Mists of Pandaria - anyone else back?

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AlricLightwind wrote:


I miss vanilla WoW when warlocks and pallys had to quest for their mounts and other classes had specific class quests what would net an item or armor or something. Now everything just get's handed to you...

Damn kids...

Get off my lawn!!!

Bah, in my day - Baldur's Gate that is - we had to WALK all the way.

*grumble* ...whippersnappers... *grumble*

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Icyshadow wrote:
"Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!!" (Cookie to those who get the reference)

Running an entire campaign set inside the labyrinthine, incalculably huge castle of a vampire overlord is still on my to-do list.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

We ran a couple non-heroic instances last night. They were fun.
I've been concentrating on my monk so far, and haven't played the new content from 85-90 much except for the instances. I think in a theme park MMO all questing will begin to look alike after a while, but I haven't seen a whole lotta cutscenes in what I have done.

Icyshadow wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

Don't worry I'm sure Paizo will come up with a race of panda folk soon..favoured class Monk off course.

After all they seem to be intent on making us play..Goblins..and Vampires..and Kobolds so why not Kung Fu Pandas

Yes I'm getting bitter about this.

Go play your Human-only games elsewhere.

Pathfinder and D&D have always been varied when it comes to races.

I beg your pardon..where did I say I was going to limit games to Humans only.I'm quite happy to play with a lot of races..just not Monsters who are inimical to the well being of pretty much everyone.

Not to Mention the fact that I'm a Dwarf

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Icyshadow wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

Don't worry I'm sure Paizo will come up with a race of panda folk soon..favoured class Monk off course.

After all they seem to be intent on making us play..Goblins..and Vampires..and Kobolds so why not Kung Fu Pandas

Yes I'm getting bitter about this.

Go play your Human-only games elsewhere.

Pathfinder and D&D have always been varied when it comes to races.

"Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!!" (Cookie to those who get the reference)

None of this means that I approve of the Pandaren, though. I still think they are killing the lore.

Pandarens have been part of the Lore since WC3. They were even in the first Warcraft D20 book which did not use hardly ANY material from WOW for the most part. They were fully built up in the Dark Factions supplement in the 2nd edition game.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still playing, love it so far. Great questing, with much less linearity in many parts than Cataclysm. No big ugly dragon to defeat at the end, which is a big plus for me. The zones are mostly very well put together and look beautiful.

I'm leveling my second character to 90 and will use that one ( Frost Mage ) as my main for the endgame. The endgame is quite more varied now, with scenarios, heroic dungeons, raid finder raids, and the more advanced stuff, which I mostly won't do ( Challenge modes, normal+heroic raids ).

The focus on daily quests as a source of valor point income is okay, although it is a bit grindy. Since MoP mobs have 300k-500k hitpoints, but damage did not scale 300-500%, doing all those dailies ( about 25 per day so far per character, with more to unlock later ) is already a bit grindy on day four of doing them. I fear that may become a major drag further down the line and will preclude having many alts at maximum level for quite some time.

magnuskn wrote:
Since MoP mobs have 300k-500k hitpoints, but damage did not scale 300-500%

I'm sure damage will get quite a bit larger as patches come out and the justice/valor point gear drops down a tier at a time. (Maybe not 300-500%. I'll just have to see. I believe in Cata, my older 85's did between 50-100% more dps than my new 85s that hadn't run any instances.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, I've played every expansion and vanilla. So I have some experience how questing has played in all the expansions. I can say, with some authority, that killing mobs has become significantly more time intensive and incoming damage also is quite up from Cataclysm and Wrath. Not to the point of gameplay being difficult, just... more grindy.

I don't know how to feel about that yet. Normally, no big deal with questing being over at max level. But with the more daily quest centric system, my fear is that doing that one hour of dailies will become a chore, especially if you try to maintain more than one character.

And, yeah, I expect that to be less of an issue when further tiers of endgame have become available. But until then... well, I am happy that I am playing a Mage, who is not as dependent on getting two good weapons as my Enhancement Shaman is. ^^

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like Pandaren. Loved them even when they were an April Fool's Day joke years ago. I think there's a push from the nerd crowd to not appear silly. But silly is fun, and I'm for fun.

Yeah, I'm not opposed to the Pandaren either. I miss WoW, but it's less about the game itself and more that I miss my old guild. We were semi-hardcore, but Wrath and BC just kind of broke apart the raiding community as it used to be.

