How you add poison

Pathfinder Online

i am asking if eny one had sum ideas on how it will be dun.

I'm curious as well. In the PnP game most people think poison is useless, but I'd love to see poisoning as a powerful tactic.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

If GW is going to allow poison chances are that the potency and abundancy of poison will rely heavily on the abilities of the crafter/user as opposed to the world of warcraft model "I need poison, Ill go ask this NPC named 'poison vendor' and see if he has any". Also the more effective poisons are going to be rather expensive/difficult to craft/require rare materials/ and some knowledge of how to use an apply poisons (that last part will probably be required for all poison use). This is to ensure that not everyone is running around with large quantities of deadly poisons that devastate players with a single application, otherwise, why would anyone bother doing anything but using poisons.

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