Carrion Crawler

Homebrew and House Rules

Anyone aware of which book the Carrion Crawler or equivalent PF monster is in? Thanks!

IIRC it is a WoTC monster that they did not release for everyone to use. I don't know of a stand in for it either. It is not hard to convert though since it is only a CR 3 monster.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Giant Centipede is the closest thing as Carrion Crawler is 3.5 closed content.

Grand Lodge

Forgotten Foes by Studio 2 Publishing has a creature called the "Scavenger Worm" that is very much like the Carrion Crawler, serves the same purpose (and it's for the PFRPG)...

You can buy it HERE on Paizo in PDF or Print...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Tome of Horrors has slime crawlers.

Psst! Email me. I can fix ya up.

EDIT: Never mind. Sorry. I have a certain forbidden tome that contains many of the old TSR/WotC monsters, but not that one. Please see earlier suggestions.

Thank you for all the suggestions and help.

Digitalelf - Fogotten Foes is in the cart!

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Psst! Email me. I can fix ya up.

EDIT: Never mind. Sorry. I have a certain forbidden tome that contains many of the old TSR/WotC monsters, but not that one. Please see earlier suggestions.

Including giant eyeballs?


Moved thread.

Jackissocool wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Psst! Email me. I can fix ya up.

EDIT: Never mind. Sorry. I have a certain forbidden tome that contains many of the old TSR/WotC monsters, but not that one. Please see earlier suggestions.

Including giant eyeballs?

Yep. Including giant eyeballs. That kill things.

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