I quit about a year ago, but reactivated my account this past spring. I'd log on, hit the LFR button, do my raid and log off. I didn't need to know people or make friends to clear content any more, which made me sad. Mostly I activated my account to get my beta key, so I could check out MoP without paying for it (I've done every beta for WoW).

Just got the Dubgeon Hero achievement for doing all he heroic 5 mans, tonight my guild tries out the new Raid content. I also have my first piece of purple goodness, an ugly looking cloth hood.
I'm undecided about the rep dailies. No cap is good IMHO, some days I'll be "in the zone" and quest for hours, some days I'll skip, etc. so it isn't all bad grind-wise.
Leveling enchanting is way easier this time around at least. I hit 600 at level 88, tailoring took a tad longer. Mob cloth drops are up significantly for tailors. A group of mobs in a heroic once gave me 15 cloth. :O

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Leveling professions has become easier for all the ones I currently have done: Enchanting, Tailoring, Alchemy, Inscription. Jewelcrafting is a bit harder, as you get your blue quality recipes via daily research and that research takes three blue gems of the color you want to do the research for.

Blacksmithing has been mind-blowingly more easy to skill up, especially compared to what I remember it being like in BC.

DM Wellard wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

Don't worry I'm sure Paizo will come up with a race of panda folk soon..favoured class Monk off course.

After all they seem to be intent on making us play..Goblins..and Vampires..and Kobolds so why not Kung Fu Pandas

Yes I'm getting bitter about this.

Go play your Human-only games elsewhere.

Pathfinder and D&D have always been varied when it comes to races.

I beg your pardon..where did I say I was going to limit games to Humans only.I'm quite happy to play with a lot of races..just not Monsters who are inimical to the well being of pretty much everyone.

Not to Mention the fact that I'm a Dwarf

So don't play them. And don't let the fact that Paizo wants to make them available for the people who DO enjoy them make you bitter. I still to this day don't understand why someone else enjoying something one person doesn't makes that person mad.

Silver Crusade

Orthos wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

Don't worry I'm sure Paizo will come up with a race of panda folk soon..favoured class Monk off course.

After all they seem to be intent on making us play..Goblins..and Vampires..and Kobolds so why not Kung Fu Pandas

Yes I'm getting bitter about this.

Go play your Human-only games elsewhere.

Pathfinder and D&D have always been varied when it comes to races.

I beg your pardon..where did I say I was going to limit games to Humans only.I'm quite happy to play with a lot of races..just not Monsters who are inimical to the well being of pretty much everyone.

Not to Mention the fact that I'm a Dwarf

So don't play them. And don't let the fact that Paizo wants to make them available for the people who DO enjoy them make you bitter. I still to this day don't understand why someone else enjoying something one person doesn't makes that person mad.

Exactly. Don't like a book? Don't buy it. Don't like a race being played? Don't play it.

Zero reasons to be bitter over a game where they just present options.

There is no option Paizo could add to the game that could upset me, as I would just ignore it.

Grand Lodge

I came back out of boredome (Kirin Tor server). The lore doesnt bother me, since the lore is just adhoc stuff they threw together for the MMO with bits and pieces of the RTS backstory thrown in. I like the new art and setting, but I hate that the rabidly offensive playerbase is still the majority. My first random dungeon of the xpac was a livestream of homophobic chat for 30 minutes. Oy...

I'm eager for Pathfinder Online, but it seems so far in the future I think I've stopped caring. My sights are set on World of Darkness Online and Neverwinter for now.

I'll add to the pug heroic 5 man negativity though. PuGs via looking for dungeons still suck. As a priest healer, I've been ninja'ed 4x for spirit drops by a DPS clothie, Mages and Locks.
Beyond that, it's still been pretty good so far.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wait, that is even still possible? The loot system normally is pretty good at only allowing rolls on items you can use. Which normally means that Priests are ninja'ing DPS gear from my Mage, just saying. ;)

Been playing since 1 month after release. Got my BE DK almost to max level. Since the guild is all back together it's been pretty sweet. Lots took a break late in Cata and it's been a ghost town. I like the imagery and some of the music. Questing is made more difficult by mob density (lots of "swarm" mobs between regular mobs...annoying. Plus they upped the damage output of mobs. I've died more times than I care to admit (but I am using a DPS spec so yeah)

Grand Lodge

Just wait til you try soloing a rare....

