Haste with other spells

Rules Questions

In my campaign we have to fight a high level undead wizard named Koodlock. The only way to kill him is to stab him in the heart with a spear(like a vampire with a stake) that I possess. We left off last game with me fighting him. When we ended I had one round haste left. No matter how hard I try to touch him in the heart he will jab away. This spear can be both a regular and ranged weapon. What I want to know is will this work: I cast invisibility and go behind him at a range(he won't know unless he has see invisibility which I don' think he prepared). He won't know where I am. Now because it's not a double movement I can normally attack once. Because I used haste and have an extra attack(one I used with the spell), can I still hit him once? This is really confusing me but if I can't I can still always do it in more than one round. Thanks.

You only get the extra attack from haste if you use the full-attack action.

It may be better to simply have another PC grapple the wizard and pin him. Then you can stab him to your heart's content.


I guess I have to ask how your GM is playing this out? Is he using the laid out "Called Shots" rules in UC, or is this some house rules hokey where you have to do it his way or no way?

As Lindner said. You only get the extra attack when preforming a Full Attack. So no. You would not get to attack in the same round you cast Invis.

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