Hypothesis: What If Kevin Smith were to direct a Justice League movie?


Liberty's Edge

Give the reigns to him and see where he goes with it. The question is, though, could the nerds handle Whedon's Avengers and Smith's League at the same time? What if they got permission to do a crossover?

Let your brains bake on that one...

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:

Let your brains bake on that one...


[bubble bubble bubble]

Sounds like a good idea to me.


I would go see it with aplomb.

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Name ONE good action sequence that Kevin Smith has directed...

Go on...

I'm waiting...


Kevin Smith's strength is, by his own admission, dialogue. What happens in clerks? Nothing. Nothing HAPPENS. Just people standing and talking, It's the talking of Smith's movies that is interesting.

Also he already had a crack at the Superman franchise before Tim Burton took over and took it nowhere.

He talks about it IN THIS VIDEO.

It's 20 minutes long but worth it. Also it demonstrates exactly how good at telling a story with just word's Smith is. I could listen to his rants all day.

But again, not so much with the super heroicy action thing.

Smith had some action scenes in both Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It's been awhile since I've seen them, and obviously they weren't the draw in those movies, but I don't recall them being bad, at least.

And Smith definitely understands Super Heroes.

I'd be interested to see his take on Justice League.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

The actiony stuff in Red State was perfectly adequate, but I know what you mean. Howsabout Smith just writes JL? I'm not even really a fan of the team, but I think he could put something together I'd pay to see.

As long as it has Aquaman.

As much as I tend to like Smith's stuff, I think it would suck. Writer for JL? Perhaps.

Honestly, JJ Abrahms would probably be my first pick. With the Star Trek reboot as a benchmark, we know he can do an ensemble film, do justice to source material while appealing to modern audiences, and knows how to do big budget action movies (Star Trek, MI movies).

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Superman: "Aquaman we have to go defeat The Legion of Doom!"
Aquaman: "Right behind you Supes. Noitch."

Superman flies offscreen. We stay on Aquaman and watch reaction shots, as if he is following superman's flying about knocking out supervillains. Batman enters the frame, lights a cigarette and leans against a wall.

Aquaman: "What are we even doing here?"
Silent Batman *Shrug*

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