Mages as soldiers

Pathfinder Online

I'm wondering how magic users will behave on the battlefield: Will they be simple fireball hurlers? Controllers? Will they be attached to squads of martial characters to add buffs or will they function more efficiently in units of their own kind?

Does anyone have any ideas on the matter?

Goblin Squad Member

I hear Goblinworks has a few ideas.

Edit: that link goes to the latest blog, which it was not supposed's supposed to go to You're in the Army Now.

Goblin Squad Member

You're in the Army Now!

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
You're in the Army Now!

But I had my breakfast in bed before! I guess I wont have it there any more?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

P.S. Mages need remember only 3 things about being soldiers...

1) If it's moving - Salute it!

2) If it's not moving - Paint it!

3) If you can't tell whether it's moving or not - You're having it for dinner!

Goblin Squad Member

Well as currently mentioned in some of the discussion, GW hasn't fully planned out how mages roles in the formations are, or what they are going to do. Ryan did agree with posts saying that mages roles in formations would still be effective and that they may very well have abilities more powerful than they would normally.

Now IMO there should be many different kinds of formations. Possibly ones of different types and powers based on who is in a formation where say


K being marshal buffs, o being a boost to magic attacks, x being boosts to channel energy and performances.
while another optional formation could just be


in which does just massive damage, but does not have the same defense boosts of the former. Of course the draw back of set formations like that, could be odd man out syndrom (IE you have 1 more person than what formation 1 uses... does that guy just need to sit the battle out?)

Because of that, formations will likely be more free-form. IE each person adds a certain amount to each formation or something, it's all really just speculation at this point.

Goblin Squad Member

GrumpyMel wrote:
But I had my breakfast in bed before! I guess I wont have it there any more?

No private rooms or telephones, either!

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