GM Elton |
Everyone, congratulate me or kick me in the butt. But I have done a first. I have started the real first epic storyline outside of the Shadowrun Metaplot. I am the first Shadowrun DM to dare construct a storyline around the Precambrian Shield!
To my knowledge, no one has dared to do this sort of thing. But I did. :) I blew up Seattle tonight, and I did it really, really well without creating an explosion. :) BOOM! :) And quite frankly, it was because of my research over the weekend in Quantum Mechanics. I wouldn't have attempted it.
And now one of my players is sure its my fault for doing it without taking into consideration their capabilities. But hey, it was fun. :) So, ten will get you twenty if you guess correctly how many hardline Shadowrun DMs would be jealous, and express their jealousy in saying: "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
I had fun tonight. :)
GM Elton |
Only ran Shadowrun once, but I wish I could have gotten my players to blow a city up. That would have made the game far far more interesting.
Congrats on blowing up Seattle. You left the Paizo offices in one piece I hope at least.
Actually, the Paizo Offices -- assuming they are still around in 2072, was replaced with Sandpoint from Varisia. And the Paizo offices are in Golarion somewhere. :P
KTFish7 |
Early 90s planned a story arc involving the players stopping a militant group from detonating a series of nukes placed strategically in key cities...players flipped the script on me entirely and chose to work in tandem with the group, bringing about the disaster rather than averting it. Fled to Germany to avoid the corporate fallout, assumed new identities and vanished into the shadows.