larménius two days ago. The young merchant says later that the so-called Kullen was accompanied by thugs. Earing this, Zarin can’t stop a guilty and delicious smile. Florane is the first to give his opinions about how to approach the half-orc : friendship. The Free City’s perfumer lists creatures he manages to charm with his precious wand acquired in the Swamp. The group seems to favor this solution, but Larménius who is preoccupied by the obvious danger, and a strong desire to bring the half-orc to court or… to slay him, why not ? Anyway, the second part of the plan, will be improvised. They decide to divide themselves into two groups, one waiting at the entrance of the vein, the main street, while the other will handle Kullen.
The atmosphere is usually at the Feral Dog. A man is violently throwed out, bawdy songs make it difficult to talk, and drunks are pissing near the doorstep. The tavern is full. All the tables are occupied, and yells of encouragement from the pit hurt the ears, a quick glance allows them to identify Kullen. He’s wathong from his table a dogfight, drinking beers with three men. The first has a long hooked nose, the second, long black stringy hair and the third is marked by a long scar that crosses up and down his face. The half-orc is a mountain of muscles. At his side, the three humans do not seem to be choirboys.

They approach. In the ambient noise, nobody notices Syltor shake strangely arms and chanting. The guy with the long hooked nose, notice something and tell Kullen, someone is casting a spell. Nobody knows, and even less Kullen, but the half-orc has been just charmed by the one-hand sorcerer. Syltor approaches:

- Hey you're here! it's nice to see you!

The man who spotted Syltor intervenes. The one-hand sorcerer does not seem to be annoyed .

-Still irascible you!

Kullen’s fellows rise as one man while Florane flanks Syltor.

- Hey Joe ... pro ...

Merovinn Bask, the hook-nosed answers with a headblow.

- Kullen, calm your friends
- Yeah, guys calm, quiet ... This is ... a buddy. I do not know what it's name, but I like him! Yeah, I like him. I like him. Sit down! What is your name?
- Syltor, don’t you remember ?!
- Bring a beer for Syltor!
- You remember all our parties in the Emporium!

Merovinn Bask invites himself in the conversation.

- Kullen they launched a spell on you!
- A spell ?On me ... Ahahahhhaaaaa !!!!
He laughs loudly.

Florane also joins the conversation in order to help Syltor.

-But you're too drunk. This is our friend. They know each others. Moreover we drank ...
- Tatatatata! You I do not know you. And you either Syltor, but I like you!

Florane tries to take over the discussion. But Kullen explodes.

- You : sit downand shut your mouth. YOUR SHUT THE F… UP!
- Kullen, this is my friend Florane.
- I can not stand him! A beer Syltor, f…!
You know there is no nose like his, he's an expert in wine and beer, which you will discover amazing new pleasure, come on we pay you a drink!

Everyone sits down. Nobody seems to have noticed the presence of Heaven.

-Do you remember Lili Pig at the Emporium?

The half-orc is trying to remember.

- You know the one ...
-It was quite a night!
-Yeah,and so, this is where we met ?!
Yes, since then, you know, I ran a little in the area and I found an interesting case ...

Syltor leans toward the half-orc and began to whisper.
Kullen steps back and looks of a black eye.

- Filge?
- You can’t say you don’t know him? You too, you're in the business?
- You're all F… with me and with these bodies to dig? Don’t start. Don’t upset me. Because tonight I want to spend a good night. So you're gonna tell me why Filge sent you to piss me off with your dead s#$!.

Syltor can’t find his words.

- I do not want to beat you up, but "Big Nose", I could make an example with him.

Florane wonders if they just mentioned him by that ridiculous nickname.

- In fact, they told me to go to a farm, because there were bodies to unearth.

Kullen rises without warning and administers a powerful head blow to "Big Nose".

- You all piss me off with your dead stuff, you do piss me off, you make me ... Look, Syltor, It's really nice that you came, so we'll talk about something else, but not these bloody corpses!

- Okay, so who have you seen recently at the Emporium, come on, I speak about girls…

Merovinn Bask and his hooked nose, gets up and starts spinning like a shark hunting. Discreetly Florane draws his wand and say the command word aiming Merovinn Bask. The desired effect is not what he wxas expecting and the tension escalates. Bask explodes.

- I'll kill them. Kawaaaaaa Shazam!

A cloud burst in the middle of everyone. Heaven falls down, hit by this spell. Rastophant, the stringy black hair draws his long sword and jumps on the table, while Todrik, the man with the scar draws a Polearm.

Pheris is the quickest to react, he responds with a spell that throw colored vapors. Kullen’s Fellows collapse. Instantly the charm operating on Kullen breaks. The crowd realizes that something is wrong. Syltor our one-amr sorcerer sends his hawk, Skystorm, to Inform Zarin and Larménius.

- What is happening? There is a fiiiiiiiiiiiight !

Florane ‘s first reflexes is to shout :
- Retreat!

Syltor agrees with this idea. But Kullen strikes him with his axe. Syltor collapses in a pool of blood. A smile of satisfaction punctuates the half-orc’s blow.