Maccabee wrote:
Just wait til you try soloing a rare....

I'd change to Blood Spec for that!

Brox RedGloves wrote:
I'd change to Blood Spec for that!

Unholy works fine against Kor'nas Nightsavage in Jade Forest, but he's only an 85 elite with 1.26 million hp, and my death knight was 86.

That's the only such rare I've had an opportunity to challenge so far, unfortunatley.

I found a rare mantid in Townlong Steppes (Sik'vess iirc), his flurry was insta kill too. I took him out via kiting/bubble/heal as needed as Shadow Priest.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The rare Pandaren in Kun-Lai at the Shado Pan monastery kicked my tuchas... I got some random Hunter to join up and managed to stay alive and DPS enough so that he could just pling away at the mob. Now on to doing dailies, running dungeons, LFR, normal raids, plant crops to skill cooking... gah! I've already given up on keeping up more than one character.

This is the first expansion I've not picked up. I started in beta, and Pandas absolutely killed the game for me. Of course I was never a heavy player....maybe 8 hrs a week at most.

Liberty's Edge

Perfectly fine with Pandas and no issue with this expansion other than a lot of praise. At it's core, it's still WoW ... but now it feels like WoW with the Gold Saucer from FF7 built in. AKA, neat little mini games to do for fun. We now have a Harvest Moon style mini game in owning your own farm as well as Pet Battles (AKA, pokemon!)

Mounts and pets are all account wide so I'm happy there too. As a hunter I have a few new rares to tame and capture to add to my collection and the dungeons have proven a lot of fun. I missed dungeons after GW2. I love GW2 a lot but dungeons was not on the list of loves. I missed the trinity system (favorite use of it so far might be Secret World though since I do like active dodging being a thing though I haven't tried out Tera).

Also, now that you might be able to run Raids cross realm (Not LFR but real 10 man raiding) if anyone usually has to try and pug it and happens to be curious in getting in on a regular one, we'll be doing ours on Friday nights. We're on Moon Guard though that shouldn't matter anymore.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hell, the farm actually is very useful. Aside from the regular crops fetching tons of gold on the AH, you can later plant stuff like ore/cloth/leather/herbs/motes of harmony producing plants.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You dot that cross town raiding via BattleTags,yes? I'm on Earthen Ring and I think my realm crosses with yours.

MoP was the last nail in the coffin for me. I hated that they took away the ranged slot and absolutely DESPISED the new talent system.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Xexyz wrote:
MoP was the last nail in the coffin for me. I hated that they took away the ranged slot and absolutely DESPISED the new talent system.

Doing so eliminated a lot of loot drama. For warriors the ranged weapon was mainly a stat stick,just as melee weapons were for Hunters and Rogues. You can still EQUIP such weapons for cosmetic purposes, but doing so would make you totally ineffective with them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think the new system actually is quite better than the old one. As for taking away one weapon slot... that also worked out well, IMO.

What is killing me at the moment is that Blizzard makes all of us do homework chores with their "do 20+ dailies per day" system. Not exactly conducive to making me want to log on.

Just came back this week myself, still figuring out the new changes, but overall it's been entertaining so far.

LazarX wrote:
Xexyz wrote:
MoP was the last nail in the coffin for me. I hated that they took away the ranged slot and absolutely DESPISED the new talent system.
Doing so eliminated a lot of loot drama. For warriors the ranged weapon was mainly a stat stick,just as melee weapons were for Hunters and Rogues. You can still EQUIP such weapons for cosmetic purposes, but doing so would make you totally ineffective with them.

Never really saw much loot drama due to that slot, and I hate it in general when things get taken away.

Also I will admit that I'm an elitist and feel that non-hardcore raiders/pvpers don't deserve epics. So the continual casual direction the game has gone in is a turnoff.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll stay far away from any discussion of that topic, since I feel exactly the other way around and already feel the urge to warm up the flamethrowers. ^^

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Xexyz wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Xexyz wrote:
MoP was the last nail in the coffin for me. I hated that they took away the ranged slot and absolutely DESPISED the new talent system.
Doing so eliminated a lot of loot drama. For warriors the ranged weapon was mainly a stat stick,just as melee weapons were for Hunters and Rogues. You can still EQUIP such weapons for cosmetic purposes, but doing so would make you totally ineffective with them.

