The nature of multiclassed characters

Pathfinder Online

One way in which I think PFO can improve the world of RPG's is in ensuring that multiclassed characters are not entirely weak. Let me explain with an anecdote:

Back in my neverwinter 1 days, I was a member of a cool server called three towns. I got tired of playing the same wizard or blackguard over and over so I tried to make some different things:

1) The Wizard/Rogue

How I planned it:

Oh gee, I'll have such awesome spells to augment my roguery. Magic weapon/true strike will help my damage and accuracy, cat's grace will buff dex (my rogue attack and stealth stat), invisibility will make me a better sneak, and all sorts of transformation spells will make me a killing machine.

How it worked:

I had low level spells, with relatively low DC's. My base attack bonus was a disaster. My hp made doing "roguish things" suicidal. Sure, I could go invisible or ensure one sneak attack hitting with true strike (with lower sneak attack dice then a full rogue), but the build was garbage.

2) The Wizard/Fighter

How I planned it:

Bull's Strength + shape-shifting spells + magic armor + touch spells, with plenty of abjuration/shielding spells and the odd fireball or control spell here or there.

How it worked:

Again abysmal HP, an arrested Base Attack Bonus, relatively crappy AC and other problems meant that this build was sub par at best. Despite the clear cut vision of a battle mage, the mechanics of the game made this build little more than a pipe dream.

3) The Ranger / Anything else

How I planned it:

I'm going to bond with my beloved animal, and he'll see me through to the end no matter what path I choose!

How it worked:

Actually, pretty well for the most part. For example, a rogue's sneak attack and extra skills combined with the combat style feats made for a brutal and cunning combatant. But, and I consider this a big but, there was no equivalent of the BOON COMPANION feat. For those of you unfamiliar, this is a feat that allows you to level your pet as though you had continued leveling in the pet class. I really hated seeing my little spider buddy gradually fade into uselessness.

4) The Monk/ caster

How I planned it: As a classic "Anti-caster" class, the monk seems at least semi-magical, and the temptation to augment his fighting with clerical or arcane magic was too much to let up.

How it worked: Awful. Just awful.

I'd like to see a game where atypical class combinations can work. Thoughts?

Goblin Squad Member

Well PFO is a completely different style of game to NWN, namely there is no level cap, a multiclassed character is no weaker at either job than a pure class, he simply takes twice as long to get there (or more depending on his attributes).

However it also is pretty clear that overall the intention, most classes will likely require gear to be changed to work well. IE a fighter/wizard combo, will most likely not be great at both of the things at the same, but he has the versatility that before joining a group, marching into battle or heading out to the dungeon, you can toss on your wizard robe or your full plate to fill in the role you want.

(that isn't to say that you won't be able to ever use any of your fighter skills when in wizard gear, or vice versa, but most will likely have penalties similar to arcane spell failure etc...

There is a reason this is necessary, PFO's leveling system puts the game in danger of first come is always the most powerful, so a multiclass 20 FTR, 20 wizard, being an unstoppable god that is guaranteed to beat a 20 wizard every time, pretty much means it would be futile for anyone to start the game 3 years in, as they will always be 20 levels behind the groups that make things happen.

GW's goal for the game is the power differences between characters to be noticable, but not overwhelming. IE someone with archtype badges should have an edge against someone with 5 merit badges, but not such a strong advantage that the 5 should surrender on sight and know participation is futile. If what GW says is planned is correct, even new characters should be able to make an impact in a battle that the majority of the participants are 3+ year vets.

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