- One less! Big Nose, come back, you're next on my list!

Florane aims Kullen with his finger and says a few words of power. Kullen seems confused and hesitates about his next move. Phérys goes away from the half-orc, witnessing from what just happened to Syltor. Heaven, still unconscious is robbed by clients.
Florane grabs Syltor’s body and pulls him out, founding Larménius who applies without asking questions his hands on the wounds. They close slightly.

Kullen is in pursuit of "Big Nose" discarding the customers on his path with his axe. It foams with rage and seems to have doubled in size.

Phérys casts a spell on the half-orc. His pale ears hurts him. He’s embarrased. Not the crowd, on the contrary, they seem to enjoy the show.

Heaven wakes up, finally! He crawls in panic towards the exit. Florane, who is now facing Kullen, has no other choice but to strike him with his rapier.

- I ‘m f….. bleeding, Big Nose, our story is going to end badly!

And then, Zarin arrived. Launched like a rocket, he charges the half-orc, foaming as never, and strikes an extremely powerful blow to Kullen, which to the surprise of all, collapses in a large noise.

- Noooo! Where is that dwarf coming from ? And our fight? He cheated! How he broke Kullen!

To the dismay of Florane, Zarin was deep inside in the inn, he wants blood! Todrik Rastophant rises again, but blinded by the fate of Phérys, they can’t see their leader is on the ground. Todrik resets its guisarme and seeing nothing sweep the airto prevent anyone approaching him. Merovinn Bask drink for his part a potion. Florane pulls Kullen’ body to Larménius while Zarin defies Rastophant . His hammer flats the henchman’s head.

Todrik recovers his sight and responds to Zarin with a powerful blow with his polearm, opening Zarin’s rips. But the dwarf is still conscious and ready to give another blow. He puts an end to the fighting in front of the public.

Larménius, leaves the scene, taking with him the Kullen ‘s heavy body, more dead than alive and goes to the Heironeous’ chapel at the garrison. He misses Sheriff Cubbin’s and his deputy Jamis. Florane and Heaven realize that it’s time to disappear with the Syltor, badly hurt, and to hide at the Land ‘s Farm. Zarin and Phérys still in the Feral Dog, are arrested by the authorities for the murder of three people and the kidnapping of a fourth. They are brung to the Sheriff's Office.

At the chapel, Larménius requests assistance to the High priest Valkus Dun, just woke up by Chelias. He explained the situation, and that Kullen is strongly presumed guilty of graves ‘desecration. He also saw his companions arrested. Knowing the sheriff and his sadistic assistant Jamis, he knows that they will not have a fair trial ... He implores Valkus Dun’s help. Dun alerts a priest of the Cult of the Green Lady and intends to go to the the sheriff's office. In the meantime, he keeps at the garrison the half-orc and plans to question him. Melisandre is given his custody.

At the station the two companions plead self-defense. Jamis tells them that Kullen and his band obey a mining director, certainly the most influent, Balabar Smenk. This Smenk will try anything he can to be sure they stay a long time in jail.
Later, Valkus Dun, Larménius arrive at Sheriff Cubbin, accompanied by a representative of Wee Djas, Brother Mortis Fiat. They are surprised to see that the Governing Mayor Lanod Neff in person is also present.

Jamis is directly accused Larménius of laxity and to allow criminals released on Diamond Lake, even when he attends directly to murder. The sheriff and his deputy defend themselves by playing on words, and saying that the situation in Lake Diamond is so complex that, them, poor adventurers, can’t understand.
Valkus refocuses the debate and declares that the important thing is the case with corpses. The Governing Mayor also argues in this sense, and wants the half-orc quickly questioned. Kullen is guilty of violating the graves of the Land family under the command of a so-called Filge.

The Heironean priest offers ten golden orbs for the release of Zarin and Phérys. It specifies that the dwarf and Phérys are under his command. Lanod Neff, the Mayor, help him to convince Cubbin of releasing them. However Valkus Dun shall make an example, the mayor can not tolerate such acts of violence. He does not want anarchy in the streets of Diamond Lake.

The party gathers in the middle of the night at the Garrison. Captain Tolliver Trask have been woke up and attends Kullen’s interrogation. Very quickly everyone learns that Filge is a necromancer and resides at the old observatory. The adventurers are asked to arrest Filge

To be continued....

Zarin saves everyone, he's really powerfull. Todrik made on him a critical hit with his poelarm (22 hit points)

Waiting for the translation... The original text in french:

Whispering Cairn final

DM's note:
After the events with Kullen and the chat between Trask, Smenk, Neff & Cubbin, Smenk warned Filge and urged him to flee. That's why the old observatory was empty. The necromancer, adviced by Smenk, let a wooden piece of the Dourstone mines' dormitory to force the party to investigate at Ragnolin's. Heaven, who found the piece, kept this for him and in the meantime, Smenk, in order to appear as the town's savior summoned them at his manor. His main problem was the priest, but he managed to convince the party to let the priest outside while he was explaining he was the one who call Filge for help. They took it well...

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