Never really saw much loot drama due to that slot, and I hate it in general when things get taken away.

Also I will admit that I'm an elitist and feel that non-hardcore raiders/pvpers don't deserve epics. So the continual casual direction the game has gone in is a turnoff.

If anything, I've seen much more loot drama with the hardcore set. Being a mostly casual raider, I never had a conniption fit about losing out on a loot piece.

BTW, I made a goof on Rogues, they should have been on the Warriors side of things.

As far as elite vs casual. If you balance the game only around the one percenters, the 99 percent who FUND your game are going to be driven away. Warcraft has a good balance of difficulty for those who want to play with the option for the elites to crank it up when they want to.

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magnuskn wrote:
I'll stay far away from any discussion of that topic, since I feel exactly the other way around and already feel the urge to warm up the flamethrowers. ^^

Same. That kind of mentality was one of the main reasons I quit.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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Orthos wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'll stay far away from any discussion of that topic, since I feel exactly the other way around and already feel the urge to warm up the flamethrowers. ^^
Same. That kind of mentality was one of the main reasons I quit.

Same here. And I am giving it a chance again.

But if I start hearing that stuff a lot, I won't flame. I'll just quit. Save myself some money and cut the funding for the elitists. And likely I won't be alone.

I'd probably pick it back up if it was free-to-play. As is, I don't think it's worth $15 a month that could be better spent on Paizo stuff =)

LazarX wrote:

If anything, I've seen much more loot drama with the hardcore set. Being a mostly casual raider, I never had a conniption fit about losing out on a loot piece.

BTW, I made a goof on Rogues, they should have been on the Warriors side of things.

As far as elite vs casual. If you balance the game only around the one percenters, the 99 percent who FUND your game are going to be driven away. Warcraft has a good balance of difficulty for those who want to play with the option for the elites to crank it up when they want to.

Meh, the loot drama never really bothered me. It's much more the general godawful attitude and behavior of the non-hardcore raiders that I despise. And I despise them to the point where I'd would have rather the game end due to subsciption loss then give them any consideration whatsoever. I view WoW kind of like a movie franchise: all things much eventually end and it's better to end on a high note than to run it into the ground.

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Time for one of the reasons I never got into raiding. I am aware it's an example of a bad one, but it's the same things existing at all that I don't want to get involved in high-end stuff:


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can we change the topic? I really don't want to get into an argument about elitism in WoW here.

I started the 10 day free yesterday. Haven't played since Burning Crusade and I must say, things have gotten a lot shinier. Tons of new stuff and all of it shiny. Every spell creates a seizure-inducing fireworks display, especially when there's fifty characters on the screen all competing to create the most brilliant display of colors.

I was playing my level 53 warrior and tanking Scholomance. Not only was the dungeon entirely different than I remember it (not a bad thing), but there was no skill involved in running it. You used to have to coordinate your characters, focusing on one threat and then another. What ever happened to crowd control? No one saps or sheeps anymore... it's just "pull everything!"

Suffice to say, WoW is no longer my cup of tea.

magnuskn wrote:
Can we change the topic? I really don't want to get into an argument about elitism in WoW here.

Since I'm the one instigating it, I will do my very best to relent and let it drop.

Detect Magic wrote:

I was playing my level 53 warrior and tanking Scholomance. Not only was the dungeon entirely different than I remember it (not a bad thing), but there was no skill involved in running it. You used to have to coordinate your characters, focusing on one threat and then another. What ever happened to crowd control? No one saps or sheeps anymore... it's just "pull everything!"

Suffice to say, WoW is no longer my cup of tea.

Blizzard has mostly made leveling into a mindless grind. It used to be leveling is where you learned how to play your class, but as you can see it's completely mindless now.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Detect Magic wrote:

I started the 10 day free yesterday. Haven't played since Burning Crusade and I must say, things have gotten a lot shinier. Tons of new stuff and all of it shiny. Every spell creates a seizure-inducing fireworks display, especially when there's fifty characters on the screen all competing to create the most brilliant display of colors.

I was playing my level 53 warrior and tanking Scholomance. Not only was the dungeon entirely different than I remember it (not a bad thing), but there was no skill involved in running it. You used to have to coordinate your characters, focusing on one threat and then another. What ever happened to crowd control? No one saps or sheeps anymore... it's just "pull everything!"

Suffice to say, WoW is no longer my cup of tea.

You do understand that Scholomance is now a low level mid 30's dungeon now? I've been having a lot of fun questing in Pandaria and the sheer beauty of the continent. I thought Northrend was great, but this tops even that.

LazarX wrote:
I've been having a lot of fun questing in Pandaria and the sheer beauty of the continent. I thought Northrend was great, but this tops even that.

+1, the Jade Forest and the Jade Serpent areas are gorgeous.

LazarX wrote:
You do understand that Scholomance is now a low level mid 30's dungeon now?

I was using the group-finding tool. Sent me to Scholomance (advised level 38-48).

Sissyl wrote:

Time for one of the reasons I never got into raiding. I am aware it's an example of a bad one, but it's the same things existing at all that I don't want to get involved in high-end stuff:


Though it wasn't with DKPs, but rather "Guild Honour", I remember joining a raid on the old UBRS (the guild I was in got invited by this other guild, and I went there as the Gnomic Vending Machine. Mages weren't held in the highest of steems back then by raiders) where the Raid/Guild Leader went truly bananas on the voice chat.

We got in trouble in the Suppression Room (that horrible, horrible part where they have those insufferable AoE slows) and kept dying. At some point, the voice chat exploded with a discussion between the Raid/Guild Leader and the Main Tank, shifting the blame on each other. Eventually it spilled over and everyone but those of us invited were yelling at each other.

Then the Raid/Guild Leader starts shouting "I'M TAKING AWAY ALL YOUR GUILD HONOUR! ZERO HONOUR, ZERO HONOUR!" and kicks people out one by one. Then there's just him and us three guys invited, and he tells us something like "I hate unprofessional players. You guys wanna join the guild?".

So we politely declined and left the raid, which was followed by several (and I do mean several) /tells in the line of "You suck anyway, I would have kicked you out in a day" and "You know? I would have given you Guild Honour just to have the chance to take it away", though with several insults and leet-speak laced in.


Xexyz wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Can we change the topic? I really don't want to get into an argument about elitism in WoW here.

Since I'm the one instigating it, I will do my very best to relent and let it drop.

Detect Magic wrote:

I was playing my level 53 warrior and tanking Scholomance. Not only was the dungeon entirely different than I remember it (not a bad thing), but there was no skill involved in running it. You used to have to coordinate your characters, focusing on one threat and then another. What ever happened to crowd control? No one saps or sheeps anymore... it's just "pull everything!"

Suffice to say, WoW is no longer my cup of tea.

Blizzard has mostly made leveling into a mindless grind. It used to be leveling is where you learned how to play your class, but as you can see it's completely mindless now.


Leveling tells the story ( there's considerable lore and there is still RPG in MMORPG) and it still teaches you your abilities gradually which in turn enables you to understand your class.
As for "pulling everything" tanking, they increased threat generation which made things easier by being more accessible to those who wouldnt normally play a tank. IMHO, there wasn't much skill involved to begin with Tank-wise. Anyone can tab target on AoE pulls to control threat on breakaway mobs. I glad they increased thread generation, there were too many bad tanks in general and considering the mess Looking for Dungeon was with tanks being rare, more tanks are finally queuing. There are still tanks out there that are not so good (stam stackers with poor mitigation for example), but overall there seems to be more tanks available for a change.
Druid tanks in MoP seem to still reforge for dodge before being hit/expertise capped raid-wise, which is idiotic considering their defense is pretty much fueled by Rage now.

MoP has lots of new changes, like fixed mana pools to make things a tad more challenging, etc. The only two things I didn't like were hybrid classes all using spirit gear as it doubles for hit which hurts us healers rolling in loot :), and Ret Pallies lost two AoE damage abilities that became Prot only, as if Prot Pally tanking was suffering before. Sigh.

Priest AoE heals finally got buffed and Resto Shammy mastery is way OP (400k+ in a single critical heal ftw), both my mains are sitting pretty till the next nerfage at least. Resto Shammies were at rock bottom through cata so it's all good now. :P

As for DKP, unless your leet-minded and in a top 50 guild, who uses that system anymore? I haven't seen a DKP using guild in years.

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